The Surplus Property Office manages the sale and disposal of personal surplus state property and the distribution of federal government property, equipment, and vehicles to government agencies, qualified non-profit entities, and the public. All personal property owned by the state of South Carolina that has been declared as surplus is required to be disposed of by the Surplus Property Office.
State Surplus Property is sold at the State Warehouse, online and/or through public auctions.
The State Surplus Property Warehouse, 1441 Boston Ave., West Columbia, SC 29170, property sales are continuing through our Online Sales Portal. The Surplus Property office is open and available to assist governmental agencies and donees.
The State Surplus Property Warehouse is open daily to the public from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. for warehouse shopping only. Occupancy is limited to 10 customers to maintain social distancing. Shoppers are limited to one hour in the warehouse. Customers are required to sanitize hands prior to entry and are encouraged to wear masks or face coverings.
Online Sales Portal
SC State Surplus Property Location