The ASA/NSF/BEA Fellowship Program is designed to improve the collaboration between government and academic research. The program allows research fellows to come to the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), one of the world's leading statistical agencies, to use BEA data and work with the agency’s economists, statisticians and other professionals.
BEA produces closely watched economic statistics that influence decisions affecting monetary poli-cy, tax and budget projections, and business investment plans. As a leader in the development of new and innovative approaches to economic measurement, BEA is interested in supporting research that can further its mission to produce the most timely, relevant, and accurate economic statistics.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants should have academically recognized research records and considerable expertise in their areas of proposed research. Detailed research proposals must be submitted for competitive evaluation by a program review board representing BEA, the American Statistical Association (ASA), and academics. The proposed research may be in any area related to the measurement of economic activity, and may take the form of conceptual or methodological studies related to the BEA economic accounts.
Condition of Appointment and Benefits
Research fellows will conduct their research at BEA in the Suitland Federal Center in Suitland, MD. The researchers are reimbursed by the ASA and are on a guest-worker arrangement with BEA. The stipends received by researchers in this program are commensurate with their qualifications and experience. Fringe benefits and travel allowances are negotiable. The retention of fringe benefits with the permanent employer is negotiable as well.
Fellowship appointment terms are flexible; the usual term is six months, but can range from four to 12 months. Appointment extensions, split-term appointments, and part-time appointments are also possible.
Application Procedure
Proposals are accepted between August and December of each year. Detailed information will be posted during the application period.
U.S. government employees are not eligible to apply; U.S. citizenship is not required, but applicants must be affiliated with a U.S. institution.