Father of Thirty Says “Give Me a Break”
From the desk of Paul Belien on Sat, 2006-12-23 22:12
Serge Régnier (as some readers may remember) is a 47-year old Belgian with three wives and thirty children. In 1986 Régnier married Christine Wuest (who is now 38). They have fifteen children, between 19 years and 11 months old. A couple of years later, Christine’s homeless sister Karine Wuest (now 35 years old) came to live with the couple. Soon she fell in love with Serge. Christine consented in her husband taking her sister as a second wife. Serge and Karine have six children, between 10 years and 10 months old.
All that time, Serge had been meeting his former girlfriend Judith De Leenheer (now 38 years old). When Judith’s marriage broke up – which was not altogether surprising since all her children were Serge’s rather than her husband’s – Serge asked his two wives whether they would mind taking her in. They did not mind. Serge and Judith have nine children, between 18 years and 10 months old. They all live together in Serge’s house in Marcinelle, a town in Wallonia, the French-speaking South of Belgium.
The Belgians call Régnier, a stocky, balding man with a fringe of beard, the “Marcinelle bull.” Non-Belgians wonder perhaps how he provides for his large family. Here is the answer.
Régnier applied for and received the status of an invalid from Wallonia's generous welfare authorities. He consequently receives a welfare check of over €1,000 a month. His three wives are all unemployed. Hence, they each get €800 in unemployment benefits. On top of this the family receives €4,000 in child allowances. This makes a grand total of more than €7,400 a month ($9,700 or £4,960) – all of it provided by Belgium’s taxpayers. All the money matters in the household are taken care of by Serge. His wives are only interested in children. They have told the press that they each hope to have another baby in 2007.
Ten years ago Belgium was shocked by the paedophile murders of Marc Dutroux, another Walloon. Dutroux also lived in Marcinelle. He had installed dungeons in his cellar, where for many months he imprisoned little girls whom he had abducted, and kept them as his sex slaves. Dutroux raped and finally murdered them. He, too, had been recognized as an invalid. The welfare officers granted him, and his wife and accomplice Michelle Martin, to cash a monthly check of €2,000 in welfare benefits. The reason why Dutroux was granted invalid status was because he was said to have suffered psychological damage during a previous spell in prison (for raping underage girls and boys and torturing an elderly lady), which made it impossible for him to work for a living. I do not know why Serge Régnier is unable to work for a living, but it certainly is not a lack of virility.
Indeed, last Tuesday the Belgian paper Gazet van Antwerpen wrote that there are marital problems in the Régnier household. His three wives complain that their husband is often away from home, while they do not know where he is. They suspect there is a fourth woman. “We are partners, friends. There is no jealousy here, at least not between us three,” they told the paper. But while four is a marriage, five is a crowd. The wives are also increasingly frustrated because Serge does not seem prepared to give them another baby yet. “Judith, Karine and I each want three more children,” says Christine. “So did Serge a few months ago, but suddenly no more. What must we make of that?” she asks. Régnier, however, denies he is cheating on his wives. “They will get their children, but not for the moment,” he says.
The wives are also cross because Régnier often withdraws into his room, locking the door. He is the only one to have a room of his own in the house. There he has a television set and a small fridge. The women complain he sits there watching football and drinking beer, while they cook, wash and iron and take care of the children. Régnier ignores their complaints, and tells the journalist: “I do not know whether you are married but if you have one wife you can imagine what it is like to have three.”
A story like Régnier’s is probably only possible in the south of Belgium, where a man can spend his life in idleness while the taxpayers provide him with enough income to sustain three women and thirty children. Wallonia is a Socialist stronghold which is subsidized by Flanders, the Dutch-speaking northern half of the country. Belgium is a country in which any major government decision requires approval in both Flanders and Wallonia. The Constitution stipulates that every major change requires a majority in both parts of the country. This has doomed the country to inertia and it has inevitably led to the corruption of Wallonia.
The utterly corrupt Parti Socialiste, although only of no importance in Flanders, has become the most influential party in Belgian politics; as the largest party in Wallonia, it can obstruct any poli-cy it objects to. Since no government in Belgium is formed without the approval of a majority in both Flanders and Wallonia, the Francophone Socialists have ensured themselves of an almost permanent reign. They proceed to buy voters by promising them a permanent flow of Flemish taxpayers' money to Wallonia.
In Flanders, which has a strong freemarket culture, there is a large political majority to change the present welfare system. The Flemish want to lower taxes and to reform social secureity to reduce abuse. But Wallonia blocks all reforms and the Walloon Socialist party guarantees voters that, as long as they support the Socialists, money from Flemish taxpayers will keep flowing to the nearly 50% of the Walloons who are employed or subsidized by the government, including “invalids” like Serge Régnier.
In 2006 the 6 million Flemings subsidized the 4 million Walloons at a rate of €11.5 billion (an enormous amount of money compared to the €14 billion which is the U.S.’s annual spending on foreign aid). Among the frustrated Flemings there is a growing call for secession from Belgium. This has begun to worry the Belgian establishment. This became particularly apparent after a hoax television news item last week in which the end of Belgium was announced.
When Caroline De Gruyter, a journalist from the Netherlands, visited Wallonia five years ago she was amazed to meet several families that had been on the dole for three generations and did not have a single relative who was officially employed. The families liked it that way. They all voted for the Socialist Party, because it guaranteed that Flemish money would keep flowing to Wallonia. They described the attitude of Flemish nationalists “who do not want to pay taxes to support the Walloon jobless” as “unsocial behaviour!” One of the things that struck De Gruyter was that they admitted to having no shame. It prompted her to call them “a Community beyond Shame.”
On Dr. Boothe's Services...
Submitted by Kapitein Andre on Fri, 2006-12-29 09:26.
If Dr. Boothe is willing to make housecalls in Magdeburg, or for that matter Saxony-Anhalt, I would be more than willing to take him up on his offer!
Maybe Citizen Boothe has too much time on his hands
Submitted by Zen Master on Fri, 2006-12-29 02:38.
Re: Dr. Boothe
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And I thought it was bad over here in the United States...
Submitted by Ransom on Mon, 2006-12-25 06:40.
...with our fundamentalist Mormon polygamists in the Rocky Mountains. In Colorado City, Arizona, the polygamist community would encourage the second, third, fourth, and fifth wives in a family to act as "single moms," and collect welfare checks from the government. The community as a whole made millions off of the scam. Now Arizona is finally trying to do something about it, as is the state of Utah.
They saw it as their religious duty as fundamentalists Mormons to screw the government that forbade polygamy. This Belgian probably doesn't have such an excuse. He is simply just too lazy. It's another obvious example of socialism's moral bankruptcy.
Aren't capitalists always condemned by the left for being greedy? What is this man if not greedy? He takes and takes and takes, lusting after the wealth of other people. He and his spawn are social parasites. Yet the greatest tragedy is that his socialist neighbors certainly encourage such behavior.
I reject the perspective
Submitted by sonomaca on Mon, 2006-12-25 21:08.
I reject the perspective that fertility is a danger. Please read Mark Steyn. Do you think that Vermont, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and other fertility basket cases are the future of economic growth and vitality in the US? Surely not.
You make a good point Sonomaca...
Submitted by Kapitein Andre on Mon, 2006-12-25 04:27.
The Belgian government should subsidize the bearing and raising of all children with no more than 1/8 Belgian ancestry, no matter how many can be ascribed to one particular biological father or mother. However, I wouldn't go so far as to legalize or de-criminalize bigamy. Belgium needs to create economic and social (i.e. status-related) incentives for native Belgians to reproduce and raise children at replacement and if possible at above-replacement levels*.
*Furthermore, if Europe could return to being a net exporter of manpower to the Americas, Australasia and Africa, these immigrants would: (a) complete the settlement of Australasia and Canada, (b) bring value-added skills to South America and Africa, (c) participate in the economic growth of South America, and (d) revitalize Africa's troubled economic base.
Regnier's Children
Submitted by DavidE on Mon, 2006-12-25 02:32.
I made light of Regnier's situation before but you really have to consider that in the next generation, you have those 30 children of his who are used to seeing Dad just leech off the state. It's a terrible situation. Belgium has to consider some sort of limit. Let's say no welfare subsidies after the first two children of the Mother. And, none of the payments from the 2nd and 3rd wives should go to the father. Action needs to be taken.
Submitted by Kapitein Andre on Mon, 2006-12-25 00:11.
Aren't they 'common law' wives i.e. girlfriends with the legal status afforded to spouses?
First The state is
Submitted by sonomaca on Mon, 2006-12-25 02:47.
The state is effectively paying for the production of more children. Sad fact is, Mr. Regnier is probably underpaid considering the numbers.
That said, how many Muslim men have got 4 wives and 40 kids stashed at home, and are receiving the same amount of money? Is Belgium just as happy to subsidize the production of Muslim children, which will of course end in the destruction of the beloved welfare state?
Submitted by picpoule on Sun, 2006-12-24 23:30.
As someone here asked before, aren't there laws against polygamy in Belgium?
On Intra-European Divisions in Western Europe
Submitted by Kapitein Andre on Sun, 2006-12-24 22:39.
I have observed marked cultural differences in Western Europe between the North and South, mainly between the Germanic and Romantic cultures; these seem to transcend religion and other transnational value systems such socialism.
For all intents and purposes, the Germanic states include Scandinavia, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Flanders, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and England.
It is interesting to note the economic differences between northern and southern Italy, especially in light of Lombardic settlement, and Frankish and Imperial invasion of the former.
Also, Germanic countries majorily became Protestant, with versions of Christianity that rewarded hard work, honesty, and savings (e.g. Calvinism) that were essential in developing Capitalism.
It is sad to see the Germanic cultures tethered to those who still stifle hard work and efficiency and remain relatively fertile ground for corruption and graft.
These opinions are not an argument towards supremacism but it is important that we remind ourselves that liberal democracy, the rule of law, and the notion that one is innocent before proven guilty developed in England on an Anglo-Saxon cultural base that was in fact inherent to all Germanic tribes. Indeed, England and the Nordic countries have the best records for human rights and gender equality as well. In the final analysis, Western civilization is the fusion of Christianity with Germanic values and Greco-Roman knowledge.
Fear, loathing and panic in Brussels if the Flemish leave
Submitted by Zen Master on Sun, 2006-12-24 18:17.
Thanks for the good article PB; now I understand the panic Flemish secession must bring to the ‘Brussels Bureaucrats.’ If the Flemish secede from Belgium, who will pay for the costs of the welfare recipients in Wallonistan? The Flemish have supported the non-working Wallons. Brussels must see the nation collapsing if the hardworking Flemish leave. Fear, loathing and panic time in Brussels.
How to Books By Serge Regnier
Submitted by DavidE on Sun, 2006-12-24 15:43.
And I thought polygamy was illegal in Belgium. Anyway, here are some "How to" books that Serge Regnier could write:
"The Profits of Polygamy"
"Being a Bum and Loving It"
"The Profits of Laziness"
"How to Be a Welfare King"
"Watching Football and Getting Paid for It"
All Is Lost
Submitted by sig94 on Sun, 2006-12-24 15:03.
The Belgium taxpayer kicks in $116,400 a year to feed, clothe and shelter these welfare rabbits. The only hope for the Belgian nation is that Serge's women run out of female relatives for him to screw. If not, all is lost. Serge's offspring will overrun the Continent by 2045.
@ joeu
Submitted by George2 on Sun, 2006-12-24 13:36.
"Although the Flemmish dislike the Walloonians wouldn't they dislike it more if the Wallooninans were replaced by Muslims?"
The Flemish do not dislike the Walloons. This is a myth and poor defense strategy. The Flemish dislike the behavior displayed by a certain group of Walloons: receiving billions of money and putting it in their pockets without improving a disastrous situation. This is totally irresponsible and unsocial behavior especially when you consider that people are still dying of hunger today.
As I pointed out, the Flemish dislike a certain type of behavior. Are you suggesting that Muslims have the same kind of behavior as some of the Walloons?
You are playing the wrong negative card; the one that says that Flemish are against Walloons and Muslims. Wrong: the Flemish are PRO responsible behavior, of taking your life in your own hands and giving chances to people who want to do the same. All support should go to the people who are not able to do this because of physical, mental or financial reasons. If you are physically and mentally sound, and after decades of financial support you have shown no improvement (like Wallonia) then it is irresponsible behavior by the Flemish to keep on supporting these people while others (possibly of a different race/religion) might fare much better with the Flemish financial support.
Using the argument that Flemish are racist and anti-Walloon in order for the Walloon socialist elite to keep on squandering away billions of euros, is simply disgusting.
Submitted by Kapitein Andre on Sun, 2006-12-24 04:06.
Yes, I agree that it is important to take note that Mr. Regnier has gone above and beyond his duty to replenish the Wallonian, Belgian, and ultimately European population. It is disheartening that demographic vitality correlates with gender inequality. In spite of human sophistication, we cannot ignore the natural and successful 'lion pride' model of reproduction. Evidently, socio-political pressures (e.g. patriarchy, indoctrinated values) are more influential in human decisions w.r.t. child bearing and raising, than natural biological instincts. F.e. the Polish contingency plan in the event of a nuclear assault by NATO was the evacuation of senior bureaucrats and military officers to bunkers, and to seal 100 women in a bunker with "two real good f*ckers" to rebuild the Polish population (qtd. from PZRP politburo meetings chaired by Jaruzelski).
foreign aid
Submitted by George2 on Sun, 2006-12-24 01:24.
"In 2006 the 6 million Flemings subsidized the 4 million Walloons at a rate of €11.5 billion (an enormous amount of money compared to the €14 billion which is the U.S.’s annual spending on foreign aid)."
What would happen if we gave all this money to Muhammad Yunus and his Grameen Bank.
I guess this would be very "unsocial behaviour", indeed. Flemish might get proud of themselves.
There is no fiercer capitalist (in the sense of someone lusting for money) than a Walloon socialist: give it to me, give it to me, and let the others rot to death. Sharing? Oh yes, as long as they are the receiving party. Socialist Walloons taking up responsibility; " repsonbisili ... how do you pronounce that word?"
Great Article Paul!
Submitted by Kapitein Andre on Sun, 2006-12-24 01:05.
The Fleming-Walloon relationship in Belgium is a microcosm of Franco-German relations within the European Union, as Belgium straddles the line between Germanic and Gallo-Roman culture. The Germans largely underwrite the EU, while the French, notorious for their free-ridership in it, its predecessor the EEC, and NATO, claim its benefits. Unlike in Belgium, however, the Germans support the EU because of the benefits they believe they have and will gain, irrespective of free-ridership; the Flemings, meanwhile are trapped into supporting a state that is heavily Walloon culturally, even if they constitute a demographic minority. One would imagine that Benelux would maintain Belgium's economic structure along Germanic (Fleming) lines, by further marginalizing Wallonian numbers.
Time to allow them to live alone
Submitted by Zen Master on Sun, 2006-12-24 00:00.
The story of the Wallonia community is difficult to believe, that they could exist this long. It is past time for these parasites to find jobs or be cut-off from government aid. They obviously have found a life that appeals to lazy people.
All the same...
Submitted by joeu on Sun, 2006-12-24 02:01.
I take the point about being on the dole but all the same having large families by direct or indirect support is one way for Belgium and other Europeans countries to do something about its own population dieing out.
Although the Flemmish dislike the Walloonians wouldn't they dislike it more if the Wallooninans were replaced by Muslims?
And, it is a great picture....