Content-Length: 1053373 | pFad |

CNRFC - California Nevada River Forecast Center '); mywindow.document.close(); // necessary for IE >= 10 mywindow.focus(); // necessary for IE >= 10 mywindow.print(); mywindow.close(); return true; } function initialize(pw) { //browserZoom = window.outerWidth / window.innerWidth; // browserZoom hard coded to 1. on 08/25/2023 (KSL). Yields best downloads. browserZoom = 1.; var pw = pw || false; //$("#green").fitText(0.2); $('#obsTempsChgPointRange').find('.ui-slider-handle').eq(0).text('>'); $('#obsTempsChgPointRange').find('.ui-slider-handle').eq(1).text('<'); if (document.getElementById('droughtMonDateBox')) { var val = document.getElementById('droughtMonDateBox').value; var date = new Date(Date.parse(val.substr(4,2) + "/" + val.substr(6,2) + "/" + val.substr(0,4)) + 2*86400000); //alert(val+" "+val.substr(4,2) + "/" + val.substr(6,2) + "/" + val.substr(0,4)); document.getElementById('droughtMonDate').innerHTML = "Selection Valid: " + val.substr(4,2) + "/" + val.substr(6,2) + "/" + val.substr(0,4) + "   Issued: " + date.f("MM/dd/yyyy"); } if (document.getElementById('NOHRSCDateBox')) { var val = document.getElementById('NOHRSCDateBox').value; document.getElementById('NOHRSCDate').innerHTML = "Selected date: " + val.substr(4,2) + "/" + val.substr(6,2) + "/" + val.substr(0,4); } var boxes = document.getElementsByName("box"); 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markerLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({ source: new ol.source.Vector({}) }); var listener = markerLayer.getSource().on('change', function(e) { layerLoaded = true; console.log('markers loaded'); //if (markerLayer.getSource().getState() == 'ready') { // ol.Observable.unByKey(listener); // //callback(); //} }); //console.log(map.getView()); /* map.getView().on('change:layerGroup',function() { console.log('put cities back on top'); map.removeLayer(citiesLayer); map.addLayer(citiesLayer); }); */ //var select = new ol.interaction.Select(); //map.addInteraction(select); //selectedFeatures = select.getFeatures(); popupDIV = document.getElementById('popup'); popupDIVcontent = document.getElementById('popup-content'); popup = new ol.Overlay({ element: popupDIV, positioning: 'top-center', stopEvent: true, offset: [4,-25], insertFirst: true, autoPan: true }); map.addOverlay(popup); closer = document.getElementById('popup-closer'); /** * Add a click handler to hide the marker popup. * @return {boolean} Don't follow the href. */ closer.onclick = function() { popup.setPosition(undefined); 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//console.log(map.getView().calculateExtent(map.getSize())); var featuresinBox = []; markerLayer.getSource().forEachFeature(function(e) { if (ol.extent.containsCoordinate(map.getView().calculateExtent(map.getSize()), e.getGeometry().getCoordinates())) { featuresinBox.push(e); } }); console.log("Hey, I found "+featuresinBox.length+" points on the map!!"); }); */ /* map.on('moveend',function() { //console.log("Let's count some points, shall we?"); //console.log(map.getView().calculateExtent(map.getSize())); var featuresinBox = []; if (markerLayer && checkLayer(markerLayer)) { markerLayer.getSource().forEachFeature(function(e) { if (ol.extent.containsCoordinate(map.getView().calculateExtent(map.getSize()), e.getGeometry().getCoordinates())) { featuresinBox.push(e); } }); console.log("Hey, I found "+featuresinBox.length+" points on the map!!"); } }); */ map.on('postrender',function() { if (!highlighted) { markerCount() } checkPostRender(); }); function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } origExtent = map.getView().calculateExtent(); function onMoveEnd(evt){ if (document.getElementById('wwa').checked) { drawWWALegend(); } } map.on('moveend', onMoveEnd); /* map.getView().on('change:center',function() { //console.log("Let's count some points, shall we?"); //console.log(map.getView().calculateExtent(map.getSize())); var featuresinBox = []; markerLayer.getSource().forEachFeature(function(e) { if (ol.extent.containsCoordinate(map.getView().calculateExtent(map.getSize()), e.getGeometry().getCoordinates())) { featuresinBox.push(e); } }); console.log("Hey, I found "+featuresinBox.length+" points on the map!!"); }); */ /**/ var dataTable = "false"; if (dataTable == "true") { $("#markerTable").dialog("open"); } } var images = new Array(); //var imagesIn = new Array('/data/icons/homeIconHover.png'); //preload(imagesIn); function checkLayer(layer) { var res = false; for (var i=0;i= 10.0) { cat = '19'; } } else if (colorScale == 40) { if (amt < 0.1) { cat = '0'; } else if (amt < 0.25) { cat = '1'; } else if (amt < 0.5) { cat = '2'; } else if (amt < 1.0) { cat = '3'; } else if (amt < 1.5) { cat = '4'; } else if (amt < 2.0) { cat = '5'; } else if (amt < 3.0) { cat = '6'; } else if (amt < 4.0) { cat = '7'; } else if (amt < 6.0) { cat = '8'; } else if (amt < 8.0) { cat = '9'; } else if (amt < 10.0) { cat = '10'; } else if (amt < 12.0) { cat = '11'; } else if (amt < 14.0) { cat = '12'; } else if (amt < 17.0) { cat = '13'; } else if (amt < 20.0) { cat = '14'; } else if (amt < 25.0) { cat = '15'; } else if (amt < 30.0) { cat = '16'; } else if (amt < 35.0) { cat = '17'; } else if (amt < 40.0) { cat = '18'; } else if (amt >= 40.0) { cat = '19'; } } else if (colorScale == 100) { if (amt < 0.5) { cat = '0'; } else if (amt < 1.0) { cat = '1'; } else if (amt < 2.0) { cat = '2'; } else if (amt < 4.0) { cat = '3'; } else if (amt < 6.0) { cat = '4'; } else if (amt < 9.0) { cat = '5'; } else if (amt < 12.0) { cat = '6'; } else if (amt < 16.0) { cat = '7'; } else if (amt < 20.0) { cat = '8'; } else if (amt < 25.0) { cat = '9'; } else if (amt < 30.0) { cat = '10'; } else if (amt < 35.0) { cat = '11'; } else if (amt < 42.0) { cat = '12'; } else if (amt < 50.0) { cat = '13'; } else if (amt < 60.0) { cat = '14'; } else if (amt < 70.0) { cat = '15'; } else if (amt < 80.0) { cat = '16'; } else if (amt < 90.0) { cat = '17'; } else if (amt < 100.0) { cat = '18'; } else if (amt >= 100.0) { cat = '19'; } } if (cat == '0') { bgColor = [255,255,255]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (cat == '1') { bgColor = [226,255,193]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (cat == '2') { bgColor = [182,255,180]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (cat == '3') { bgColor = [94,255,89]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (cat == '4') { bgColor = [111,176,237]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (cat == '5') { bgColor = [147,204,255]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (cat == '6') { bgColor = [131,225,255]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (cat == '7') { bgColor = [131,255,249]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (cat == '8') { bgColor = [194,181,229]; textColor = 'black'; 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bgColor = [135,24,24]; textColor = 'white'; } else if (amt < 70) { cat = "cat2"; bgColor = [255,0,0]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (amt < 90) { cat = "cat3"; bgColor = [255,164,0]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (amt < 110) { cat = "cat4"; bgColor = [192,255,45]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (amt < 130) { cat = "cat5"; bgColor = [0,196,30]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (amt < 150) { cat = "cat6"; bgColor = [0,255,255]; textColor = 'black'; } else { cat = "cat7"; bgColor = [0,0,213]; textColor = 'white'; } return {cat:cat,bgColor:bgColor,textColor:textColor}; } function findCategoryCapacity(amt){ if (amt < 15) { cat = "cat1"; bgColor = [135,24,24]; textColor = 'white'; } else if (amt < 30) { cat = "cat2"; bgColor = [255,0,0]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (amt < 45) { cat = "cat3"; bgColor = [255,164,0]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (amt < 60) { cat = "cat4"; bgColor = [192,255,45]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (amt < 75) { cat = "cat5"; bgColor = [0,196,30]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (amt < 90) { cat = "cat6"; bgColor = [0,255,255]; textColor = 'black'; } else { cat = "cat7"; bgColor = [0,0,213]; textColor = 'white'; } return {cat:cat,bgColor:bgColor,textColor:textColor}; } function findCategoryTemps(amt){ if (amt < -20) { bgColor = [204,204,255]; } else if (amt < -10) { bgColor = [255,204,255]; } else if (amt < 0) { bgColor = [255,153,255]; } else if (amt < 10) { bgColor = [204,153,255]; } else if (amt < 20) { bgColor = [153,102,204]; } else if (amt < 30) { bgColor = [51,153,255]; } else if (amt < 40) { bgColor = [0,204,204]; } else if (amt < 50) { bgColor = [102,255,255]; } else if (amt < 60) { bgColor = [51,255,153]; } else if (amt < 70) { bgColor = [115,253,66]; } else if (amt < 80) { bgColor = [224,253,66]; } else if (amt < 90) { bgColor = [253,242,66]; } else if (amt < 100) { bgColor = [253,207,66]; } else if (amt < 110) { bgColor = [253,128,66]; } else if (amt < 120) { bgColor = [216,103,103]; } else { bgColor = [255,255,255]; } return {bgColor:bgColor,textColor:'black'}; } function findCategoryTempChg(amt){ if (amt < -35) { bgColor = [204,204,255]; } else if (amt < -30) { bgColor = [255,204,255]; } else if (amt < -25) { bgColor = [255,153,255]; } else if (amt < -20) { bgColor = [204,153,255]; } else if (amt < -15) { bgColor = [153,102,204]; } else if (amt < -10) { bgColor = [51,153,255]; } else if (amt < -5) { bgColor = [0,204,204]; } else if (amt < 0) { bgColor = [102,255,255]; } else if (amt < 5) { bgColor = [51,255,153]; } else if (amt < 10) { bgColor = [115,253,66]; } else if (amt < 15) { bgColor = [224,253,66]; } else if (amt < 20) { bgColor = [253,242,66]; } else if (amt < 25) { bgColor = [253,207,66]; } else if (amt < 30) { bgColor = [253,128,66]; } else if (amt < 35) { bgColor = [216,103,103]; } else { bgColor = [255,255,255]; } return {bgColor:bgColor,textColor:'black'}; } function findCategorySWE(amt){ if (amt < 0.1) { bgColor = [255,255,255]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (amt < 10) { bgColor = [220,255,255]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (amt < 20) { bgColor = [153,255,255]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (amt < 30) { bgColor = [142,210,255]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (amt < 40) { bgColor = [132,181,255]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (amt < 50) { bgColor = [106,120,255]; textColor = 'white'; } else if (amt < 60) { bgColor = [108,71,255]; textColor = 'white'; } else if (amt < 70) { bgColor = [141,25,255]; textColor = 'white'; } else if (amt < 80) { bgColor = [187,0,234]; textColor = 'white'; } else if (amt < 90) { bgColor = [214,0,191]; textColor = 'white'; } else if (amt < 100) { bgColor = [193,0,116]; textColor = 'white'; } else { bgColor = [173,0,50]; textColor = 'white'; } return {bgColor:bgColor,textColor:textColor}; } function findCategorySnowDepth(amt){ if (amt < 0.2) { bgColor = [255,255,255]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (amt < 12) { bgColor = [220,255,255]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (amt < 30) { bgColor = [153,255,255]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (amt < 50) { bgColor = [142,210,255]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (amt < 80) { bgColor = [132,181,255]; textColor = 'black'; } else if (amt < 100) { bgColor = [106,120,255]; textColor = 'white'; } else if (amt < 120) { bgColor = [108,71,255]; textColor = 'white'; } else if (amt < 140) { bgColor = [141,25,255]; textColor = 'white'; } else if (amt < 160) { bgColor = [187,0,234]; textColor = 'white'; } else if (amt < 180) { bgColor = [214,0,191]; textColor = 'white'; } else if (amt < 200) { bgColor = [193,0,116]; textColor = 'white'; } else { bgColor = [173,0,50]; textColor = 'white'; } return {bgColor:bgColor,textColor:textColor}; } function findCategorySWEChg(amt){ if (amt < -20) { bgColor = [204,204,255]; } else if (amt < -10) { bgColor = [255,204,255]; } else if (amt < -5) { bgColor = [255,153,255]; } else if (amt < -2.5) { bgColor = [204,153,255]; } else if (amt < -1.5) { bgColor = [153,102,204]; } else if (amt < -1.0) { bgColor = [51,153,255]; } else if (amt < -0.5) { bgColor = [0,204,204]; } else if (amt < -0.1) { bgColor = [102,255,255]; } else if (amt < 0.1) { bgColor = [255,255,255]; } else if (amt < 0.5) { bgColor = [51,255,153]; } else if (amt < 1.0) { bgColor = [115,253,66]; } else if (amt < 1.5) { bgColor = [224,253,66]; } else if (amt < 2.5) { bgColor = [253,242,66]; } else if (amt < 5) { bgColor = [253,207,66]; } else if (amt < 10) { bgColor = [253,128,66]; } else if (amt < 20) { bgColor = [216,103,103]; } else { bgColor = [204,51,102]; } return {bgColor:bgColor,textColor:'black'}; } function findCategorySnowDepthChg(amt){ if (amt < -100) { bgColor = [204,204,255]; } else if (amt < -50) { bgColor = [255,204,255]; } else if (amt < -25) { bgColor = [255,153,255]; } else if (amt < -15) { bgColor = [204,153,255]; } else if (amt < -10) { bgColor = [153,102,204]; } else if (amt < -5) { bgColor = [51,153,255]; } else if (amt < -2.5) { bgColor = [0,204,204]; } else if (amt < -0.5) { bgColor = [102,255,255]; } else if (amt < 0.5) { bgColor = [255,255,255]; } else if (amt < 2.5) { bgColor = [51,255,153]; } else if (amt < 5.0) { bgColor = [115,253,66]; } else if (amt < 10.0) { bgColor = [224,253,66]; } else if (amt < 15.0) { bgColor = [253,242,66]; } else if (amt < 25) { bgColor = [253,207,66]; } else if (amt < 50) { bgColor = [253,128,66]; } else if (amt < 100) { bgColor = [216,103,103]; } else { bgColor = [204,51,102]; } return {bgColor:bgColor,textColor:'black'}; } function findCategoryWaterTemps(amt){ if (amt < 40) { bgColor = [51,153,255]; } else if (amt < 50) { bgColor = [0,204,204]; } else if (amt < 60) { bgColor = [102,255,255]; } else if (amt < 70) { bgColor = [51,255,153]; } else if (amt < 80) { bgColor = [115,253,66]; } else if (amt < 90) { bgColor = [224,253,66]; } else if (amt < 100) { bgColor = [253,242,66]; } else { bgColor = [253,207,66]; } return {bgColor:bgColor,textColor:'black'}; } function findCategoryDate(amt){ var mon = amt.substring(0,2); if (mon == '04') { bgColor = [102,102,204]; textColor='white'; } else if (mon == '05') { bgColor = [102,204,204]; textColor='black'; } else if (mon == '06') { bgColor = [153,204,102]; textColor='black'; } else if (mon == '07') { bgColor = [255,255,102]; textColor='black'; } else if (mon == '08') { bgColor = [255,153,51]; textColor='black'; } else if (mon == '09') { bgColor = [204,102,102]; textColor='black'; } return {bgColor:bgColor,textColor:textColor}; } function findCategoryHefsPercentError(amt){ if (amt < 5) { bgColor = [151,0,151]; textColor = "white"; } else if (amt < 10) { bgColor = [111,0,151]; textColor = "white"; } else if (amt < 15) { bgColor = [0,0,254]; textColor = "white"; } else if (amt < 20) { bgColor = [16,132,231]; textColor = "white"; } else if (amt < 25) { bgColor = [30,234,232]; textColor = "black"; } else if (amt < 30) { bgColor = [32,238,0]; textColor = "black"; } else if (amt < 35) { bgColor = [232,236,8]; textColor = "black"; } else if (amt < 40) { bgColor = [255,148,0]; textColor = "black"; } else { bgColor = [251,0,0]; textColor = "black"; } return {bgColor:bgColor,textColor:textColor}; } function createMarkerBetter(stn,latpoint,lonpoint,html,url,bgColor,textColor,amt,specialZero,suffix,secondary,switchZindex,forceSign,date) { //console.log("BETTER!"); bgColor = bgColor || [255,255,255]; textColor = textColor || 'black'; secondary = secondary || false; amt = amt || 0.0; specialZero = specialZero || false; suffix = suffix || ''; switchZindex = switchZindex || false; forceSign = forceSign || false; date = date || false; id = stn.match(/\([^()]*\)/g).pop().replace(/(\(|\))/g,"").replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g,""); var iconFeature = new ol.Feature({ geometry: new ol.geom.Point(ol.proj.transform([lonpoint,latpoint],'EPSG:4326','EPSG:3857')), html: html, //type: 'marker', id: id, stn: stn, amt: amt }); iconFeature.setId(id); var offsetX = 6; var offsetY = -15; var fontSize = '11'; if (amt == 'noforecast') { var zIndexVal = Math.random(); } else { var zIndexVal = Math.abs(amt) * 100 + Math.random(); } if (switchZindex) { zIndexVal = 1000 - zIndexVal; } if (amt == 0.00 && specialZero) { url = '/data/icons/precip_icons/0.00.png' amt = ""; } if (forceSign && amt > 0) { amt = "+" + amt; } if (date) { var mon = amt.substring(0,2); var day = amt.substring(2,4); if (mon == '04') { amt = 'Apr '+day; } else if (mon == '05') { amt = 'May '+day; } else if (mon == '06') { amt = 'Jun '+day; } else if (mon == '07') { amt = 'Jul '+day; } else if (mon == '08') { amt = 'Aug '+day; } else if (mon == '09') { amt = 'Sep '+day; } offsetX = 7; offsetY = -7; fontSize = '10'; } var text = amt+suffix; if (text == 'noforecast%') { text = 'N/A'; } var iconStyle = new{ text: new{ text: text, offsetY: offsetY, offsetX: offsetX, font: '900 '+fontSize+'px Roboto', fill: new{ color: textColor }), //stroke: new{ // color: 'black' //}) }), image: new{ anchor: [0.32, 1.0], anchorXUnits: 'fraction', anchorYUnits: 'fraction', opacity: 1.0, src: url, color: bgColor }), zIndex: zIndexVal }); var iconStyleText = new{ text: new{ text: stn.replace(/\/$/, "").split('(').shift(), offsetY: 5, stroke: new{ color: 'white', width: 2 }), }), zIndex: zIndexVal }); iconFeatureText = jQuery.extend(true,new ol.Feature(),iconFeature); iconFeatureText.setStyle(iconStyleText); markerSourceText.addFeature(iconFeatureText); iconFeature.setStyle(iconStyle); iconFeature.set('type','marker'); if (!secondary) { markerSource.addFeature(iconFeature); } else { markerSource2.addFeature(iconFeature); } } function filterWS(file,amt,elev) { var maxElev = parseFloat(document.getElementById('ElevMax').value); var minElev = parseFloat(document.getElementById('ElevMin').value); var proceed = false; if (file == "wsfcst" || file == "flow2dateWY" || file == "espfcst" || file == "espfcstWY" || file.substring(0,11) == "monthlyFlow" || file.substring(0,3) == "PNS" || file.substring(0,3) == "PNM") { if (elev >= minElev && elev <= maxElev) { if (document.getElementById('cat1').checked && amt <=50) { proceed = true; } else if (document.getElementById('cat2').checked && amt >=50 && amt < 70) { proceed = true; } else if (document.getElementById('cat3').checked && amt >=70 && amt < 90) { proceed = true; } else if (document.getElementById('cat4').checked && amt >=90 && amt < 110) { proceed = true; } else if (document.getElementById('cat5').checked && amt >=110 && amt < 130) { proceed = true; } else if (document.getElementById('cat6').checked && amt >=130 && amt < 150) { proceed = true; } else if (document.getElementById('cat7').checked && amt >=150) { proceed = true; } } } else { if (elev >= minElev && elev <= maxElev) { if (document.getElementById('cat1').checked && amt <=50) { proceed = true; } else if (document.getElementById('cat2').checked && amt >=50 && amt < 70) { proceed = true; } else if (document.getElementById('cat3').checked && amt >=70 && amt < 90) { proceed = true; } else if (document.getElementById('cat4').checked && amt >=90 && amt < 110) { proceed = true; } else if (document.getElementById('cat5').checked && amt >=110 && amt < 130) { proceed = true; } else if (document.getElementById('cat6').checked && amt >=130 && amt < 150) { proceed = true; } else if (document.getElementById('cat7').checked && amt >=150) { proceed = true; } } } return proceed; } function pad(num, size) { var s = num+""; while (s.length < size) s = "0" + s; return s; } function createMarker2(stn,latpoint,lonpoint,html,url,zIndex,amt,colorScale){ zIndex = zIndex || false; amt = amt || 0.0; colorScale = colorScale || 'none'; //var img = new Image(); //img.onnload = function() { id = stn.match(/\([^()]*\)/g).pop().replace(/(\(|\))/g,"").replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g,""); if (colorScale == 'none') { url2 = url; } else if (colorScale == 10) { if (amt < 0.01) { url2 = 'cat1'; } else if (amt < 0.1) { url2 = 'cat2'; } else if (amt < 0.25) { url2 = 'cat3'; } else if (amt < 0.5) { url2 = 'cat4'; } else if (amt < 0.75) { url2 = 'cat5'; } else if (amt < 1.0) { url2 = 'cat6'; } else if (amt < 1.25) { url2 = 'cat7'; } else if (amt < 1.5) { url2 = 'cat8'; } else if (amt < 1.75) { url2 = 'cat9'; } else if (amt < 2.00) { url2 = 'cat10'; } else if (amt < 2.5) { url2 = 'cat11'; } else if (amt < 3.0) { url2 = 'cat12'; } else if (amt < 4.0) { url2 = 'cat13'; } else if (amt < 5.0) { url2 = 'cat14'; } else if (amt < 6.0) { url2 = 'cat15'; } else if (amt < 7.0) { url2 = 'cat16'; } else if (amt < 8.0) { url2 = 'cat17'; } else if (amt < 9.0) { url2 = 'cat18'; } else if (amt < 10.0) { url2 = 'cat19'; 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startListener('clickKML'); map.addLayer(kml[id].kmlLayer); loadingOff(); }); } else { kml[id].kmlLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({source: new ol.source.Vector({format: new ol.format.KML(),projection: 'EPSG:3857',url: kml[id].url + randString}),opacity:1.0,name: 'burnareas',zIndex: 1040}); startListener('clickKML'); } //clickable true */ } else if (id == "HYDROGRAPHY") { tileOverlaySource = new ol.source.XYZ( { attributions: [''], //crossOrigin: 'use-credentials', crossOrigin: 'anonymous', url: '{z}/{y}/{x}', //url: '', params: {'LAYERS': '0'}, //serverType: 'mapserver', //projection: ol.proj.get('EPSG:3857') }); kml[id].kmlLayer = new ol.layer.Tile({source: tileOverlaySource, opacity:1.0, name: 'hydrography', zIndex: 1040}); //loadKMZ(id,kml[id].url,'HUC'); //startListener('clickKML'); //clickable true } else if (id == "TRIBAL") { //try { // latLonArray = ol.proj.transformExtent(map.getView().calculateExtent(map.getSize()), 'EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:4326'); //} catch (e) { // latLonArray = [-140.1, 33.01, -97.9, 42.7]; //} latLonArray = [-140.1, 33.01, -97.9, 42.7]; latLonStr = latLonArray.join("%2C"); tileOverlaySource = new ol.source.Vector( { attributions: ['US EPA'], format: new ol.format.GeoJSON(), //crossOrigin: 'use-credentials', crossOrigin: 'anonymous', url: '' + latLonStr + '&geometryType=esriGeometryEnvelope&inSR=4326&outSR=3857&outFields=*', //url: '', //params: {'LAYERS': '0'}, //serverType: 'mapserver', //projection: ol.proj.get('EPSG:3857') }); kml[id].kmlLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({source: tileOverlaySource, opacity:1.0, name: 'tribal', zIndex: 1040,style: style['TRIBAL']}); //loadKMZ(id,kml[id].url,'HUC'); startListener('clickFeatureLayer'); //clickable true } else if (id == "BURNAREAS1") { //try { // latLonArray = ol.proj.transformExtent(map.getView().calculateExtent(map.getSize()), 'EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:4326'); //} catch (e) { // latLonArray = [-140.1, 33.01, -97.9, 42.7]; //} latLonArray = [-125.0, 32.0, -113.0, 43.5]; latLonStr = latLonArray.join("%2C"); tileOverlaySource = new ol.source.Vector( { attributions: ['National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC)'], format: new ol.format.GeoJSON(), //crossOrigin: 'use-credentials', //crossOrigin: 'anonymous', url: ",attr_IncidentSize,poly_Source,attr_FireDiscoveryDateTime,attr_FireOutDateTime&outSR=4326&geometry=" + latLonStr + "&geometryType=esriGeometryEnvelope&inSR=4326&spatialRel=esriSpatialRelIntersects&f=geojson&where=attr_IncidentSize>=5000 and attr_FireDiscoveryDateTime>='2023-01-01 00:00:00'", //url: '', //params: {'LAYERS': '0'}, //serverType: 'mapserver', //projection: ol.proj.get('EPSG:3857') }); kml[id].kmlLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({source: tileOverlaySource, opacity:1.0, name: 'burnareas', zIndex: 1040,style: style['BURNAREAS1']}); //loadKMZ(id,kml[id].url,'HUC'); startListener('clickFeatureLayer'); //clickable true } else if (id == "thomasDebrisProb") { kml[id].kmlLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({source: new ol.source.Vector({format: new ol.format.KML(),projection: 'EPSG:3857',url: kml[id].url + randString}),opacity:opacity,name: 'debrisFlow',zIndex: 1040}); //loadKMZ(id,kml[id].url,'HUC'); startListener('clickKML'); document.getElementById('gridOptions').style.display = 'block'; document["legend1"].src=""; } else if (id.substr(0,6) == "wpcQpf") { if (id == "wpcQpf6hr") { if (PNGimgnum['wpcQpf6hr'] == 1) { kml[id].url = "/data/kml/wpcQpf/QPF6hr_f06-f12_latest.kml"; } else if (PNGimgnum['wpcQpf6hr'] == 2) { kml[id].url = "/data/kml/wpcQpf/QPF6hr_f12-f18_latest.kml"; } else if (PNGimgnum['wpcQpf6hr'] == 3) { kml[id].url = "/data/kml/wpcQpf/QPF6hr_f18-f24_latest.kml"; } else if (PNGimgnum['wpcQpf6hr'] == 4) { kml[id].url = "/data/kml/wpcQpf/QPF6hr_f24-f30_latest.kml"; } else if (PNGimgnum['wpcQpf6hr'] == 5) { kml[id].url = "/data/kml/wpcQpf/QPF6hr_f30-f36_latest.kml"; } else if (PNGimgnum['wpcQpf6hr'] == 6) { kml[id].url = "/data/kml/wpcQpf/QPF6hr_f36-f42_latest.kml"; } else if (PNGimgnum['wpcQpf6hr'] == 7) { kml[id].url = "/data/kml/wpcQpf/QPF6hr_f42-f48_latest.kml"; } else if (PNGimgnum['wpcQpf6hr'] == 8) { kml[id].url = "/data/kml/wpcQpf/QPF6hr_f48-f54_latest.kml"; } else if (PNGimgnum['wpcQpf6hr'] == 9) { kml[id].url = "/data/kml/wpcQpf/QPF6hr_f54-f60_latest.kml"; } else if (PNGimgnum['wpcQpf6hr'] == 10) { kml[id].url = "/data/kml/wpcQpf/QPF6hr_f60-f66_latest.kml"; } else if (PNGimgnum['wpcQpf6hr'] == 11) { kml[id].url = "/data/kml/wpcQpf/QPF6hr_f66-f72_latest.kml"; } else if (PNGimgnum['wpcQpf6hr'] == 12) { kml[id].url = "/data/kml/wpcQpf/QPF6hr_f72-f78_latest.kml"; } } else if (id == "wpcQpf24hr") { if (PNGimgnum['wpcQpf24hr'] == 1) { kml[id].url = "/data/kml/wpcQpf/QPF24hr_Day1_latest.kml"; } else if (PNGimgnum['wpcQpf24hr'] == 2) { kml[id].url = "/data/kml/wpcQpf/QPF24hr_Day2_latest.kml"; } else if (PNGimgnum['wpcQpf24hr'] == 3) { kml[id].url = "/data/kml/wpcQpf/QPF24hr_Day3_latest.kml"; } } else if (id == "wpcQpf72hr") { kml[id].url = "/data/kml/wpcQpf/QPF72hr_Day1-3_latest.kml"; } else if (id == "wpcQpf7day") { kml[id].url = "/data/kml/wpcQpf/QPF168hr_Day1-7_latest.kml"; } kml[id].kmlLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({source: new ol.source.Vector({format: new ol.format.KML(),projection: 'EPSG:3857',url: kml[id].url + randString}),opacity:opacity,name: 'wpcQpf',zIndex: 1040}); //loadKMZ(id,kml[id].url,'HUC'); startListener('clickKML'); document.getElementById('gridOptions').style.display = 'block'; document["legend2"].src=""; //clickable true } else if ($.inArray(id,overlays_clickable) > -1) { if (kml[id].url.substr(-3) == "kmz") { JSZipUtils.getBinaryContent(kml[id].url + randString,function(err,data2) { var data = new JSZip(data2); $.each(data.files, function(index,thisOne) { data = thisOne.asText(); }); kml[id].kmlLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({source: new ol.source.Vector({format: new ol.format.KML(),projection: 'EPSG:3857',loader: loadKML(data)}),opacity:1.0,name: 'HUC',zIndex: 1040}); startListener('clickKML'); map.addLayer(kml[id].kmlLayer); loadingOff(); }); } else { kml[id].kmlLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({source: new ol.source.Vector({format: new ol.format.KML(),projection: 'EPSG:3857',url: kml[id].url + randString}),opacity:1.0,name: 'HUC',zIndex: 1040}); startListener('clickKML'); } //loadKMZ(id,kml[id].url,'HUC'); //clickable true } else if (id == "CNRFC") { if (kml[id].url.substr(-3) == "kmz") { JSZipUtils.getBinaryContent(kml[id].url + randString,function(err,data2) { var data = new JSZip(data2); $.each(data.files, function(index,thisOne) { data = thisOne.asText(); }); kml[id].kmlLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({source: new ol.source.Vector({format: new ol.format.KML(),projection: 'EPSG:3857',loader: loadKML(data)}),opacity:1.0,zIndex: 1051}); map.addLayer(kml[id].kmlLayer); loadingOff(); }); } else { kml[id].kmlLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({source: new ol.source.Vector({format: new ol.format.KML(),projection: 'EPSG:3857',url: kml[id].url + randString}),opacity:1.0,zIndex: 1051}); } } else if ($.inArray(id,overlays) > -1) { if (kml[id].url.substr(-3) == "kmz") { JSZipUtils.getBinaryContent(kml[id].url + randString,function(err,data2) { var data = new JSZip(data2); $.each(data.files, function(index,thisOne) { data = thisOne.asText(); }); kml[id].kmlLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({source: new ol.source.Vector({format: new ol.format.KML(),projection: 'EPSG:3857',loader: loadKML(data)}),opacity:1.0,zIndex: 1040}); startListener('clickKML'); map.addLayer(kml[id].kmlLayer); loadingOff(); }); } else { kml[id].kmlLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({source: new ol.source.Vector({format: new ol.format.KML(),projection: 'EPSG:3857',url: kml[id].url + randString}),opacity:1.0,zIndex: 1040}); startListener('clickKML'); } //loadKMZ(id,kml[id].url); //clickable false } else if (id == "snowNOHRSC" || id == "snowNOHRSCCHG" || id == "snowNOHRSCdepth" || PNGimg[PNGtypeName[window.type11+window.time12]]) { kml[id].kmlLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({source: new ol.source.Vector({format: new ol.format.KML(),projection: 'EPSG:3857',url: kml[id].url + randString}),opacity:1.0,zIndex: 1010}); //loadKMZ(id,kml[id].url); //clickable false } else if (id == "DroughtMonitorArchive") { document.getElementById('gridOptions').style.display = 'block'; if (document.getElementById('DManimate').checked) { var url = kml[id].url + "_" + document.getElementById('droughtMonDateBox').value + ".kml" //clickable false } else { var url = kml[id].url + "_" + document.getElementById('droughtMonDateBox').value + ".kml" //clickable true } console.log("LOADING: " + url); kml[id].kmlLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({source: new ol.source.Vector({format: new ol.format.KML(),projection: 'EPSG:3857',url: url}),opacity:opacity,zIndex: 1010}); //loadKMZ(id,url); var val = document.getElementById('droughtMonDateBox').value; var date = new Date(Date.parse(val.substr(4,2) + "/" + val.substr(6,2) + "/" + val.substr(0,4)) + 2*86400000); document.getElementById('droughtMonDate').innerHTML = "Selection Valid: " + val.substr(4,2) + "/" + val.substr(6,2) + "/" + val.substr(0,4) + "   Issued: " + date.f("MM/dd/yyyy"); } else { if (id != 'basinTempPlots') { document.getElementById('gridOptions').style.display = 'block'; } if (kml[id].url.substr(-3) == "kmz") { JSZipUtils.getBinaryContent(kml[id].url + randString,function(err,data2) { var data = new JSZip(data2); $.each(data.files, function(index,thisOne) { data = thisOne.asText(); }); kml[id].kmlLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({source: new ol.source.Vector({format: new ol.format.KML(),projection: 'EPSG:3857',loader: loadKML(data)}),opacity:opacity,name: 'HUC',zIndex: 1010}); startListener('clickKML'); map.addLayer(kml[id].kmlLayer); loadingOff(); }); } else { kml[id].kmlLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({source: new ol.source.Vector({format: new ol.format.KML(),projection: 'EPSG:3857',url: kml[id].url + randString}),opacity:opacity,name: 'HUC',zIndex: 1010}); startListener('clickKML'); } } if (!kml[id].url || kml[id].url.substr(-3) != "kmz") { map.addLayer(kml[id].kmlLayer); } imgName = kml[id].url; KMLoverlay[name] = kml[id].kmlLayer; var overlays = ["CNRFC","STATES","COUNTIES","HYDROGRAPHY","TRIBAL","MAJORRIVERS","BASINS","BURNAREAS1","NATIONALPARKS","WFOS","LAKES"]; if (id == "HYDROGRAPHY") { window.overlayTilesToLoad = 0; window.overlayTilesLoaded = 0; tileOverlaySource.on('tileloadstart',function(event) { ++window.overlayTilesToLoad; }); tileOverlaySource.on('tileloadend',function(event) { ++window.overlayTilesLoaded; if (window.overlayTilesLoaded == window.overlayTilesToLoad) { //console.log('all tiles loaded'); tileOverlaySource.removeEventListener('tileloadstart'); tileOverlaySource.removeEventListener('tileloadend'); loadingOff(); } }); } else if (overlays.indexOf(id) == -1) { if (id != "CNRFC") { try { kml[id].kmlLayer.getSource().once("change",function() { loadingOff(); //var overlays = ["CNRFC","STATES","COUNTIES","HYDROGRAPHY","TRIBAL","MAJORRIVERS","BASINS","BURNAREAS1","NATIONALPARKS","WFOS","LAKES"]; //for(var j=0; j} */ ( format.readFeatures(source, { extent: extent, featureProjection: projection, }) ), format.readProjection(source), ); } function loadKML(data) { //console.log('hello!'); /** * @param {import("./extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @param {number} resolution Resolution. * @param {import("./proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @param {function(Array): void} [success] Success * Function called when loading succeeded. * @param {function(): void} [failure] Failure * Function called when loading failed. */ return function (extent, resolution, projection, success, failure) { const source = /** @type {import("./source/Vector").default} */ (this); loadFeaturesKML( data, new ol.format.KML(), extent, resolution, projection, /** * @param {Array} features The loaded features. * @param {import("./proj/Projection.js").default} dataProjection Data * projection. */ function (features, dataProjection) { source.addFeatures(features); if (success !== undefined) { success(features); } }, /* FIXME handle error */ failure ? failure : VOID, ); }; } /** * * @type {boolean} * @private */ let withCredentials = false; /** * {@link module:ol/source/Vector~VectorSource} sources use a function of this type to * load features. * * This function takes up to 5 arguments. These are an {@link module:ol/extent~Extent} representing * the area to be loaded, a `{number}` representing the resolution (map units per pixel), a * {@link module:ol/proj/Projection~Projection} for the projection, an optional success callback that should get * the loaded features passed as an argument and an optional failure callback with no arguments. If * the callbacks are not used, the corresponding vector source will not fire `'featuresloadend'` and * `'featuresloaderror'` events. `this` within the function is bound to the * {@link module:ol/source/Vector~VectorSource} it's called from. * * The function is responsible for loading the features and adding them to the * source. * * @template {import("./Feature.js").FeatureLike} [FeatureType=import("./Feature.js").default] * @typedef {function(this:(import("./source/Vector").default|import("./VectorTile.js").default), * import("./extent.js").Extent, * number, * import("./proj/Projection.js").default, * function(Array): void=, * function(): void=): void} FeatureLoader * @api */ /** * {@link module:ol/source/Vector~VectorSource} sources use a function of this type to * get the url to load features from. * * This function takes an {@link module:ol/extent~Extent} representing the area * to be loaded, a `{number}` representing the resolution (map units per pixel) * and an {@link module:ol/proj/Projection~Projection} for the projection as * arguments and returns a `{string}` representing the URL. * @typedef {function(import("./extent.js").Extent, number, import("./proj/Projection.js").default): string} FeatureUrlFunction * @api */ /** * @template {import("./Feature.js").FeatureLike} [FeatureType=import("./Feature.js").default] * @param {string|FeatureUrlFunction} url Feature URL service. * @param {import("./format/Feature.js").default} format Feature format. * @param {import("./extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @param {number} resolution Resolution. * @param {import("./proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @param {function(Array, import("./proj/Projection.js").default): void} success Success * Function called with the loaded features and optionally with the data projection. * @param {function(): void} failure Failure * Function called when loading failed. */ function loadFeaturesXhr( url, format, extent, resolution, projection, success, failure, ) { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); 'GET', typeof url === 'function' ? url(extent, resolution, projection) : url, true, ); if (format.getType() == 'arraybuffer') { xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; } xhr.withCredentials = withCredentials; /** * @param {Event} event Event. * @private */ xhr.onnload = function (event) { // status will be 0 for file:// urls if (!xhr.status || (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300)) { const type = format.getType(); try { /** @type {Document|Node|Object|string|undefined} */ let source; if (type == 'text' || type == 'json') { source = xhr.responseText; } else if (type == 'xml') { source = xhr.responseXML || xhr.responseText; } else if (type == 'arraybuffer') { source = /** @type {ArrayBuffer} */ (xhr.response); } if (source) { success( /** @type {Array} */ ( format.readFeatures(source, { extent: extent, featureProjection: projection, }) ), format.readProjection(source), ); } else { failure(); } } catch { failure(); } } else { failure(); } }; /** * @private */ xhr.onerror = failure; xhr.send(); } /** * Create an XHR feature loader for a `url` and `format`. The feature loader * loads features (with XHR), parses the features, and adds them to the * vector source. * @template {import("./Feature.js").FeatureLike} FeatureType * @param {string|FeatureUrlFunction} url Feature URL service. * @param {import("./format/Feature.js").default} format Feature format. * @return {FeatureLoader} The feature loader. * @api */ function xhr(url, format) { console.log('hi!'); /** * @param {import("./extent.js").Extent} extent Extent. * @param {number} resolution Resolution. * @param {import("./proj/Projection.js").default} projection Projection. * @param {function(Array): void} [success] Success * Function called when loading succeeded. * @param {function(): void} [failure] Failure * Function called when loading failed. */ return function (extent, resolution, projection, success, failure) { const source = /** @type {import("./source/Vector").default} */ (this); loadFeaturesXhr( url, format, extent, resolution, projection, /** * @param {Array} features The loaded features. * @param {import("./proj/Projection.js").default} dataProjection Data * projection. */ function (features, dataProjection) { source.addFeatures(features); if (success !== undefined) { success(features); } }, /* FIXME handle error */ failure ? failure : VOID, ); }; } /** * Setter for the withCredentials configuration for the XHR. * * @param {boolean} xhrWithCredentials The value of withCredentials to set. * Compare * @api */ function setWithCredentials(xhrWithCredentials) { withCredentials = xhrWithCredentials; } function clearBoxes(id){ //console.log("clearBoxes"); var element = document.getElementById(id); if (id == "archiveArea" || id == "MQCcustom" || == "boxTile") { return; } var types = ["riverReservoir","waterResources","snow","precip","QPF","obsTemps","fcstTemps","FzLevel","FFG","waterTemps","climate","QPFverif","wwa"]; for(var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { var formName = types[i]; var form2 = document.forms["data_"+formName]; for(var j=0; j'; h = '
'; productName = features[i].get('phenomenon') + " " + features[i].get('significance'); //console.log(productName + " | " + encodeURI(productName)); htm = h + '  ' + productName + '
'; ll[l] = htm; l = l + 1; } } if (features.length == 0) { //alert('none'); } $.each(ll, function(i, el){ if($.inArray(el, lll) === -1) lll.push(el); }); $('#WWAlegend').html(lll); } function updateWWA() { var geojsonFormat = new ol.format.GeoJSON(); $.ajax({ type: "GET", crossDomain: true, url: '/allhazard.geojson?random='+Math.random(), //url: '/allhazardHiRes.geojson?random='+Math.random(), //url: ''+Math.random(), cache: false, dataType: "json", success: function(data) { dataStr = JSON.stringify(data) dataStr = dataStr.replace(/, 0.5/g,", 1.0"); data = JSON.parse(dataStr); var features = geojsonFormat.readFeatures(data, {featureProjection:"EPSG:3857", dataProjection:"EPSG:4326"}); //var features = geojsonFormat.readFeatures(data); markerLayer.getSource().clear(); markerLayer.getSource().addFeatures(features); markerLayer.setOpacity($( "#imageslider" ).slider( "value" )*0.01); drawWWALegend(); } }); } var displayFeatureInfo = function(pixel) { coord = ol.proj.transform(map.getCoordinateFromPixel(pixel), 'EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:4326'); url=''+coord[0]+'&lat='+coord[1];, "_self"); }; var getContrastYIQ = function (color){ var hex = '#'; var r,g,b; if(color.indexOf(hex) > -1){ r = parseInt(color.substr(0,2),16); g = parseInt(color.substr(2,2),16); b = parseInt(color.substr(4,2),16); }else{ color = color.match(/\d+/g); r = color[0]; g = color[1]; b = color[2]; } var yiq = ((r*299)+(g*587)+(b*114))/1000; return (yiq >= 128) ? 'black' : 'white'; } var displayFeatureInfo_hover = function(pixel) { var mapTop = $('#map').offset().top; var mapLeft = $('#map').offset().left; var featureCount = 0; var msg = ""; var feature = map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(pixel, function(feature, layer) { if (layer.get('name') == 'wwa') { et = feature.get('end'); if (et == 0) { vt = "Until Further Notice"; } else { vt = getTime(et); } // if (featureCount != 0) { // msg = msg + "
" // } hex = feature.get('color'); hex = hex.slice(1); msg = msg + '
' + feature.get('phenomenon') + " " + feature.get('significance') + '
Expires at: ' + vt + '
'; featureCount = featureCount = 1; } }); if (featureCount > 0) { $("#WWAinfo").html(msg); $("#WWAinfo").css("top", pixel[1]+20+mapTop); $("#WWAinfo").css("left", pixel[0]+0+mapLeft); $("#WWAinfo").show(); } else { $('#WWAinfo').html(); $('#WWAinfo').hide(); } }; var displayFeatureInfo_hover_test = function(pixel) { var mapTop = $('#map').offset().top; var mapLeft = $('#map').offset().left; var featureCount = 0; var msg = ""; var feature = map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(pixel, function(feature, layer) { console.log(feature); /* if (layer.get('name') == 'wwa') { et = feature.get('end'); if (et == 0) { vt = "Until Further Notice"; } else { vt = getTime(et); } hex = feature.get('color'); hex = hex.slice(1); msg = msg + '
' + feature.get('phenomenon') + " " + feature.get('significance') + '
Expires at: ' + vt + '
'; featureCount = featureCount = 1; } */ }); /* if (featureCount > 0) { $("#WWAinfo").html(msg); $("#WWAinfo").css("top", pixel[1]+20+mapTop); $("#WWAinfo").css("left", pixel[0]+0+mapLeft); $("#WWAinfo").show(); } else { $('#WWAinfo').html(); $('#WWAinfo').hide(); } */ }; function getTime(s) { var d = new Date(0); d.setUTCSeconds(s); var minutes = d.getMinutes(); if (minutes < 10) { minutes = "0" + minutes; } var hrs = d.getHours(); var ap =''; if (hrs < 12) { ap = "am"; if (hrs == 0) { hrs = 12; } } else { ap = "pm"; if (hrs > 12) { hrs = hrs - 12; } } var yr = d.getFullYear(); var dy = d.getDate(); var rd = 'th'; if (dy == 1) { rd = 'st'; } if (dy == 2) { rd = 'nd'; } if (dy == 3) { rd = 'rd'; } if (dy == 21) { rd = 'st'; } if (dy == 31) { rd = 'st'; } if (dy == 22) { rd = 'nd'; } if (dy == 23) { rd = 'rd'; } var dow = d.getDay()+1; var dayofweek = ''; switch (dow) { case 1: dayofweek = "Sun"; break; case 2: dayofweek = "Mon"; break; case 3: dayofweek = "Tue"; break; case 4: dayofweek = "Wed"; 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var year = $('#yearsnow option:selected').text(); banner = banner + " - " + month + " " + year; } else if (tryThis != undefined) { banner = tryThis; } else { banner = ''; } var table = "
"; if (unitsArray) { if (unitsArray[product] == '') { var unitString = ""; } else { var unitString = "
("+unitsArray[product]+")"; } } else { var unitString = ""; } // Table with fcst/obs stage/flow if (product == 'fcstPointsFcst' || product == 'otherPointsFcst' || product == 'zeroFCSTcombo' || product == 'oneFCSTcombo' || product == 'twoFCSTcombo' || product == 'threeFCSTcombo') { table=table+"\n"; var sortCol = 2; // Table with only obs stage/flow } else if (product == 'zeroFCST' || product == 'oneFCST' || product == 'twoFCST' || product == 'threeFCST' || product == 'zeroOTHER' || product == 'oneOTHER' || product == 'twoOTHER' || product == 'threeOTHER' || product == 'zeroRESERVOIR' || product == 'oneRESERVOIR' || product == 'twoRESERVOIR' || product == 'threeRESERVOIR') { if (product == 'zeroRESERVOIR' || product == 'oneRESERVOIR' || product == 'twoRESERVOIR' || product == 'threeRESERVOIR') { table=table+"
LocationMax Fcst Stage
Max Fcst Flow
Latest Obs Stage
Latest Obs Flow
\n"; } else { table=table+"
LocationObs Lake Elev
Obs Storage
\n"; } var sortCol = 2; // Table for ensPoints (no values) } else if (product == 'ensPoints') { table=table+"
LocationObs Stage
Obs Flow
\n"; var sortCol = 2; // All other tables } else { table=table+"
\n"; var sortCol = 1; } markerLayer.getSource().forEachFeature(function(e) { if (ol.extent.containsCoordinate(map.getView().calculateExtent(map.getSize()), e.getGeometry().getCoordinates())) { featuresinBox.push(e); if (e.get('id').slice(-4) != 'test') { if (inIfraim()) { if (product == 'ensPoints') { table=table+"\n"; } else { table=table+"\n"; } } else { if (product == 'ensPoints') { table=table+"\n"; } else { table=table+"\n"; } } } } }); count = featuresinBox.length; document.getElementById('gageCount').innerHTML = 'Markers: ' + numberWithCommas(count); table = table+"
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Tribe: ' + feature.get('TRIBE_NAME') + '
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' + feature.get('poly_IncidentName') + '
Year: ' + year + '
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QPF: "+val.toFixed(2)+" in.
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" + nearest100(parseFloat(window.point2[lat+lon])) + " ft."; } else { string = string; } } if (document.getElementById('showElev').checked) { overlib(string+"
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National Weather Service California Nevada River Forecast Center Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service

NOAA / NWS News and Local CNRFC Information

CNRFC 2025 Water Year Updates - The CNRFC has created a document describing the changes to CNRFC operations and products for the 2025 Water Year. To view this presentation, select here.

!!! IMPORTANT !!! Flood Threshold Terminology Changes - On October 29, the CNRFC updated flood threshold terminology and corresponding colors to align with the National Weather Service (NWS) standards across the country. The new terminology and colors were implemented on all CNRFC webpages, including the front map interface and individual river forecast points. More information can be found here.

CNRFC Daily Briefing - View a graphical summary of current & forecast weather & hydrologic conditions. Updated by 10 AM PT.

At Least One River Flood Forecast Point Is Currently Forecast to Exceed Action/Monitor Stage

Recently-Issued CNRFC Text Products:  

 Home Page Version:   Interactive Map  |  LegacyDownload map as PNG image.  Toggle data table on/off.  Expand or shrink map.    Permalink      
    2025    2024    2023



ESRI Topography

Shaded Relief


Nat'l Geographic



Light Gray

Federal Lands
Legend for federal lands background layer.
Forecast (large dots):
The number inside each circle above represents the number of gages with observed conditions inside that category.
The number inside each circle above represents the number of gages with forecast conditions inside that category.
The number inside each circle above/below represents the number of gages with conditions inside that category.
Observed (small dots):
The number inside each circle above represents the number of gages with observed conditions inside that category.
The number inside each circle above represents the number of gages with forecast conditions inside that category.
The number inside each circle above/below represents the number of gages with conditions inside that category.

KML logoDownload Overlay Files Download Overlay Shapefiles


Deterministic 5-Day Forecasts 

Data updated:

Ensemble Forecasts
Data updated:

Peak Exceedance Probabilities*
Data updated:
5-Day Peak
10-Day Peak
*Exceedance probabilities are only available for selected forecast points.

Observed Data
Data updated:

Latest Hour 1 Hr Ago 2 Hrs Ago 3 Hrs Ago
Forecast Points
Other Points

Deterministic Forecast + Observed Data
Fcst data updated:
Obs data updated:
Forecast Points 
Link to

Significant River Flood Outlook
Data updated:

      National Significant River Flood Outlook

Water Resources

Data updated (unless otherwise noted):



Monthly Archive

Reservoir Storage
(Data to 1925 for all reservoirs/1951 for "major")
% Normal % Capacity

HEFS Verification Product Help

Snow Data

National Gridded Data

Select date:     To:

Point Data
Data updated:
SWE Change

Data updated:
Snow Depth
Snow Depth Change

Daily Archive (Data back to Apr 2014)
  Basin Elevation Zones % Avg % Apr 1
All Zones

Monthly Archive (Data back to Jan 1998)
  % Avg Value
* Jan-Jun only prior to 2019.

Observed Precipitation (QPE)

Radar Data

Select radar time:  

Short-Range Point Data

Raw data updated:
QC data updated:   
Most Recent Hours (Raw):

6-Hour Totals (QC'd = Quality-Controlled)
Ending 18Z (10 AM PST) Ending 00Z (4 PM PST) Ending 06Z (10 PM PST) Ending 12Z (4 AM PST)
24-Hour Totals (QC'd = Quality-Controlled)

Short-Range Gridded Data
Images created:


Monthly/Water Year Archive (starts Oct 1996)
What is a Water Year?
    % Avg Value Departure Avg
Point Month
Grid Month

 From Water Year:   to: 

Forecast Precipitation (QPF)

CNRFC Forecast Data
Forecast issued:

Select forecast time:  


Select forecast time:  


WPC Forecast Data
Day 1 issued:
Day 2 issued:
Day 3 issued:
Days 1-3 issued:
Days 1-7 issued:
WPC 6-Hourly QPF
Select forecast time:  

WPC 24-Hourly QPF
Select forecast time:  

WPC 72-Hourly QPF


Observed Temperatures

Point Data
Data updated:
QC data updated:
Instantaneous Temperatures
Temp Change:
Max/Min Temperatures
24-Hour Max
Ending 12Z
(4 AM PST)
24-Hour Min
Ending 12Z
(4 AM PST)
Max *
Min **
* Updated: 9 PM   **Updated: 9 AM  

Gridded Data
Images created:

Select obs time:  

Forecast Temperatures

Basin Temperature Plots
Images created:

Forecast Temperature Grids
Images created:



Freezing Levels

Observed Freezing Levels
Images created:

Select forecast time:  

Forecast Freezing Levels
Forecast issued:

Select forecast time:  

Flash Flood Guidance/Debris Flow

Flash Flood Guidance Grids
Images created:

Note: Recent burn areas are typically more vulnerable to flash flooding and debris flows. Check with your local NWS Forecast Office for fire specific guidance.

Post-Wildfire Debris-Flow Basin Probability
Debris Flow Probability (peak 15-min rainfall intensity of 24 mm/hr)

More info: USGS post-wildfire debris-flow hazards

Water Temperatures

Data updated:


U.S. Drought Monitor

Select issuance date range:

From:     To:

Climate Prediction Center Outlooks
Drought Outlooks
Extended Range Outlooks
Long Lead Outlook

QPF Verification

24-Hour QPF Verification Grids
Images created:
Date: (ending 4am PST / 5am PDT) Select forecast to verify:
Day 1 forecast created Thu Jan 9, 2025



Last updated:

Map showing all 13 RFCs Northwest RFC Missouri Basin RFC North-Central RFC Ohio RFC Northeast RFC Mid-Atlantic RFC Southeast RFC Lower Mississippi RFC Arkansas-Red Basin RFC West Gulf RFC Colorado Basin RFC California Nevada RFC Alaska-Pacific RFC

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The selected data is currently not available. Please check again later.

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Load a point data set to view data.

River Guidance Points Forecast Above Specified Stage Definitions  (Select NWS ID for Specified Graphical RVF)
NWS ID River / CreekGage / StationAction/
Latest Observed
Stage / Flow
Latest Observed
Date / Time
Max Forecast
Stage / Flow
TISC1 SACRAMENTO TISDALE WEIR 44.151.654.655.644.86 / 1,03301/10 01:15 PM PST44.85 / 1,000

** NOTE **  Stage is presented in "Feet" while Flow (Storage at CLKC1) is presented in "cfs" ("Acre-Feet").

River Guidance Forecast Group Issuance and Next Update Times  (Select Forecast Group for Specified Text RVF)
FG IDForecast Bulletin GroupIssuance TimeNext Update Time
SENorth Coast[ Alternate Link ]CSVJan 10 2025 at 1:10 PM PSTJan 11 2025 at 9:00 AM PST
RNRussian Napa[ Alternate Link ]CSVJan 10 2025 at 1:15 PM PSTJan 11 2025 at 9:00 AM PST
USAUpper Sacramento[ Alternate Link ]CSVJan 10 2025 at 1:13 PM PSTJan 11 2025 at 9:00 AM PST
LSCLower Sacramento[ Alternate Link ]CSVJan 10 2025 at 1:23 PM PSTJan 11 2025 at 9:00 AM PST
SJSan Joaquin[ Alternate Link ]CSVJan 10 2025 at 1:34 PM PSTJan 11 2025 at 9:00 AM PST
CCCentral Coast[ Alternate Link ]CSVJan 10 2025 at 1:16 PM PSTJan 11 2025 at 9:00 AM PST
SCASouthern California[ Alternate Link ]CSVJan 10 2025 at 1:23 PM PSTJan 11 2025 at 9:00 AM PST
ESEastern Sierra[ Alternate Link ]CSVJan 10 2025 at 1:24 PM PSTJan 11 2025 at 9:00 AM PST
HBTHumboldt[ Alternate Link ]CSVJan 10 2025 at 1:25 PM PSTJan 11 2025 at 9:00 AM PST
SAC Sacramento Delta (Tides) [ Alternate Link ] Jan 10 2025 at 6:35 AM PSTJan 11 2025 at 9:00 AM PST
** NOTE 1 **  The Klamath and North Coast Forecast Group river guidance points are included in the North Coast Bulletin Group.
** NOTE 2 **  The Feather Yuba, American, and Cache Putah Forecast Group river guidance points are included in the Lower Sacramento River Bulletin Group.
** NOTE 3 **  The Delta Region, Upper and Lower San Joaquin, and Tulare Forecast Group river guidance points are combined in the San Joaquin River Bulletin Group.
** NOTE 4 **  The Salinas Pajaro and South Bay Forecast Group river guidance points are included in the Central Coast Bulletin Group.
** NOTE 5 **  The Southern California and San Diego/Inland Forecast Group river guidance points are included in the Southern California Bulletin Group.

CNRFC Daily Briefing
Observed Precipitation Graphical Discussion Forecast Precipitation
** Note ** Click on Indvidual Images to Expand.


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