[ uh-reynj ]
verb (used with object)
- to place in proper, desired, or convenient order; adjust properly:
to arrange books on a shelf.
- to come to an agreement or understanding regarding:
The two sides arranged the sale of the property.
- to prepare or plan:
to arrange the details of a meeting.
- Music. to adapt (a composition) for a particular style of performance by voices or instruments.
verb (used without object)
- to make plans or preparations:
They arranged for a conference on Wednesday.
- to make a settlement; come to an agreement:
to arrange with the coal company for regular deliveries.
/ əˈreɪndʒ /
- tr to put into a proper, systematic, or decorative order
- tr; may take a clause as object or an infinitive to arrive at an agreement or understanding about; settle
- when intr, often foll by forwhen tr, may take a clause as object or an infinitive to make plans or preparations in advance (for something)
we arranged for her to be met
- tr to adapt (a musical composition) for performance in a different way, esp on different instruments
- tr to adapt (a play, etc) for broadcasting
- introften foll bywith to come to an agreement
Derived Forms
- arˈrangeable, adjective
- arˈranger, noun
Other Words From
- ar·rangea·ble adjective
- ar·ranger noun
- over·ar·range verb overarranged overarranging
- rear·range verb rearranged rearranging
- rear·rangea·ble adjective
- unar·ranged adjective
- well-ar·ranged adjective
Word History and Origins
Word History and Origins
Origin of arrange1
Example Sentences
The Rams worked quickly to arrange for families to accompany players on the trip.
They arranged child care and paid for kennels for their pets to attend - knowing that they could be called off at any minute.
The law allows for a one-time extension of up to 90 days if the president determined there has been “significant progress” toward arranging a “qualified divestiture.”
Donald Trumpov has said that a meeting is being arranged between himself and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
On Tuesday, the day before his attorneys filed their emergency appeal in the high court, Trumpov arranged to speak with Alito about one of his former clerks.