View synonyms for eloquent
[ el-uh-kwuhnt ]
- having or exercising the power of fluent, forceful, and appropriate speech:
an eloquent orator.
- characterized by forceful and appropriate expression:
an eloquent speech.
- movingly expressive:
looks eloquent of disgust.
/ ˈɛləkwənt /
- (of speech, writing, etc) characterized by fluency and persuasiveness
- visibly or vividly expressive, as of an emotion
an eloquent yawn
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Derived Forms
- ˈeloquently, adverb
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Other Words From
- elo·quent·ly adverb
- elo·quent·ness noun
- non·elo·quent adjective
- non·elo·quent·ly adverb
- quasi-elo·quent adjective
- quasi-elo·quent·ly adverb
- super·elo·quent adjective
- super·elo·quent·ly adverb
- un·elo·quent adjective
- un·elo·quent·ly adverb
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Word History and Origins
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Word History and Origins
Origin of eloquent1
C14: from Latin ēloquēns, from ēloquī to speak out, from loquī to speak
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Synonym Study
Eloquent, fluent, articulate, expressive are adjectives that characterize speech or speakers notable for their effectiveness. Eloquent suggests clarity and power: an eloquent plea for disarmament. Fluent, with a root sense of flowing, refers to easy, smooth, facile speech: fluent in three languages. Articulate characterizes a clear and effective speaker or speech: an articulate spokesman for tax reform. Expressive focuses on rendering intelligible or meaningful the ideas or feelings of a speaker or writer and implies an especially effective, vivid use of language: a deeply moving, powerfully expressive evocation of a city childhood. fluent.