1abbreviation for
- liquid crystal display: a method of displaying readings continuously, as on digital watches, portable computers, and calculators, using a liquid crystal film, sealed between glass plates, that changes its optical properties when a voltage is applied.
2abbreviation for
- least common denominator; lowest common denominator.
1abbreviation for
- liquid-crystal display
2abbreviation for
- lowest common denominator
/ ēl′sē-dē′ /
- Short for liquid-crystal display. A low-power, flat-panel display used in many digital devices to display numbers or images. It is made of a liquid containing crystals that are affected by electric current, sandwiched between filtering layers of glass or plastic. LCDs do not produce light of their own; instead, when electric current is passed through the material, the molecules of the “liquid crystal” twist so that they either reflect or transmit light from an external source.
Word History and Origins
Origin of LCD1
Example Sentences
Cameras had been installed, attached to a big LCD screen, so the family could see when the police were coming.
On the walls of Gold Apollo's office are posters of the company’s products – a montage of small boxy plastic devices with little grey LCD screens.
I went so far as to skip an LCD Soundsystem concert at the Bowl in 2018 that I had already bought tickets for.
They are useful in LCD screens, biomedical imaging instruments, and other devices that require precise control of light and subtle movements.
The liquid crystal is widely used nowadays, for example, as a core element of LCD devices.