lead poisoning
[ led ]
- Pathology.
- a toxic condition produced by ingestion, inhalation, or skin absorption of lead or lead compounds, resulting in various dose-related symptoms including anemia, nausea, muscle weakness, confusion, blindness, and coma.
- Slang. death or injury inflicted by a bullet or shot.
lead poisoning
/ lɛd /
- Also calledplumbismsaturnism acute or chronic poisoning by lead or its salts, characterized by abdominal pain, vomiting, convulsions, and coma
- slang.death or injury resulting from being shot with bullets
Word History and Origins
Origin of lead poisoning1
Example Sentences
A test at the pediatrician’s office revealed that Noelie had lead poisoning, with more than three times as much lead as the level considered concerning by the CDC.
Studies show that among children with lead poisoning in the U.S., contaminated spices were one of several sources of lead exposure.
“So, there’s this huge window of people — primarily children — who have lead poisoning, but there’s no treatment available,” Rees said.
Earlier this year, the FDA recalled 3 million cinnamon applesauce pouches that contained extremely high levels of lead, after dozens of children across the United States were found to be suffering from lead poisoning.
In addition to the ongoing threat of lead poisoning, the large birds are also at risk from other toxins.