quantitative analysis
[ kwon-ti-tey-tiv uh-nal-uh-sis ]
- Chemistry. the analysis of a substance to determine the amounts and proportions of its chemical constituents. Compare qualitative analysis.
- Statistics. the use of mathematical analysis, especially computerized, to better understand variable components in a system, as in business forecasts or investment recommendations.
quantitative analysis
- See analysis
quantitative analysis
/ kwŏn′tĭ-tā′tĭv /
- See under analysis
Word History and Origins
Origin of quantitative analysis1
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Example Sentences
We used qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques to identify points of overlap and divergence across the two data sources.
According to Saggau, "we're showing that Citi is complicit in environmental racism through both quantitative analysis as well as community stories, to offer examples of the real health and climate impacts of city's financing."
The study used quantitative analysis to examine how community networks influence outcomes in programs aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions from farming while maintaining productivity.
The research team minimised the influence of continuous magnitudes in numerical tests and conducted meticulous quantitative analyses in the study to determine the respective contributions of numbers and magnitudes.
Over the years, light amplification in perovskite quantum dots has been reported, but most of the works present inadequate quantitative analysis.