quantum computer
- a computer that makes use of the quantum states of electrons or other particles to store and process information as quantum bits.
quantum computer
- a type of computer which uses the ability of quantum systems to be in many different states at once, thus allowing it to perform many different computations simultaneously
quantum computer
- A computer that exploits the quantum mechanical properties of superposition in order to allow a single operation to act on a large number of pieces of data. In a quantum computer, the data to be manipulated, represented in quantum bits, exists in all possible states simultaneously, in superposition. This allows a single operation to operate over all of these states at once, in contrast with a classical computer, which must carry out an operation for each state separately. Because of the difficulty of creating environments small enough for quantum effects to emerge but sufficiently isolated to prevent interaction with outside influences such as heat, only extremely rudimentary quantum computers currently exist, though algorithms for possible future devices are being developed.
Other Words From
- quantum computing noun
Word History and Origins
Origin of quantum computer1
Example Sentences
Google says its new quantum chip, dubbed "Willow", incorporates key "breakthroughs" and "paves the way to a useful, large-scale quantum computer."
However experts say Willow is, for now, a largely experimental device, meaning a quantum computer powerful enough to solve a wide range of real-world problems is still years - and billions of dollars - away.
Google had chosen a problem to use as a benchmark of performance that was, "tailor-made for a quantum computer" and this didn't demonstrate "a universal speeding up when compared to classical computers".
In very simple terms the more useful a quantum computer is, the more qubits it has.
Errors are a significant obstacle in creating more powerful quantum computers and the development was "encouraging for everyone striving to build a practical quantum computer" Prof Woodward said.