yellow-throated vireo
[ yel-oh-throh-tid ]
- an olive-green vireo, Vireo flavifrons, of eastern North America, having a bright yellow throat and breast.
Word History and Origins
Origin of yellow-throated vireo1
Example Sentences
A yellow-throated vireo and a cedar waxwing also splashed in our stream.
In 222 pages, augmented by maps and the work of five professional photographers, Janssen relays precisely where one is most likely to see, say, a yellow-throated vireo, in Lake Maria State Park.
Song may be compared with the finest efforts of the Blue-headed Vireo with the added charm and mellowness of the song of the Yellow-throated Vireo.
The solitary vireo also builds a pensile nest, swung from the crotch of a branch, not so high from the ground as the yellow-throated vireo's nor so exquisitely finished, but still a beautiful little structure of pine-needles, plant-fibre, dry leaves, and twigs, all lichen-lined and bound and rebound with coarse spiders' webs.
Yellow-throated Vireo: Vireo flavifrons Vieillot.—This is a rare and local summer resident in deciduous forest and woodland in eastern Kansas.