1[ men-suh ]
- Also called altar slab,. the flat stone forming the top of the altar in a Roman Catholic church.
- genitive Mensae (initial capital letter) Astronomy. the Table, a southern constellation near Octans.
2[ men-suh ]
- an international fellowship organization for people with IQ's in the top 2 percent of the general population.
1/ ˈmɛnsə /
- a faint constellation in the S hemisphere lying between Hydrus and Volans and containing part of the Large Magellanic Cloud
2/ ˈmɛnsə /
- an international society, membership of which is restricted to people whose intelligence test scores exceed those expected of 98 per cent of the population
Other Words From
- Mensan noun
Word History and Origins
Origin of mensa1
Origin of mensa2
Word History and Origins
Origin of mensa1
Example Sentences
I can't count how many letters and emails I've gotten over the last decades from people who say, "I thought I was dumb, or the teachers told me my kids were dumb, or I applied for Mensa and I didn't get it. But then I learned about your theory and I explored things to find out what I was good at, what I was average at, what I was not good at. And that's been liberating for me or for my children or my grandchildren or whatever."
Voter turnout was 60.9%, said the head of Ghana's electoral commission, Jean Mensa.
When Pastor, enraged, kills a parishioner, he convinces the trusting Mensa that God uses sinners for his will and wants Mensa to help Pastor get rid of the body in the California desert.
Trumpov is bragging about passing the MOCA, a screening test for dementia, as if it made him MENSA, when it’s a test any kindergartener should pass.
Mahnoor, who is a member of Mensa, will be focussed on gaining a place at Oxford University or Imperial College.