View synonyms for operate
[ op-uh-reyt ]
verb (used without object)
operated, operating.
- to work, perform, or function, as a machine does:
This engine does not operate properly.
- to work or use a machine, apparatus, or the like.
- to act effectively; produce an effect; exert force or influence (often followed by on or upon ):
Their propaganda is beginning to operate on the minds of the people.
- to perform some process of work or treatment.
- Surgery. to perform a surgical procedure.
- (of a drug) to produce the effect intended.
- Military.
- to carry on operations in war.
- to give orders and accomplish military acts, as distinguished from doing staff work.
- to carry on transactions in securities, or some commodity, especially speculatively or on a large scale.
- Informal. to use devious means for one's own gain; insinuate oneself; finagle:
a man who knows how to operate with the ladies.
verb (used with object)
operated, operating.
- to manage or use (a machine, device, etc.):
Do you know how to operate a forklift?
- to put or keep (a factory, industrial system, ranch, etc.) working or in operation:
to operate a coal mine.
- to bring about, effect, or produce, as by action or the exertion of force or influence.
/ ˈɒpəˌreɪt /
- to function or cause to function
- tr to control the functioning of
operate a machine
- to manage, direct, run, or pursue (a business, system, etc)
- intr to perform a surgical operation (upon a person or animal)
- intr to produce a desired or intended effect
- trusually foll byon to treat or process in a particular or specific way
- intr to conduct military or naval operations
- intr to deal in securities on a stock exchange
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Other Words From
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- un·oper·ata·ble adjective
- un·oper·ated adjective
- well-oper·ated adjective
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Word History and Origins
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Word History and Origins
Origin of operate1
C17: from Latin operāri to work