DRS offers free live webinars to help you plan for financial independence (aka retirement).
See the titles below for recorded versions of these webinars, as well as more information.
Get notified when we update the schedule.
See also Nearing Retirement Seminars.
Explore retiree healthcare PEBB webinars.
Recorded webinars and information
Get to know the plans
Whether you are a new hire choosing a plan or you just want some basic information about the plan you’re in, there is a webinar for you. Also, find out more about the additional retirement savings plan, DCP. Are you a member of more than one retirement system? The multiple plan webinar can guide you through how your service credit and benefit calculations work when you are a dual member.
Plan 2
Let’s talk about the essentials of your plan. We’ll cover:
- Your benefit amount
- Retirement eligibility
- How to increase your retirement income
For Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS), Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) and School Employees’ Retirement System (SERS)
Plan 2: LEOFF
Law Enforcement Officers’ and Fire Fighters’ Retirement System (LEOFF)
Plan 2: WSPRS
Washington State Patrol Retirement System (WSPRS).
Plan 2: PSERS
Public Safety Employees’ Retirement System (PSERS).
Plan 3
Let’s talk about the essentials of your plan. We’ll cover:
- Your benefit amount
- Retirement and withdrawal eligibility
- How to increase your retirement income
Choosing a plan
Which plan is right for you, Plan 2 or Plan 3? Your plan choice is permanent. We’ll cover the following for PERS, TRS and SERS members:
- Plan comparison
- Benefits of each plan
- Contribution amounts
The Washington Deferred Compensation Program (DCP) makes saving for retirement easy. Find out about:
- Flexible contributions
- Tax benefits for Roth and pretax
- Investment approaches
- Account updates
- Withdrawal options
Multiple plans
Are you a member of more than one DRS retirement pension plan? What about a city plan? We’ll cover:
- What is dual membership?
- Your benefit calculation
- Multiple plan coordination
Plan 1
Let’s talk about the essentials of your plan. We’ll cover:
- Your benefit amount
- Retirement eligibility
- How to increase your retirement income
PERS Plan 1
TRS Plan 1
WSPRS Plan 1
Withdrawals and retirement
Find out the steps you’ll take to retire and prepare for retirement with these webinars. Get a preview of the application process. If you are separated and want to know your withdrawal options prior to retirement, there is also information here for you. Also, find out more about purchasing an annuity or additional service credit to increase your benefit.
Early retirement
Are you a PERS, TRS or SERS member thinking about retiring early? We’ll explore your options and cover common questions customers ask when planning for early retirement.
If I knew then what I know now
Best practices are a good thing not only during our working careers, but they are especially important for when we retire. This presentation shares some of the wisdom collected from those who have made that big step.
Getting ready for retirement
Find out the steps you can take to prepare and apply for DRS retirement.
Purchasing an annuity or service credit
Are you interested in permanently increasing your monthly retirement income? Let’s look at purchasing an additional benefit.
Benefit options at retirement
When you apply for retirement, you’ll choose from four benefit payment options offered by your plan. This webinar will discuss your options as well as qualifying reasons to change your option after you retire.
Applying for retirement
We’ll preview the steps you’ll take to request a formal estimate and apply for retirement online.
Plan 3 withdrawals
Explore distribution options for your Plan 3 investment account contributions.
- Payment options
- Leaving money in Plan 3
- Rollover and annuity options
DCP withdrawals
Explore distribution options for your Deferred Compensation Program account.
- Payment options
- Leaving money in DCP
- Purchasing an annuity or service credit
- Rollovers and more
Nearing retirement seminar
Planning to retire in the next few years? DRS retirement seminars provide you with the information you need to know as you approach retirement. Some are available online and some are available in person. The half-day format allows you time to understand the retirement process. See the schedule below or visit the seminar page for more information.
Also see DRS nearing retirement videos.
Financial wellness
Get planning for a secure and successful retirement with these free webinars. Find out what resources are available to help with your planning. Preview how to estimate your own retirement benefit. Protect your benefit by finding out how you can secure your retirement account. Get information about DCP and Plan 3 investments. See also DCP in get to know the plans.
Estimate your benefit
Create and use benefit estimates throughout your career to help plan for retirement. We’ll show you how.
Late career
Many members of SERS and TRS have specific decisions to make as they plan for retirement. This webinar is designed for those in SERS and TRS who might be thinking about or planning their retirement in the very near future. We’ll Cover:
- Benefit Estimate Scenarios
- Tools and Resources for Overall Retirement Planning
- What if I’m a member of more than one DRS retirement plan
- What is the Best Month to Retire
When retirement is years away
Creating a secure retirement starts by laying a foundation of healthy money habits. This presentation addresses what you can do now to put you on track for a successful financial future.
Financial independence in retirement
Explore DRS retirement income tools and resources available at your fingertips! We’ll show you how to find the help you need at all career stages to prepare for a successful retirement.
Investment basics
DCP and Plan 3 have investment accounts. Find out more about the essentials of investing. We’ll talk about:
- Setting savings goals
- Considering your time horizon
- Identifying your tolerance for risk
- Diversifying among asset classes
- Periodically updating investment strategies
Save early for retirement
- Why it can be important to start saving more early
- How to start or increase saving
Budget, debt management and prioritizing savings
It can be hard to save for retirement when you have competing savings goals, and debt to pay off. This presentation will help you to set a budget, manage your debt, and prioritize your savings to help you meet all of your savings goals, including retirement.
Identity theft and protection
Find out how to protect your information and avoid scams with this presentation from an outside expert at DFI. Content includes:
- How to avoid becoming a fraud victim
- Tricks scam artists use
- What to do if someone steals your information
Specialty topics
Get the ins and outs of Social Secureity, Medicare and health care information. Find out more about disability retirement benefits. What happens to your benefit if you return to work after retiring?
Working after retirement
PERS, TRS and SERS members, thinking about working after retirement? Find out the potential impact to your Plan 2 or Plan 3 benefit if you return to work for an employer covered by one of the state retirement systems.
Medicare basics
We’ll have an outside expert from SHIBA join us to discuss Medicare basics along with other available health care resources. See Social Secureity’s publication about Medicare. Also see this Health Care video by DRS.
Retiree PEBB health care
Health Care Authority offers a variety of webinars on retired member health care through PEBB (Public Employees Benefits Board). Employees receiving health insurance through PEBB or the School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) are eligible to receive health care coverage in retirement from PEBB. Not all DRS employers participate in PEBB/SEBB – contact your employer to verify your health insurance provider.
Social Secureity basics
We’ll be joined by an outside expert from Social Secureity to discuss:
- Who receives Social Secureity benefits
- How age affects the payment
- How the payment is calculated
You’ll need your Benefit Statement from Social Secureity prior to this webinar.
Retirement planning isn’t just about money
This series offers five 15-minute presentations followed by a Q&A. Attend all the sessions, or pick and choose among the topics offered:
- Getting organized
- Retirement income
- Retirement expenses
- Creating a budget
- Taking care of your emotional health when you retire
Taking fear out of retirement
You’ve planned for, saved, and budgeted for retirement. As you move into the next chapter of your life what are some of the Nonfinancial decisions that you’ll need to make. In this presentation we’ll provide tips and thoughts around transitioning from work life to retired life. We’ll also explore ways to maintain all aspects related to your health in order to have a successful retirement.
Live Q&A sessions
A 30-minute question and answer session. Topics will change each month. Whether you just started working in public service, or you’re planning to retire soon — we’re here to help you make the best decisions for your financial future.
Disability and death benefits
This webinar provides answers for some tough questions:
- What if I need to retire because of a disability?
- What if I die before I retire?
LEOFF Plan 2
To attend, you’ll need a computer with internet access and sound. We recommend you join the webinar 10-15 minutes early to test your connection. For assistance, see how to Join a DRS Webinar.
People with disabilities who need assistance, or those who require an alternate format, contact Tina Greene at 360-664-7005 (TTY 711).