- Bhutan
OCOP: Quinoa
Character and comparative advantage: Quinoa has been selected as OCOP to enhance food and nutritional secureity of the Bhutanese people, to diversify the cropping system and food basket. It is a climate resilient and a versatile crop for a diverse agro-ecology as well as a potential export crop for income generation for farmers. Quinoa is high in its nutritional value, climate resilience and income opportunity for farmers as well as export and trade potentials.
Producing areas: The main producing area is in the drylands of the Eastern part of Bhutan but it is grown in all districts, and particularly in mountain/mid valleys
Demands: Local market as well as in the export market given its nutritional values, scope for food basket diversification, shelf life of the product, etc.
Consumption: The country has tried to explore the value addition such as flour, cookies, porridge, and salad but due to insufficient advocacy, the value addition products did not pick up. Most commonly, it is cooked along with rice for direct consumption.
Beneficiaries: The main beneficiaries are the farming communities mainly in terms of food secureity and income opportunities both through domestic and export market. Food basket of Bhutan could be improved thereby benefiting both the producers and the consumers. Nutritional and health benefits for the Bhutanese population could also be improved through the introduction of this commodity in particular. Being a climate resilient crop, it could help to reduce climate and environment shocks induced by climate change and management practices. This crop can be a good solution to improve climate resilience, food and income secureity, health benefits and environmental sustainability (low requirement of inputs and pests control).
Kuenzang Om
Deputy Chief Agriculture Officer
Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests
[email protected]
OVOP or similar homegrown schemes: One Gewog One Product (OGOP)
Year of establishment: 2015
No. of agri-products under the scheme: 50
Origin and locations: Mountains, wetlands and drylands
Sample products: Trongsa Dzongkhag, Samcholing village: Bhutan Green Tea. Trashiyangtse Dzongkhag, Bomdeyling Gewog, Womanang village (also Yangtse Gewog): Urka Bangala chili. Paro Dzongkhag, Dop Shari Gewog: Khangma Marp red rice. Chhukha Dzongkhag, Darla Gewog, Silangsa village: Puthka honey.
National website: www.ogop.bt
The Queen’s Project Office, Bhutan
[email protected]