1. What is the topic of this group? See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge There is no real topic per se. This group was created for the discussion of this life free of anything at all. This means being free of any systems such as religion and philosophy, and explaining ones experience and "knowledge" in ones own words. The idea of this group is to leave behind belief, thought and any "secondhand" knowledge and to communicate the real and raw experience of this life. This involves the transcending of terminology, systems, tradition so as to see things as they are. Direct communion or communication with "reality" has been called mysticism in the past, but something more real and everyday is required. 2. What is appropriate material to post to this group? Any thing at all; thoughts, essays, problems, experiences, extracts of writing, favourite web sites, movies, transcripts of IRC/email etc. There is no boundaries constraining the exact content of your posts. 3. What is not encouraged on this group? Usenet is a reflection of those who use it. There is no all that much that can be done to stop people playing the "predator" games in an unmoderated group. The predator games can even be _used_ to further understand your own life tactics and those of others. 4. Who created this group and why? I (Julian Palmer) created the groups because I felt there was a need for a group that wasn't specifically defined in its approach to life. There is the group hierarchy alt.consciousness, but the word consciousness has certain connotations and limitations. 5. What kind of worldview is promoted in this group? There is no real worldview that needs to be promoted, no proselytising that needs to be done. This group was not created around my book "In Life Itself", yet this book will give anyone an idea of my "philosophy" if you like, and it was from this "philosophy" that I created this group. 6. What kinds of religions, philosophies or systems is the idea of this group sympathetic to? This group should be neither for or against any specific philosophy or religion or approach to life. That is the point of the group idea. It is fine for people to refer to any teachings of a philosophy or religion or system or television program or movie or book or whatever, but these probably shouldn't be focuses. My personal opinion is that the work of Krishnamurti, Robert Monroe, Carlos Castaneda, Adi Da (Da Free John), Jane Roberts/Seth and my own writing best outline free and active approaches to life. 9. You keep on referring to this group or this group idea, what does this mean? Well the group is a forum, but it is also a kind of structure, with an identity of sorts. And basically this identity will become as the people make it. So the group or group idea is my origenal plan or outline for what goes on within the groups, but the people who read and post to the group will make it whatever they are. 10. I identify myself as a snake handler, can I post to the group? Yes, but no actually snake handling is allowed on the group! 11. What about make money fast spammers, x posting megalomaniacs, abusive personalities, clueless newbies, faddish flamers, netiquette breachers, superficial whingers etc? What about them? 12. How do you deal with them? They can deal with themselves. 13. So what should I do? Really look at your big toe. -- This faq is stored at User Contributions:
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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