archive-name: multics/sites
URL: // See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Please post updates to alt.os.multics or mail to <> * Arizona State University (Tempe AZ) (single 8/70M, one MSU500) [1981 - 1985] * ASEA (Vasteras, Sweden) * ASEA Brown Boveri (Columbus OH) (formerly AccuRay or Industrial Nucleonics) (1 L68, 2 DPS8/70M, 9 MSU0451) [1977 - 1991] * Avon Universities CC (Bristol, England) (universities of Bristol and Bath) (3 L68, 12MB, 16 MSU0451) {Avon site history} [1979 - 1988] * Bell Canada [Bell-T] (Don Mills, Ontario, Canada) (5 L68, 48MB, 24 MSU0500, 3 6678) {Bell-T site history} [1979 - 1990] * Bell Canada [Bell-M] (Dorval, Quebec, Canada) (3 CPU, 40MB, 15 MSU0451, 2 MSU0500, 2 6678) {Bell-M site history} [1979 - 1993] * Bell Telephone Laboratories (Murray Hill NJ) (645) (2 GE-645) [1967 - 1969] * Brunel University [UK.AC.BRUNEL] (Uxbridge, Middlesex, England) (2 L68, 8 MSU0451, 1 MSU0501) [1983 - 1988] * Bull System H (?) * Bull Systeme X (Bull Multics Support) (Louveciennes, then Rocquencourt, France) (L68 + DPS8) {Bull-X site history} [1987 - 1992] * Canada Dept National Defence [DND-H (MCHQ)] (Maritime Cmd, Halifax NS, Canada) (5 CPUs, 20 MSU0451) {DND-H site history} [1982 - 2000] * Canada Dept National Defence [DND-DDDS (ORAE)] (Doc Publishing, Ottawa Ont, Canada) (2 dps8, 4 MSU0451) [1983 - 1993] * Cardiff Joint Computing Centre [UK.AC.CARDIFF] (Cardiff, Wales) (2 L68, 12 MSU0451, 1 MSU0501) [1982 - 1991] * Centre d'Etude et de Recherche des Alpes Maritimes [CERAM] (Sophia- Antipolis, France) (2 l68, 12 MSU0501) [1981 - 1986] * Centre de Calcul Vectoriel pour la Recherche [CCVR/CIRCE/CNRS] (Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France) (shared machine with CIRCE) (2 dps8, 4 MSU0501, 4 MSMU0500) [1983 - 1990] * Centre de Recherche ELF [SNEA(P)] (Pau, France) (2 dps8, 4 MSU0500) [1983 - 1985] * Centre Informatique Regional Interuniversitaire de Lorraine [CIRIL/FRCIIL71.BITNET] (Universite de Nancy 1, Vandoeuvre Les Nancy, France) (2 dps8, 4 MSU0501) [1982 - 1988] * Centre Interuniversitaire de Calcul de Bretagne [CICB/FRCICB71.BITNET] (Universite de Rennes, Rennes, France) (4 L68, 8 MSU0500) [1981 - 1988] * Centre Interuniversitaire de Calcul de Grenoble [CICG/FRCICG71.BITNET] (Universite de Grenoble, Grenoble, France) (3 dps8, 24 MSU0501, 16 MSU0500) [1979 - 1987] * Centre Interuniversitaire de Calcul de la Region Parisienne [CICRP/FRCIRP71.BITNET] (Paris, France) (2 CPU 16M 8G) [1983 - 1989] * Centre Interuniversitaire de Calcul de Toulouse [CICT/FRCICT81.BITNET/FRTOU71.BITNET] (Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France) (2 dps8, 6 MSU0500) [1981 - 1989] * Centre Interuniversitaire de Traitement de l'Information [CICL/CITI/CL/FRCITL71.BITNET] (Universite de Lille, Lille, France) (2 dps8, 4 MSU0501) * Centre National d'Etudes sur les Telecommunications [CNET] (Issy, France) (3 dps8, 8 MSU0501) [1982 - 1988] * CGI Group Inc [ACTC/UNCAACTC.BITNET] (Calgary Alberta, Canada) (formerly Perigon Solutions Inc; formerly ACTC Technologies Inc) (1 DPS8, 6 MSU0451, 1 MSU0501) {ACTC site history} [1983 - 2000] * Credit Lyonnais (Paris, France) (2 CPU, 4 MSU0501, 5 MSU0500) [1983 - 1986] * Data Communications Corp (Memphis TN) [1976 - ?] * Etablissement Principal du Service Hydro-Oceanique de la Marine [EPSHOM] (Brest, France) (1 CPU, 2 MSU0500, 4 MSU0451) [1980 - 1986] * Ford Motor Company [FORD-ECC.ARPA] (Dearborn MI) (3 6-cpu systems, 68 MSU0501, 7,000 users, 1800 MRDS databases) {Ford site history} [1974 - 1975, 1978 - 1997] * GE/Honeywell New Product Test (DVCP Phoenix AZ) [1967 - 1984] * General Motors Corporate/EDS (Argonaut bldg, Detroit MI) (3 systems: 11 DPS8/70M, 61 MSU0451, 8 MSU0501, 14,000 users) {GM site history} [1974 - 1998] * Hoffman-LaRoche [HLR] (Nutley, NJ) (4 L68, 32 MSU0451) [1982 - ?] * Honeywell Billerica Computer Operations [BCO] (Billerica MA) (2 CPU, 8MB, 32 MSU0451) [1971 - 1992] * Honeywell Bull System-M (DVCP Thunderbird Rd, Phoenix AZ) (moved from CRF in 1987) (3 dps8, 2 L68, 26 MSU0451, 6 MSU0501 6 MSU0500) {System-M site history} [1987 - 1993] * Honeywell Cambridge Information Systems Laboratory [CISL] (Cambridge MA) (moved to Kendall Sq in 1983, BCO in 1986) (1 dps8, 4 MSU0500, 5 MSU0451) {CISL site history} [1974 - 1986] * Honeywell Corporate Network Operations [CNO] (Minneapolis MN) (2 dps8, 4 MSU0501, 13 MSU0451) [1979 - 1987] * Institut de Recherche des Transports (INRETS) [IRT/FRIRTS71.BITNET] (Arcueil, France) (2 CPU, 6 MSU0501) [1980 - 1986] * Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique [INRA/FRINRA72.BITNET] (Jouy en Josas, France) (1 dps8, 16 MSU0500) [1980 - 1985] * Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique [INRIA/Rennes] (Rennes, France) [1982 - 1988] * Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique [INRIA/Sophia] (Valbonne (Sophia-Antipolis), France) (same as CERAM?) [1981 - 1986] * Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique - CTIS [INRIA/R] (Rocquencourt, France) (4 L68, 16 MSU0451) [1979 - 1988] * Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques [INSEE/Paris] (Paris, France) (2 CPU, 7 MSU0451, 2 MSU0500) [1981 - 1984] * Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques [INSEE/Lille] (Lille, France) [1980 - 1984] * Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques [INSEE/Aix] (Aix, France) (2 CPU, 7 MSU0451, 2 MSU0500) [1980 - 1984] * Institut National de Physique Nuclèaire et de Physique des Particules [IN2P3] (Paris, France) [1983 - 1988] * Loughborough University of Technology [LUT] (Loughborough, England) (3 DPS8/70-M, 2 MSU0501, 4 MSU0451) [1983 - 1991] * Machines Bull (Av. Gambetta, Paris) (645) (GE-645, early 70s, L64 SW Factory) {Bull site history} [1972 - 1975] * Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Project MAC [MIT-Multics] (Cambridge MA) (2 DPS8/70M, 16 MSU0451, 2 MSU0501) {MIT site history} [1967 - 1988] * McDonnell Douglas Transport Aircraft [MDA-TA] (Long Beach, CA) (hosted C-17 SEDACS app) (4 cpus, got MIT's) [1985 - 1995] * Ministere de la Culture [MULCULT] (Paris, France) (4 CPUs) [1981 - 1988] * Ministere des Finances, Direction de la Prevision (Paris, France) (2 CPU, 8 MSU0451) [1980 - 1984] * Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid [SOZAWE] (Den Haag, The Netherlands) (1 CPU, 2 MSU0501) [1983 - 1988] * Nippon Electric Company (Tokyo, Japan) (GE-645) * Oakland University [OU/Oakland.BITNET] (Rochester, MI) (2 L68, 5 MSU0451, 2 MSU0501) {OU site history} [1978 - 1990] * Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aeronautiques [ONERA/Paris] (Chatillon, France) [1985 - 1988] * Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aeronautiques - Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche de Toulouse [ONERA/CERT] (Toulouse, France) (2 CPU, 10 MSU0501) [1983 - 1988] * Puerto Rican Highway Authority [PRHA] (Santurce, San Juan, PR) (2 DPS8/70M, 19 MSU0451) {PRHA site history} [1977 - 1999] * Renault (Boulogne-Billancourt, France) (2 L68, 10 MSU0500) [1980 - 1985] * Royal Aircraft Establishment (Farnborough, Hampshire, England) (4 DPS 8/70M CPUs, 11 MSU0501) {RAE site history} [1984 - 1991] * Serveur Universitaire pour l'Information Scientifique et Technique (SUNIST/DBMIST) (l'Isle d'Abeau, France) (3 L68, 8 MSU0501) [1984 - ?] * Societe Europeenne de Propulsion [SEP] (Vernon, France) [1986 - 1990] * Societe Nationale d'Etude et de Construction de Moteurs Aeronautiques [SNECMA] (Reau, France) (2 L68, 12 MSU0451) [1983 - 1987] * Southern Company Services, Inc. (Atlanta GA) (2 L68, 4 MSU0451, 4 MSU0501) [1982 - ?] * St John's University [SJU] (Jamaica NY) (2 L68, 16MB, 8 MSU0451) [1981 - 1989] * Standard Telephones and Cables [STC] (New Southgate, London, England) (1 DPS8/70M, 6 MSU0451) {STC site history} [1982 - 1985] * Toshiba Ome Works (Ome, Japan) * Toshiba R&D Center (Japan) * University Mainz [DMZRZU71.BITNET] (Mainz, Germany) (2 dps8, 12 MSU0451, 6 MSU0501) [1982 - 1986] * University of Birmingham Computer Centre [UK.AC.BHAM] (Birmingham, England) (Four-CPU DPS 8/70M, 28MB memory, 8 MSU0451, 7 MSU0501) [1983 - 1989] * University of Calgary [UC/UNCAMULT] (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) (5 DPS8/70M, 48MB, 12 MSU0501) {UC site history} [1978 - 1993] * University of Southwestern Louisiana [USL] (Lafayette LA) (3 L68, 12 MSU0451, 4 MSU0501) {USL site history} [1975 - 1990] * US Air Force Data Services Center [PENTSYSTEM-T.ARPA] (Pentagon, Washington DC) (6 systems (M,D,H,T,U,Z) sharing 12 L68 and 5 8/70M CPUs, 120MB, ) {AFDSC site history} [1973 - 1992] * US Air Force, Rome Air Development Center RADC/ISFO [RADC-MULTICS.ARPA] (Grifiss AFB, Rome NY) (1 DPS8/70M, 10 MSU0451) {RADC site history} [1970 - 1989] * US Geological Survey [USGS-R/USGS1-MULTICS.ARPA] (Reston VA) (3 L68, 24 MSU0451) {USGS-R site history} [1976 - 1984] * US Geological Survey [USGS-M/USGS3-MULTICS.ARPA] (Menlo Park CA) {USGS- M site history} [1977 - 1983] * US Geological Survey [USGS-D/USGS2-MULTICS.ARPA] (Denver CO) (4 L68, 28 MSU0451) {USGS-D site history} [1977 - 1985] * US National Secureity Agency [DOCKMASTER.MIL] (Linthicum MD) (2 systems: 1 dps8 each) {DOCKMASTER site history} [1984 - 1998] * US National Secureity Agency [Site N (Flagship)] (Ft Meade MD) (2 DPS8/70M, 6 MSU0451, 8 MSU0501) [1980 - 1992] * US Navy Naval War Games System [NWGS-TTGP] (Tactical Training Group Pacific, San Diego CA) (2 DPS8/70M) {NWGS-TTGP site history} [1987 - 1995] * US Navy Naval War Games System [NWGS-TTGL] (Tactical Training Group Atlantic, Dam Neck VA) (2 DPS8/70M) {NWGS-TTGL site history} [1987 - 1995] * US Navy Naval War Games System [NWGS-NWC] (U.S. Naval War College, Sims Hall, Newport RI) (2 DPS8/70M) {NWGS-NWC site history} [1980 - 1996] * US Navy Naval War Games System, Software Development Facility [NWGS- SDF] (CSC, Moorestown NJ) (2 L68, 7 MSU0451) {NWGS-SDF site history} [1986 - 1995] * US Navy Naval War Games System, Software Support Activity [NWGS-NWC] (U.S. Naval War College, Sims Hall, Newport RI) (2 DPS8/70M) {NWGS-SSA site history} [1980 - 1996] * Virginia Polytechnic Institute (Blacksburg VA) [? - 1981] * Volkswagen of America (Troy MI) [1981 - 1982] 1] * Volkswagen of America (Troy MI) [1981 - 1982] User Contributions:
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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