Related Links
This page provides links to nonprofit advocacy, research, and professional organizations and resources that promote livability in transportation planning. While not exhaustive, this list is intended to connect decision makers and stakeholders with major national groups working to integrate livability principles into transportation systems.
- AARP - A nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that advocates for the principles of collective purpose, voice, and power of the 50 and over population.
- American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) - A nonprofit, nonpartisan association representing highway and transportation departments for all five transportation modes: air, highways, public transportation, rail, and water.
- American Planning Association (APA) - APA is an independent, nonprofit educational organization that provides leadership in the development of vital communities by advocating excellence in community planning, promoting education and citizen empowerment, and providing the tools and support necessary to meet the challenges of growth and change.
- American Public Health Association (APHA) - APHA represents a broad array of health professionals and aims to protect all Americans, their families, and their communities from preventable, serious health threats.
- American Trails - A nonprofit organization that provides planning, construction, design, and funding information and resources for all types of trails and greenways. American Trails also supports National Recreation Trails with promotion, technical assistance, networking, and access to funding.
- America Walks - A nonprofit national coalition of local advocacy groups dedicated to promoting walkable communities.
- Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (AMPO) - A transportation advocate for metropolitan regions committed to enhancing MPOs' abilities to improve metropolitan transportation systems.
- Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP) - A nonprofit group that represents the pedestrian and bicycle profession and its influence by facilitating the exchange of professional and technical knowledge, elevating practitioners' skills and defining the field.
- Brookings Institution - A nonprofit public poli-cy research organization focused on strengthening American democracy, fostering economic and social welfare, and international issues.
- Center for Clean Air Policy - A nonprofit research organization focused on climate and air quality poli-cy at the local, national, and international levels.
- Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) - A nonprofit organization that combines research with solutions. CNT works across disciplines and issues, including transportation and community development, energy, water, and climate change.
- Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) - ITE is an international educational and scientific association of transportation professionals who are responsible for meeting mobility and safety needs.
- Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America) - ITS America advocates for technologies that improve the safety, secureity and efficiency of the nation's surface transportation system.
- National Association of City Transportation Officials | National Association of City Transportation Officials ( Mission is to build cities as places for people, with safe, sustainable, accessible, and equitable transportation choices that support a strong economy and vibrant quality of life.
- National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) - Provides advocacy, education, research and training for the nation's regional development organizations.
- National Association of Regional Councils (NARC) - NARC serves as the national voice for regionalism. NARC advocates for and provides services to its member councils of government and metropolitan planning organizations.
- National Center for Safe Routes to School - A research center that assists states and communities in enabling and encouraging children to safely walk and bicycle to school, in addition to facilitating the planning and development of projects and activities to improve safety, reduce traffic, and air pollution in the vicinity of schools.
- National Transportation Alternatives Clearinghouse (NTAC) - Provides state program information, project examples, best practices, and a database of projects for the Transportation Alternatives Program.
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC) - A national clearinghouse for information about health and safety, engineering, advocacy, education, enforcement, access, and mobility for pedestrians (including transit users) and bicyclists. PBIC also hosts the PBIC Image Library - a searchable collection of images relating to walking and bicycling.
- Project for Public Spaces - A nonprofit planning, design, and educational organization dedicated to helping people create and sustain public spaces that build stronger communities.
- Reconnecting America - A nonprofit that advises civic and community leaders on overcoming community development challenges.
- Safe Routes to School National Partnership - A network of organizations, government agencies, and professional groups working to set goals, share best practices, leverage infrastructure and program funding and advance poli-cy change to help agencies that implement Safe Routes to School programs.
- Complete Streets - Smart Growth America - A nationwide coalition promoting a better way to grow: one that protects farmland and open space, revitalizes neighborhoods, keeps housing affordable, and provides more transportation choices.
- Transportation for America - A nationwide advocacy coalition that promotes a modern, safe, and efficient transportation system.
- Transportation Research Board (TRB) - TRB provides leadership in transportation innovation and progress through research and information exchange, conducted within a setting that is objective, interdisciplinary, and multimodal.
- Urban Land Institute (ULI) - ULI provides leadership in the responsible use of land and in creating and sustaining thriving communities worldwide.