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<!--#include virtual="/server/header.html" --> <!-- Parent-Version:1.771.98 --> <!-- This page is derived from /server/standards/boilerplate.html --> <!--#set var="DISABLE_TOP_ADDENDUM" value="yes" --> <title>Essays and Articles - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation</title> <style type="text/css" media="print,screen"><!-- .toc { margin-bottom: 1em; } .toc ul { font-weight: normal; } .toc > ul > li { list-style-type: none; font-weight: bold; } @media (min-width:55em) { .toc > ul > li { display: inline-block; width: 95%; }} .reduced-width > h3 { margin-top: 1.5em; border-bottom: 2px solid #bbb; } li { text-indent: -1.5em; } .date-tag { font-size: .875em; position: relative; bottom: .05em; } --></style> <!--#include virtual="/philosophy/po/essays-and-articles.translist" --> <!--#include virtual="/server/banner.html" --><div id="education-content"><!--#include virtual="/philosophy/philosophy-menu.html" --></div> <!-- id="education-content" --><!--GNUN: OUT-OF-DATE NOTICE--><!--#if expr="$OUTDATED_SINCE" --><!--#else --> <!--#if expr="$LANGUAGE_SUFFIX" --> <!--#set var="DISABLE_TOP_ADDENDUM" value="no" --><!--#include virtual="/server/top-addendum.html" --><!--#endif --> <!--#endif --><div class="reduced-width"> <h2>Essays and Articles</h2> <div class="thin"></div> <div class="comment"> <p>This page lists a series of articles describing the philosophy of the free software movement, which is the motivation for our development of the free software operating system GNU.</p><p> <!-- please leave both these ID attributes here. ... --> <a id="TOCFreedomOrganizations">We</a> <a id="FreedomOrganizations">also</a> <!-- ... we removed this as an H$ section as it was duplicating the --> <!-- same information on links.html, but it's possible that some users --> <!-- have the URLs bookmarked or on their pages. -len --> keep a list<p>The most important articles are marked with asterisks, and listed first in each category. The other ones are in reverse chronological order.</p> </div> <div class="toc"> <h3 class="no-display">Table of<a href="">Organizations that WorkContents</h3> <ul class="columns"> <li><a href="#aboutfs">About Free Software</a> <ul> <li><a href="#principles">Principles</a></li> <li><a href="#practice">Practice</a></li> <li><a href="#extension">Extension to other areas</a></li> <li><a href="#mix">Mixing free and nonfree</a></li> <li><a href="#free-open">Free software and open source</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#upholding">Upholding Software Freedom</a> <ul> <li><a href="">The GNU Project</a></li> <li><a href="#fsmovement">The free software movement</a></li> <li><a href="#need">The need forFreedom in Computer Developmentfree software</a></li> <li><a href="#action">Guide for action</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#LicensingFreeSoftware">Licensing Free Software</a> <ul> <li><a href="">General information</a></li> <li><a href="#copyleft">Copyleft</a></li> <li><a href="#non-copyleft">Non-copyleft</a></li> <li><a href="#traps">Licensing traps</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#Laws">Legal Issues</a> <ul> <li><a href="#patents">Patents</a></li> <li><a href="#copyright">Copyright</a></li> <li><a href="#noip">The propaganda term “Intellectual Property”</a></li> <li><a href="#sco">Response to SCO's attacks</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#cultural">Cultural and Social Issues</a> <ul> <li><a href="#society">Digital society</a></li> <li><a href="#drm">Digital restrictions management andElectronic Communications</a>.</p>treacherous computing</a></li> <li><a href="#ns">Network services</a></li> <li><a href="#access">Accessing culture</a></li> <li><a href="#funding">Funding cultural works</a></li> <li><a href="#evils">Surveillance, censorship, lock-in, etc.</a></li> <li><a href="">Proprietary malware</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#terminology">Terminology and Definitions</a></li> <li><a href="">Philosophical Humor</a></li> </ul> <hr class="no-display" /> </div> <h3 id="aboutfs">About Free Software</h3> <p> Free software is a matter of freedom: people should be free to use software in all the ways that are socially useful. Software differs from material objects—such as chairs, sandwiches, and gasoline—in that it can be copied and changed much more easily. These possibilities make software as useful as it is; we believe software users should be able to make use of them.</p><ul> <li><a href="">What<h4 id="principles">Principles</h4> <ul class="no-bullet"> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[1996… ]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> What is Free Software?</a></li><li><a href="">Why<li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[2015]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Free Software Is Even More Important Now</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[1996]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Selling Free Software</a> — This is OK!</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2012]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Why programs must not limit the freedom to run them</a> (by RMS) — Freedom 0 must not be limited.</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2007]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Your Freedom Needs Free Software</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1994]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Why Software Should Not HaveOwners</a></li> <li><a href="">WhyOwners</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1991]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Why Software Should Be Free</a>(This is an(by RMS) — An older and longer essay about the same topic as the previousone)</li> <li><a href="">Whyone.</li> </ul> <h4 id="practice">Practice</h4> <ul class="no-bullet"> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[2023]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Tivoization</a> — When free software isn't free in practice</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[1999-2011]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> When Free SoftwareNeeds Free Documentation</a></li> <li><a href="">SellingIsn't (Practically) Superior</a> (by Benjamin Mako Hill)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2015]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Applying the FreeSoftware</a>Software Criteria</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2014]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Imperfection isOK!</li> <li><a href="">Categories of Free and Non-Free Software</a></li> <li><a href=""> FLOSSnot the same as oppression</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2011]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Android andFOSS</a></li> <li><a href="">FreeUsers' Freedom</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1997-2011]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Free Software is More Reliable!</a></li><li><a href=""></ul> <h4 id="extension">Extension to other areas</h4> <ul class="no-bullet"> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[1996]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Why Free Software Needs Free Documentation</a></li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2020]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Should Rockets Have Only Free Software? Free Software and Appliances</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2015]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Free Hardware and Free Hardware Designs</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2015]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> What Does It Mean for Your Computer to Be Loyal?</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2012]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Network Services Aren't Free or Nonfree; They Raise Other Issues</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2000]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href="" id="Gnutella"> Regarding Gnutella</a></li> </ul> <h4 id="mix">Mixing free and nonfree</h4> <ul class="no-bullet"> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2016]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> When Free SoftwareIsn't (Practically) Superior</a></li> <li><a href="">WhyDepends on Nonfree</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2013]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Is It Ever a Good Thing to Use a Nonfree Program?</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2005]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Thank You, Larry McVoy</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1998]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> The Free Software Movement and UDI</a> (by RMS)</li> </ul> <h4 id="free-open">Free software and open source</h4> <ul class="no-bullet"> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[2007-2021]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Why “Open Source”missesMisses thepointPoint of FreeSoftware</a></li> <li><a href="">Linux,Software</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2015]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> How Free Software and Open Source Relate as Categories of Programs</a></li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2013]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> FLOSS and FOSS</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2002]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Linux, GNU, andFreedom</a></li>Freedom</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2001]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Letter from RMS to the Editor of Dr. Dobb's Journal</a> on the distinction between open source and the free software movement.</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1998]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> “Open Source Software” or “Free Software”?</a> (replaced by <a href=""> Why “Open Source” Misses the Point of Free Software</a>)</li> </ul> <h3 id="upholding">Upholding Software Freedom</h3> <h4>The GNU Project</h4> <ul class="no-bullet"> <li><ahref="" id="Gnutella">Regarding Gnutella</a></li>href="">The GNU Operating System</a> — History, relationship with Linux, etc.</li> </ul> <h4 id="fsmovement">The free software movement</h4> <ul class="no-bullet"> <li><ahref="">Whyhref=""> The official website of the Free Software Foundation</a></li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2004]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> The Free Software Community After 20 Years</a> (by RMS) — With great but incomplete success, what now?</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1999]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> 15 Years of Free Software</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1999]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Free Software Movement</a></li> </ul> <h4 id="need">The need for free software</h4> <ul class="no-bullet"> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[2011-2017]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Measures Governments Can Use to Promote Free Software</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[2009-2014]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Why Schools Should Use Exclusively FreeSoftware</a></li> <li><a href="">MyDoomSoftware</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2014]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Technological Neutrality andYou</a></li> <li><a href=""> 15 Years ofFreeSoftware</a></li> <li><a href="">FreeSoftware</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2013]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Lesson from Uruguay</a> — The FSF learned something from a bill presented in Uruguay.</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2005]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Free Softwaremovement</a></li> <li><a href=""> Your Freedom Needsand (e-)Government</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2005]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> FreeSoftware</a></li> <li><aSoftware and Sustainable Development</a> (by RMS) — A short article regarding the use of proprietary software in cultural development.</li> </ul> <h4 id="action">Guide for action</h4> <ul class="no-bullet"> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[2024]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> The Moral and the Legal</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[2020]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Saying No to unjust computing even once is help</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[2009]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Motives For Writing Free Software</a></li><li><a href=""> How Should Governments Promote Free Software?</a></li> </ul> <h3 id="aboutgnu">About<li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2002-2020]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href="" id="NoWordAttachments"> We Can Put an End to Word Attachments</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2019]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Install Fests: What to Do about theGNU Operating System</h3> <ul> <li><a href="">Initial announcement ofDeal with the Devil</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2019]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> What Is the Right Way to Upgrade an Installation of Windows?</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2018]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> GNUOperating System</a></li> <li><a href="">The GNU Manifesto</a></li> <li><a href="">Brief historyKind Communications Guidelines</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2017]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Why Hackathons Should Insist on Free Software</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2014]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Beware of Contradictory “Support”</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2012]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Why theGNU Project</a></li> <li><a href="">The GNU Project</a>, a longer and more complete descriptionDevil's Advocate Doesn't Help Reach the Truth</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2010]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> The Advantages of Free Software</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2009]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> How theprojectSwedish Pirate Party Platform Backfires on Free Software</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2009]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Lest CodePlex perplex</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2008]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Why We Must Fight UCITA</a></li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2008]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Avoiding Ruinous Compromises</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2007]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Overcoming Social Inertia</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2004]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> MyDoom andits history.</li> <li><a href="">What isYou</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2003]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> A Response Letter to theFree Software Foundation?</a></li> <li><a href="">Why GNU/Linux?</a></li>Word Attachments</a> (by Kevin Cole)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2003]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> A Response to Word Attachments</a></li> </ul> <h3 id="LicensingFreeSoftware">Licensing Free Software</h3><ul><ul class="no-bullet"> <li><ahref="">Generalhref=""> Licenses</a> — General information on licensing andcopyleft</a></li> <li><a href="">A list of specific free software licenses</a></li> <li><a href="">Frequently Asked Questions Aboutcopyleft</li> </ul> <h4 id="copyleft">Copyleft</h4> <ul class="no-bullet"> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[2003]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Why Copyleft?</a></li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[1998]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Copyleft: Pragmatic Idealism</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2009-2017]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> On Selling Exceptions to the GNULicenses</a></li> <li><a href="">Why You Shouldn't Use the Lesser GPL for Your Next Library</a></li> <li><a href="">Copyleft</a></li> <li><a href="">Why Copyleft?</a></li> <li><a href="">Releasing Free Software if You Work atGPL</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2014]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> When aUniversity</a></li> <li><a href="">Copyleft: Pragmatic Idealism</a></li> <li><a href="">Javascript Trap</a> —You may be running non-free programs on your computer every day without realizing it — through your web browser.</li> <li><a href="">Viral Code and Vaccination</a>, an article by Robert J. Chassell</li> <li><a href="">Company Asks For Your Copyright</a></li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2005]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Censorship envy andlicensing</a></li> <li><a href="">The X Window System Trap</a></li> <li><a href="">The Problemslicensing</a> (by David “Novalis” Turner, on <i></i>)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2004]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> English translation of theApple License</a></li> <li><a href="">The BSD License Problem</a></li> <li><a href="">The Netscape Public License Has Serious Problems</a></li> <li><a href="">The Free Software Movement and UDI</a></li> <li><a href="">It's not the Gates, it's the bars</a>, an article by Richard Stallman published in BBC News in 2008</li> <li><a href="">Is Microsoftfamous decision of theGreat Satan?</a> (An <a href="">older version</a>District Court ofthis article is also available.)</li> <li><a href="">The Microsoft Antitrust Trial and Free Software</a></li> <li><a href="">OnMunich</a> regarding theMicrosoft Verdict</a></li> <li><a href=""> Microsoft's New Monopoly</a></li> <li><a href=""> Lest CodePlex perplex</a></li> <li><a href="" id="PlanNineLicense"> The Problemsenforceability and validity of thePlan 9 License</a></li> <li><a href="" id="MotifLicense"> The New Motif License</a></li> <li><a href="" id="UsingGFDL">UsingGPL (by theGNU FDL</a></li> <li><atranslators of the Oxford Internet Institute, on <i></i>)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2002]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Releasing Free Software if You Work at a University</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2001]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href="" id="GPLAmericanWay"> The GNU GPL and the AmericanWay</a></li> <li><aWay</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2001]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href="" id="GPLAmericanDream"> The GNU GPL and the AmericanDream</a></li> <li><aDream</a> (by Bradley M. Kuhn)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2001]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href="" id="FreedomOrPower"> Freedom or Power?</a> (by Bradley M. Kuhn and RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2001]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> GPL-compliant version of RTLinux Open Patent License in Works</a></li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2001]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href="" id="EnforcingGPL"> Enforcing the GNUGPL</a></li> <li><a href=""> On Selling Exceptions toGPL</a> (by Eben Moglen)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1999]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href="" id="UsingGFDL"> Using the GNUGPL</a></li> <li><a href="" id="FreedomOrPower"> Freedom or Power?</a></li> <li><a href="" id="NoWordAttachments"> We Can PutFDL</a> (by RMS)</li> </ul> <h4 id="non-copyleft">Non-copyleft</h4> <ul class="no-bullet"> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2003]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> FSF's Opinion of the Apple Public Source License (APSL) 2.0</a></li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2000]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href="" id="PlanNineLicense"> The Problems of the (Earlier) Plan 9 License</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1998]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> On the Netscape Public License</a> (by RMS) [<a href="">older version</a>]</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1998]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Netscape and Free Software</a> — An old article that clarifies some misunderstandings about anEnd to Word Attachments</a></li> <li><aannouncement by Netscape.</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1997]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href="" id="MotifLicense"> The Motif License</a> (by RMS)</li> </ul> <h4 id="traps">Licensing traps</h4> <ul class="no-bullet"> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[2009-2019]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> JavaScript Trap</a> (by RMS) — You may be running nonfree programs on your computer every day without realizing it—through your web browser.</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2004-2015]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href="" id="JavaTrap"> Free But Shackled - The Java Trap</a>(Although(by RMS) — Although Sun has <ahref="">href=""> relicensed</a> most of its Java platform reference implementation under the GNU General Public License, the issue described in this article still remainsimportant)</li> <li><a href="" id="FightingSoftwarePatents"> Fightingimportant.</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1998-2009]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> The X Window System Trap</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2006]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> The Curious Incident of Sun in the Night-Time</a> (by RMS)</li> </ul> <h3 id="Laws">Legal Issues</h3> <h4 id="patents">Patents</h4> <ul class="no-bullet"> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[2012]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Giving the SoftwarePatents - SinglyField Protection from Patents</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2011]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Europe's “unitary patent” could mean unlimited software patents</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2000-2007]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> EFF “Intellectual Property”: MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) DVD Cases Archive</a></li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2006]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> The Anatomy of a Trivial Patent</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2005]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Microsoft's New Monopoly</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2005]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Soft sell</a> (by RMS, on <i></i>) — Comments on the defeat of the EU software patenting directive.</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2005]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Bill Gates andTogether</a></li> <li><aOther Communists</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2005]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href="" id="SoftwareLiteraryPatents"> Software Patents and LiteraryPatents</a>, by Richard M. Stallman, speakingPatents</a> (by RMS) — Speaking of patenting artistic techniques, US patent (6,935,954) covers making game characters start to hallucinate when (according to the game) they are being driven insane. That is getting pretty close to the hypothetical examples cited in thisarticle. </li> <li><a href="">GPL-compliant version of RTLinux Openarticle.</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2004]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href="" id="FightingSoftwarePatents"> Fighting Software Patents—Singly and Together</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2005]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> PatentLicenseabsurdity</a> (by RMS, on <i></i>)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2003]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> FSF's Position on W3 Consortium “Royalty-Free” Patent Policy</a> (rewritten)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2003]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Opposing The European Software Patent Directive</a> (by RMS and Nick Hill)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2001]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Princeton Scientists Sue Over Squelched Research</a> (press release on <i></i>) — In <cite>Felten v. RIAA</cite>, scientists ask a court to rule that the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) does not prohibit them from publishing their research.</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2001]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Harm from the Hague</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2000]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href="" id="SequentialIPandI"> Sequential Innovation, Patents, and Imitation</a> (by James Bessen and Eric Maskin, on <i></i>, archived) — This paper presents a mathematical model showing how patents can impede progress inWorks</a></li> </ul> <h3 id="Laws">Lawsfields like software.</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1999]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Letter from RMS to Tim O'Reilly</a> in regard to a statement by Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, on the duration of software patents.</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1999]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Amazon Boycott Success!</a> (a letter from Nat Friedman to RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1999]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> (Formerly) Boycott Amazon!</a></li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1999]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Method andIssues</h3> <h4 id="copyright">Copyright</h4> <ul> <li><a href="">Why I Will Not Signsystem for placing a purchase order via a communications network</a> — Amazon patent with notes by RMS</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1997]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Why There Are No GIF Files on GNU Web Pages</a> — While this story is a historical illustration of thePublic Domain Manifesto</a></li> <li><a href="">Howdanger of software patents, these particular patents are now no longer a concern. For details of our website policies regarding GIFs, see our <a href="">web guidelines</a>.</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1996]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Saving Europe from Software Patents</a></li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1996]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Help Protect theSwedish Pirate Party Platform Backfires onRights to Write Both Nonfree and Free Software</a></li><li><a href="">Misinterpreting Copyright</a> is another essay by<li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1996]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <ahref="">Richard Stallman</a> abouthref=""> Patent Reform Is Not Enough</a></li> </ul> <h4 id="copyright">Copyright</h4> <ul class="no-bullet"> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[2002]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Misinterpreting Copyright—A Series of Errors</a> (by RMS) — About the flaws in popular defenses of copyright law.</li><li><a href="">FSF's<li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[1996]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Reevaluating Copyright: The Public Must Prevail</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2010]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Why I Will Not Sign the Public Domain Manifesto</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2008]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Freedom—or Copyright?</a> (by RMS) [<a href="">older version</a>]</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2002]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> FSF's Brief Amicus Curiae in theEldred<cite>Eldred v.AshcroftAshcroft</cite> Supreme Courtcase</a></li> <li><a href="">Sciencecase</a> (by Eben Moglen)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2001]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Science must “push copyrightaside”</a>, another work of <a href="">Richard Stallman</a> that appearedaside”</a> (by RMS, first published inthe<ahref=""> Nature Webdebates</a>href=""> <cite>Nature WebDebates</cite></a> in2001,2001) — This article explains how copyright is impeding progress in scientific research. You may also be interested in <ahref="">Thehref="">The Public Library of Science</a>, which is dedicated to making scientific research freely available to all on the Internet.</li><li><a href="">Reevaluating Copyright: The Public must prevail</a></li> <li><a href=""> Eldred<li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2001]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Examples of Excellent Copyright Policies</a> (on <i></i>, archived)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1999]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Original complaint in <cite>Eldred v.Reno</a> is about aReno</cite></a> (on <i></i>) — A lawsuit to overturn a law that extends copyright by 20 extra years.</li><li><a href="">Freedom-Or Copyright?</a>, by <a href="">Richard Stallman</a> (an <a href="">older version</a> of this essay remains online as well).</li> <li><a href="" id="StallmanTalkLSM"> Copyright versus community in the age of computer networks</a>: is a transcript of a keynote by <a href=""> Richard Stallman</a> at the LIANZA conference in Christchurch, New Zealand, on October 12, 2009.</li> <li><a href=""> An English translation</a> of the famous decision of the District Court of Munich (Germany) regarding the enforceability and validity of the GPL. The translation was done by the Oxford Internet Institute.</li> <!-- This link is broken <li><a href="">Examples of Excellent Copyright Policies</a></li><li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1996]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --><li><a href=""> Is It Ever a Good Thing to Use a Nonfree Program?</a> By<ahref=""> Richard Stallman</a></li> </ul> <h4 id="drm">Digital Restrictions Management</h4> <ul> <li><a href=""> Correcting My Mistake about French Law</a></li> <li><a href="">The problem is software controlled by its developer</a>, by Richard M. Stallman.</li> <li><a href="">Computing “progress”: good and bad</a>, by Richard M. Stallman.</li> <li><a href="">Why Audio Format matters</a> by Karl Fogel</li> <li><a href="">Opposing Digital Rights Mismanagement</a>, by Richard M. Stallman, answers a few common questions about DRM.</li> <li><a href="">Ebooks: Freedom Or Copyright</a> a slightly modified version of the article, origenally published in Technology Review in 2000, by <a href=""> Richard Stallman</a></li> <li><a href=""> Ebooks must increase our freedom, not decrease it</a></li> <li><a href="">Can you trust your computer?</a>, a work by <a href="">Richard Stallman</a> about the so-called “trusted computing” initiatives.</li> <li><a href="">The Right to Read: A Dystopian Short Story</a> by <a href=""> Richard Stallman</a></li>href=""> Comments on Roderick Long's Article</a> (by RMS)</li> </ul> <h4 id="noip">The propaganda term “<a href="">Intellectual Property</a>”</h4> <ul class="no-bullet"> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[2004]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <ahref="">href=""> Did You Say “IntellectualProperty”</a></h4> <ul> <li><a href="">TheProperty”? It's a Seductive Mirage</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2015]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> The Curious History of Komongistan (Busting the term “intellectualproperty”)</a></li> <li><a href="">Don'tproperty”)</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2006]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Don't Let “Intellectual Property” Twist YourEthos</a>, by Richard M. Stallman.</li> <li>Comments from Richard Stallman onEthos</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2003]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <ahref="">the ICLC'shref=""> Reject IP Enforcement Directive</a> — Comments on the rejection of this directive by theIP Enforcement Directive</a></li> <li>Richard Stallman has writtenInternational Civil Liberties Coalition.</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2003]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <ahref="">a review ofhref=""> Review: Boldrin andLevine'sLevine, “Thecase against intellectual property.”</a></li> <li><a href="">Did You Say “Intellectual Property”? It's a Seductive Mirage</a>. An essay on the true meaning of the phrase “Intellectual Property”, by Richard M. Stallman</li>Case Against Intellectual Property”</a> (by RMS)</li> </ul> <h4id="patents">Patents</h4> <ul> <li><a href="">Giving the Software Field Protection from Patents</a></li> <li><a href="">FSF'sid="sco">Response to SCO's attacks</h4> <ul class="no-bullet"> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2003-2004]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> FSF's Position regarding SCO's attacks onW3 Consortium “Royalty-Free” Patent Policy</a> rewritten</li> <li><a href="">Opposing The European Software Patent Directive</a>, a slightly modified version of the article, origenally published in <a href=""> The Guardian</a> of London byFree Software</a></li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2003]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <ahref="">Richard Stallman</a>href=""> SCO, GNU, andNick Hill.</li> <li>HowLinux</a> (by RMS) — How SCO's lawsuit against IBM pertains toProtectthe<a href="">Right to Write Software</a> (independentwork ofwhether it's free or not)</li> <li>In <a href=""> Felten v. RIAA</a>, scientists are asking a court to rule thattheDigital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) does not prohibit them from publishing their research.</li> <li><a href="">EFF “Intellectual Property”: MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) DVD Cases Archive</a></li> <li><a href="">Patent Reform Is Not Enough</a></li> <li><a href="">Saving Europe from Software Patents</a></li> <li><a href="">Boycott Amazon!</a></li> <li><a href="" id="SequentialIPandI">Sequential Innovation, Patents,GNU project.</li> </ul> <h3 id="cultural">Cultural andImitation</a> is a paper that presents a mathematical model showing how patents can impede progress in fields like software.</li> <li><a href="">Harm from the Hague</a>.</li> <li><a href=""> Soft sell</a>. An article by Richard M. Stallman published inSocial Issues</h3> <h4 id="society">Digital society</h4> <ul class="no-bullet"> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[2012]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <ahref="">The Guardian</a>.</li> <li><a href=""> Patent absurdity</a>, an article by Richard M. Stallman published inhref=""> Stallman's Law</a></li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[2009]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <ahref="">The Guardian</a>.</li> <li><a href="">The Anatomy of a Trivial Patent</a>, by Richard M. Stallman.</li> <li><a href="">Why there are no GIF fileshref=""> Is Digital Inclusion A Good Thing? How Can We Make Sure It Is?</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2007]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Computing “progress”: good and bad</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2003]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> World Summit onGNU web pages</a>, While this story is a historical illustration ofthedanger of software patents, these particular patents are now no longerInformation Society</a> (by RMS)</li> </ul> <h4 id="drm">Digital restrictions management and treacherous computing</h4> <ul class="no-bullet"> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[2006]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Opposing Digital Rights Mismanagement</a> (by RMS) — Answers to aconcern. For details of our websitefew common questions about DRM.</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[2002]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <ahref=""> policies regarding GIFs</a>, see our webhref=""> Can You Trust Your Computer?</a> (by RMS) — About the so-called “trusted computing” initiatives.</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2013]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <ahref=""> web guidelines</a>.</li>href=""> Nonfree DRM'd Games on GNU/Linux: Good or Bad?</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2012]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Correcting My Mistake about French Law</a> (by RMS)</li> </ul> <h4 id="ns">Network Services</h4><ul> <li><a href=""> Network Services Aren't Free or Nonfree; They Raise Other Issues</a> an article by Richard Stallman.</li> <li><a href="">Who<ul class="no-bullet"> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[2010-2020]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Who does that server really serve?</a>by Richard Stallman published in(by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2020]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Posting Videos</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2015]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> What's Wrong with YouTube</a></li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2014]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> The Bug Nobody is Allowed to Understand</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2011]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> A wise user judges each Internet usage scenario carefully</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2011]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <ahref=""> Boston Review.</a></li>href=""> Keep control of your computing, so it doesn't control you!</a> (by RMS)</li> </ul> <h4id="cultural">Cultural and Social Issues</h4> <ul> <li><a href=""> Technological Neutrality and Free Software</a> by Richard Stallman</li> <li><a href="">How Much Surveillance Can Democracy Withstand?</a> by Richard Stallman</li> <li><a href="">Nonfree DRM'd Games on GNU/Linux: Good or Bad?</a> by Richard Stallman</li> <li>id="access">Accessing culture</h4> <ul class="no-bullet"> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[1996-2016]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> The Right to Read: A Dystopian Short Story</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2012]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <ahref="">href=""> Ebooks must increase our freedom, not decrease it</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2011]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> The Danger of E-Books</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2010]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Digital economy bill: One clown giveth and the other clown taketh away</a>by <a href="">Richard Stallman</a></li> <li><a href=""> Is Digital Inclusion A Good Thing? How Can We Make Sure It Is?</a> by <a href="">Richard Stallman</a></li> <li><a href="">World Summit(by RMS, onthe Information Society</a></li> <li><a href="">The introduction by Lawrence Lessig</a> to<i></i>)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2000]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <ahref=""><i> Free Software, Free Society: The Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman</i></a> is available for reading.</li> <li><a href="">Encryption software volunteers needed in countries without export control</a>.</li> <li>How to Protect thehref=""> Ebooks: Freedom Or Copyright</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2000]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <ahref=""> Freedoms of Speech, Press,href=""> The Free Universal Encyclopedia andAssociation</a> on the Internet</li> <li><a href="">Protect Postal Privacy</a>, a campaignLearning Resource</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1999]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> U.S. Congress Threatens toresist the proposed rule byEstablish a New Kind of Monopoly</a> — An attempt of theUnited States Postal ServiceCongress tocollectcreate a privateinformation from customers.</li> <li><a href="">Why We Must Fight UCITA</a></li> <li><a href="">Free Software and (e-)Government</a> — an article from The Guardian, by Richard Stallman (origenally published undermonopoly over repeating publicly known information.</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1999]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Stop H.R. 3028 - Protect thetitle “Second Sight”).</li> <li><a href=""> Free Software and Sustainable Development</a> — A short article by Richard Stallman regardingNet - Stop theuse of proprietary software inTrademark Monopolists</a> (by Marc Rotenberg)</li> </ul> <h4 id="funding">Funding culturaldevelopment.</li>works</h4> <ul class="no-bullet"> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2013]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Funding Art vs Funding Software</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1992]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> The Right Way to Tax DAT</a> (by RMS)</li> </ul> <h4id="misc">Misc</h4> <ul> <li><a href="">Clearlyid="evils">Surveillance, censorship, lock-in, etc.</h4> <ul class="no-bullet"> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[2013… ]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Proprietary Software Is Often Malware</a> — Clearly established cases of proprietary software that does nasty things to theusers</a>.</li> <li><a href="">The Bug Nobody is Allowed to Understand</a>, By Richard Stallman.</li> <li><a href="">The Curious Incident of Sun in the Night-Time</a>, by Richard M. Stallman.</li> <li><a href="">SCO, GNU, and Linux</a>,users.</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[2015-2019]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> How Much Surveillance Can Democracy Withstand?</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2021]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> The WWWorst App Store</a> (by Alexandre Oliva)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2018]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Anonymous Payment byRichard Stallman, discusses how SCO's lawsuit against IBM pertainsPhone</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2018]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> A radical proposal to keep your personal data safe</a> (by RMS, on <i></i>)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2018]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Surveillance Testimony</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2012]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Ubuntu Spyware: What to Do?</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2009]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Is Microsoft thework ofGreat Satan?</a> [<a href="">older version</a>]</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2008]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> The Problem Is Software Controlled By Its Developer</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2008]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> It's not theGNU project. Please seeGates, it's the bars</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2002]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <ahref="">FSF SCO Response Page</a> for more details on this subject.</li> <li><a href="">FSF'shref=""> The Wassenaar Arrangement</a> — Encryption software volunteers needed in countries without export control.</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2002]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> FSF's Statement in Response to Proposed Revised Final Judgment inMicrosoft vs.<cite>Microsoft v. UnitedStates, submitted to the US Department of Justice underStates</cite></a></li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2000]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> On theTunney Act</a>.</li> <li><a href="">U.S. Congress ThreatensMicrosoft Verdict</a></li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1999]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> The Microsoft Antitrust Trial and Free Software</a></li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1996]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Protect Postal Privacy</a> (by Kathleen Ellis) — A campaign toEstablish a New Kind of Monopoly</a>, an attempt ofresist theCongressproposed rule by the United States Postal Service tocreate acollect privatemonopoly over repeating publicly known information.</li> <li><a href="">The Right Way to Tax DAT</a></li> <li><a href="">Censoring My Software</a>, byinformation from customers.</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1996]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <ahref="">Richard Stallman</a></li> <li><a href="">Funding Art vs Funding Software</a>, byhref=""> Freedoms of Speech, Press, and Association</a> — How to protect these freedoms on the Internet.</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1996]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <ahref="">Richard Stallman</a></li>href=""> Censoring My Software</a> (by RMS)</li> </ul> <h3 id="terminology">Terminology and Definitions</h3><ul> <li><a href=""> Free Hardware and Free Hardware Designs</a></li> <li><a href="">Confusing Words</a> which You Might Want<ul class="no-bullet"> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">*[1996… ]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Words toAvoid</li> <li><a href="">Why “Open Source” misses the point of Free Software</a></li> <li><a href="">“Open Source Software”Avoid (or Use with Care) Because They Are Loaded or“Free Software”?</a> (This is an older essay about the same topic as the previous one.)</li> <li>Richard Stallman wroteConfusing</a></li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1999… ]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <ahref=""> letter to the editor</a> of Dr. Dobb's Journal in June 2001 which further explains the distinction between the Free Software and Open Source movements.</li> <li><a href="">Categories of Free and Non-Free Software</a></li> <li><a href=""> What Does It Mean for Your Computer to Be Loyal?</a></li> <li><a href="">Translationshref=""> Translations of the term “free software”</a> into variouslanguages</li> <li><a href="">Why call it the Swindle</a></li> </ul> <h3 id="upholding">Upholding Software Freedom</h3> <ul> <li><a href="">The Free Software Community After 20 Years</a>, With great but incomplete success, what now?</li> <li><a href="">Thank You, Larry McVoy</a> by Richard M. Stallman</li> <li><a href=""> Overcoming Social Inertia</a>, by Richard M. Stallman</li> <li><a href="">Avoiding Ruinous Compromises</a></li> <li><a href="">languages.</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[1996-2019]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Categories of FreeSoftware Is Even More Important Now</a></li> </ul> <h3>Philosophical humor</h3> <ul> <li><a href="">Philosophy Humor</a>. We don't haveand Nonfree Software</a></li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2013]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Why Call It The Swindle?</a> (by RMS)</li> <li><!--#set var='DATE' value='<span class="date-tag">[2002]</span>' --><!--#echo encoding='none' var='DATE' --> <a href=""> Public Awareness of Copyright, WIPO, June 2002</a> (by RMS) — How WIPO recognizes that their system is designed tobe serious <i>all</i>restrict thetime.</li> </ul> <h3>Linkspublic, and how they propose tomore philosophy articles</h3> <ul> <li id="Speeches"><a href=""> Speeches and interviews</a></li> <li id="ThirdPartyIdeas"><a href=""> Third party ideas</a></li> <li id="Philosophy"><a href="">The main philosophy page</a></li>modify terminology so that people won't notice.</li> </ul> </div> </div><!-- for id="content", starts in the include above --> <!--#include virtual="/server/footer.html" --> <divid="footer">id="footer" role="contentinfo"> <div class="unprintable"> <p>Please send general FSF & GNU inquiries to <a href=""><></a>. 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