Weird News

Something extraordinary was revealed today. Former high-level officials and scientists with deep black experience who have
An endangered tropical plant that emits the stench of a rotting corpse during its rare blooms has begun to flower in a greenhouse in Sydney.
A bull moose can weigh around 1,000 pounds so forest rangers didn't have much of a chance to safely pull the animal out from the cold water.
"It’s gonna happen," biologist Joe Wasilewski warned. "If it’s in the 50s, they’re slow. If it’s in the 40s, they’re on the brink of falling. And if it’s in the 30s, they’re down.”
The animals not only eat the trees, they fight with them, rub themselves against them and "do various other things" a zoo spokesman said.
"And now it's time for America's Greatest Tradition: murdering a Pop Tart on live TV."
The highway's guardrail was suspended in the air across the gaping 40-foot-wide hole, which opened up when an abandoned mine collapsed under the right shoulder.
For one Virginia family, the holidays have been a real hoot.
Police in Fort Collins shared surveillance footage of the suspected Grinch who snatched the figurine from the scene.
Chuck Hildebrandt recently tried to return a book titled “Baseball’s Zaniest Stars” that he borrowed in 1974 when he was a 13-year-old “baseball nut.”