In 2021, much of our response focused on multidimensional crises arising from the combined impact of protracted conflict, the fall-out from the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change.
Across the globe, we helped millions of people to meet their most urgent needs, have access to essential services and build their resilience to the effects of conflict and violence.
We supported health-care facilities to ensure access to critical care for people living in conflict zones or underserved areas.
Thousands of detainees received visits from ICRC delegates. We checked on their situation and provided support to improve their living conditions.
With our partners in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, we enabled separated family members to restore contact with one another and searched for those missing in relation to armed conflict, migration or other reasons.
Complementing this work, we sought to limit human suffering by promoting respect for international humanitarian law and other applicable norms, spreading awareness of basic humanitarian principles, and raising issues of concern with those who have influence over those issues at the domestic, regional and global levels.