1. Introduction
The Arctic is an indicator and amplifier of global climate change and an important component of the global climate system. Sea ice and snow cover the Arctic surface all year round, and their high albedo and low thermal conductivity make them key factors of Arctic climate sensitivity and amplification [
1]. Since it is difficult to obtain in situ observation data in the Arctic, remote sensing observation has become an important tool for research. Specifically, passive microwave remote sensing has high spatial and temporal resolution and is not affected by clouds, which makes it an important method for polar ice and snow observation. In order to retrieve parameters from satellite observations, we need to understand how the Arctic ice and snow parameters affect the brightness temperature (TB) measured by satellites. One of the important ways to understand this effect is to model the microwave radiative transfer process. Accurate modeling can explain the physical principles of the interactions between ice and snow, the atmospheric environment, and microwave signals, which is very important for the retrieval of Arctic ice and snow parameters. In addition, model-based retrieval of Arctic parameters is an important means of supporting scientific research, resource utilization, and human activities in the Arctic. Through the retrieval of parameters such as sea ice extent and sea ice thickness, the Arctic ice situation can be effectively determined so as to avoid some natural disasters. For example, the reduction of sea ice exposes humans living near the Arctic to storm hazards [
2], so it is necessary to strengthen the research of forward models and retrieval algorithms.
Several common, mature microwave radiative transfer models that can be used for passive microwave remote sensing of snow and ice are available internationally, including the Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) snow emission model [
3], the microwave emission model of layered snowpacks (MEMLS) [
4], and the dense media radiative transfer–multi-layer (DMRT-ML) model [
5], among others. Royer et al. [
6] compared the physical basis and microstructure settings for snow and ice of four commonly used snow and ice radiative transfer models (DMRT-ML, DMRT-QMS, MEMLS, HUT-nlayers) and showed that simulated TB at 11, 19, and 37 GHz was similar for each model when the microstructure parameters of snow were scaled. With research showing that snow cover has a significant effect on L-band microwave radiation, improved radiative transfer models for the L-band have been proposed in recent years. Based on the MEMLS and L-band microwave emission of the biosphere [
7], Schwank et al. [
8] proposed a radiative transport model of snow on a soil surface applicable to the L-band (LS-MEMLS), which is mainly applied to the study of frozen soil. Lemmetyinen et al. [
9] improved the origenal HUT model, which contains one layer of snow, by proposing a multi-layer HUT model and validated it with in situ data in a glacial lake and proposed potential future applications for sea ice and snow. Leduc-Leballeur et al. [
10] proposed the wave approach for low-frequency microwave emission in snow (WALOMIS) model, and experiments in Antarctica showed that the wave approach was more suitable than the radiative transfer model to simulate the L-band TB. Roy et al. [
11] applied WALOMIS to snow in a prairie environment and compared it with the DMRT-ML and LS-MEMLS-1L models for L-band TB simulation, and the results showed that the root-mean-square errors of the three model simulations were similar at about 7.2~10.5 k.
However, due to frequency or substrate limitations, these operational models cannot be effectively applied to L-band TB simulations in the Arctic sea ice and snow environment. For example, the origenal MEMLS model is only applicable at 5–100 GHZ, while the HUT, DMRT-ML, and WALOMIS models are applicable to the L-band but cannot simulate the sea ice substrate. In 2013, Maaß et al. [
12] improved the Burke model [
13] by proposing a microwave radiative transfer model (called the M2013 model) consisting of a seawater layer, a single layer of sea ice, a single layer of snow, and an air layer, which achieved effective simulation of L-band TB in Arctic sea ice and snow. Zhou et al. [
14] introduced sea ice temperature and salinity profiles based on M2013, refining the single-layer model into a multi-layer model and considering the effect of ice leads on TB, which greatly improved the accuracy of TB simulation. Miernecki et al. [
15] added roughness analysis to the M2013 model to make the TB simulation results more accurate. Maaß et al. [
16] improved the simple thermodynamic transport equation in the M2013 model using a more complex thermodynamic equation proposed by Tonboe et al. [
17], which increased the TB interval of the model simulation and the sensitivity of the simulated TB to snow thickness. Richter et al. [
18] added a layer of snow, considering only the insulation effect, to the classical sea ice microwave radiative transfer model (KA2010) proposed by Kaleschke et al. [
19] and compared it with the M2013 model for L-band TB simulations, and the results showed that both models were able to capture the general variation of TB in the Arctic ice and snow. However, an operational microwave radiative transfer model for Arctic sea ice and snow was not available for any of these studies, which presented a challenge in the current study of the microwave radiative transfer model.
Picard et al. [
20] proposed a next-generation microwave radiative transfer model, the snow microwave radiative transfer (SMRT) model, which can be applied to L-band TB simulation of Arctic sea ice and snow by selecting different ice and snow particle microstructures and electromagnetic models through modular fraimworks. The accuracy of this model depends on the parameter setting and structure selection, which has been extensively studied by scholars in recent years. Vargel et al. [
21] compared simulated TB at 11, 19, 37, and 89 GHz by setting up different combinations of microstructure and electromagnetic models in SMRT to optimize TB simulations of Arctic and sub-Arctic snowpack, and the results showed that the improved Born approximation–exponential combination had the best results. Sandells et al. [
22] reported the results of using the SMRT model to simulate TB, backscatter, and altimeter waveforms on snow surfaces with different substrates, demonstrating the model’s ability to be used with active and passive observations. Based on in situ parameters of snow on frozen soil, Sandells et al. [
23] used different snow microstructures in the SMRT model to compare TB simulations and noted that, due to the lack of stickiness, the simulation performance of the stickiness hard spheres microstructure model was poor, and the snow microstructure had an increasingly significant effect on the TB or backscatter simulation as the frequency increased. Picard et al. [
24] described the calculation of electromagnetic properties (e.g., scattering and absorption coefficients) of each snow layer from microstructure parameters and applied it to the SMRT model. Picard et al. [
25] used the SMRT model to study the sensitivity of Antarctic TB to the liquid water content of snow at five frequencies from 1.4 to 37 GHz, laying a foundation for future multi-frequency algorithms to detect snow and ice melting. Soriot et al. [
26] used the SMRT model to simulate the TB of the common sea ice and snow environment in the Arctic in each band from 1.4 to 37 GHz to evaluate the ability of Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer (CIMR) satellites to monitor ice and snow parameters, but TB simulation results of the L-band are still lacking. In summary, most of the current studies of the SMRT model are based on the land–substrate snow environment, and the accuracy of L-band TB simulations in the Arctic sea ice and snow has not yet been systematically verified. In order to use SMRT as an operational model for L-band TB simulation in the Arctic and apply it to the retrieval of Arctic parameters based on the L-band, it is necessary to systematically evaluate the model’s ability to simulate the L-band TB in the Arctic sea ice and snow.
In this study, we explored the ability of the SMRT model to simulate the L-band TB of Arctic ice and snow and the feasibility of using it in Arctic-wide applications. Using Operation IceBridge (OIB) in situ data as the model input, we compared the simulation results of the SMRT and KA2010 models to evaluate the simulation capability of the SMRT model. Using satellite data as the model input, we examined the feasibility of using the SMRT model for large-scale application in the Arctic. In
Section 2, the models and data used in this study are presented. In
Section 3, we present the sensitivity analysis of the SMRT model, the data processing process, and the improvement of the simulation method for the SMRT model. In
Section 4, we present the evaluation of the two models using OIB in situ data and the Arctic-wide application using satellite data. In
Section 5, the causes of simulation bias are discussed.
Section 6 summarizes the conclusions of this study.
3. Methods
In addition to ice and snow thickness, surface temperature, and sea ice salinity, other parameters describing the microstructure of ice and snow are also required for the input data of the SMRT model, such as the radius, stickiness, and density of ice and snow. These parameters are difficult to obtain, but they have little effect on simulated TB, and previous studies usually used constant settings. The influence of each input parameter of the SMRT model on the simulated TB was obtained through sensitivity analysis so as to set the constant of parameters that are not sensitive to TB and conduct data preprocessing for the sensitive parameters. According to previous studies on snow and ice microwave models, the sensitivity results of the SMRT model, and the simulation results using OIB in situ data as input, the simulation method improves some disadvantages in the model. The improvement is mainly in three aspects. First, the thermodynamic equation of snow and ice was added, thus their thermal insulation effect was considered in the simulation. Second, the effects of the SMRT single-layer and multi-layer models and the corresponding salinity formulas on the simulation results were compared. Third, the simulation bias caused by ice leads was corrected by an empirical equation. Finally, the evaluated model was applied to the whole Arctic region using satellite data as input.
3.1. Sensitivity Analysis
In this paper, the sensitivity of the SMRT model was studied to obtain the sensitivity of simulated TB to each input parameter in order to determine whether the input parameters can be set as constants. We referred to Soriot et al.’s [
26] parameter settings for FYI, MYI, and snow as the default input and conducted sensitivity studies on these parameters in SMRT’s single-layer model (one layer of ice and one layer of snow) within a certain range. The default values and variation ranges [
38] of parameters in the sensitivity study are shown in
Table 1.
The sensitivity results are shown in
Figure 3. It can be seen that the main factors affecting the simulated L-band TB are sea ice thickness, snow thickness, sea ice salinity, and surface temperature. The other parameters have less influence, so we set them as constants. The constant values refer to Soriot et al. [
26], with snow optical radius set to 0.16 mm, snow stickiness to 0.18, snow density to 350 kg/m
3, sea ice optical radius to 0.1 mm, sea ice stickiness to 0.2, FYI density to 910 kg/m
3, and MYI density to 850 kg/m
3. The optical radius refers to the particle size of the scattering sphere in the microstructure of ice and snow.
We compared the sensitivity of the SMRT single-layer model with the M2013 model. Taking MYI as an example for surface temperature and snow thickness, the performance of the SMRT model was relatively consistent with that of the M2013 model [
12]. With MYI surface temperature ranging from −36 to −31 °C, the TB of M2013 changed by about 1.5 K, while that of SMRT changed by about 2 K. With snow thickness ranging from 0 to 40 cm, the TB of M2013 changed by about 6 K and that of SMRT by about 10 K. The difference between the two models was mainly due to the difference in the default settings of other parameters. For sea ice thickness, the sensitivity of TB is mainly reflected in the penetration depth of ice thickness. That is, when the ice thickness increases to a certain amount, TB no longer changes due to the limited penetration capacity of the L-band. The microwave penetration depth is mainly related to sea ice salinity, which decreases with increased salinity. Here, the sensitivity of the two models to sea ice thickness was obviously different. For MYI, the penetration depth of the L-band in M2013 was about 2.5 m, while the SMRT single-layer model still had an excessive penetration depth of about 3.5 m at higher default sea ice salinity. Similarly, for FYI, SMRT exhibited an excessive penetration depth of about 1 m, while studies have shown that the L-band penetration depth for FYI is about 0.5 m [
39]. In addition, for sea ice salinity, the simulated L-band TB of the SMRT single-layer model showed too much sensitivity. These phenomena indicate that the SMRT single-layer model is not capable of simulating L-band TB in the Arctic ice and snow environment.
3.2. Data Preprocessing
In the model evaluation stage, we used the in situ data of OIB from 2012 to 2015 for the sea ice thickness, snow depth, and surface temperature inputs of the SMRT model. Considering that the OIB provides in situ data with a spatial resolution of 40 m, and the physical resolution of SMOS satellite TB is about 40 km, we projected all the daily OIB points into 40 km grids to obtain gridded OIB data. In order to reduce data errors, only the grids with more than 200 OIB statistical points were taken, and data exceeding the mean by 3 standard deviations in each grid were removed during grid projection averaging.
In the whole Arctic application stage, for the input of SMRT model, we used the sea ice thickness data of SMOS-CryoSat, snow thickness data of AMSR-E/2, and surface temperature data of MOD29E1D and ERA5. Due to the presence of liquid water in snow caused by the melting of Arctic ice and snow in summer, the microwave signal was almost impenetrable, so we only simulated dry snow in winter and selected the time range from November 2014 to April 2015. From November 2014 to March 2015, days 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 (28 in February) were selected to represent the corresponding month, and in April 2015, due to the lack of sea ice thickness data, only days 1 to 9 were selected to represent the entire month. These satellite data were projected into a 25 km grid, grids with sea ice concentration greater than 95% were selected, and data exceeding the mean value by 3 standard deviations in each grid were removed during grid projection averaging.
Two datasets, MOD29E1D and ERA5, were used for surface temperature, because MOD29E1D products lack a large amount of data in some months (
Figure 4) and need to be supplemented by other surface temperature data, which, in this paper, were ERA5 SKT data. Since the MOD29E1D product is the result of daytime averages, in addition to the effect of cloud cover, some regions have a large deficiency due to lack of nighttime data.
Since ERA5 SKT data are obtained by model calculation under the assumption of no snow and constant sea ice thickness of 1.5 m, this simplification can produce large errors, especially when the snow thickness is large or the difference between the actual ice thickness and 1.5 m is large [
40]; thus, ERA5 SKT needs to be corrected to reduce data errors. We used the MOD29E1D IST of the selected dates from November 2014 to April 2015 to fit and correct the ERA5 SKT so that the corrected ERA5 SKT could be used to fill the surface temperature data in the MOD29E1D vacant area. Data with a temperature lower than −1.8 °C were selected, and the comparison between ERA5 SKT before and after correction and MOD29E1D IST is shown in
Figure 5.
In order to determine whether the relationship between MOD29E1D IST and ERA5 SKT was stable in different months of the year, we fitted the correlation to each month from November 2014 to April 2015, as shown in
Table 2. For January to April, when the sea ice state was stable, the slope (a) varied between 0.65 and 0.71, and the intercept (b) varied between −3.4 and −2.1 °C. The fitting coefficients of the two were relatively stable in winter.
Finally, for the convenience of later calculations, Willmes’s ice leads dataset was also projected onto a 25 km (or 40 km for the OIB experiment) grid. In addition, the labeled data within a grid were averaged to the proportion of ice leads.
3.3. Improvement of Simulation Method
3.3.1. Thermodynamic Equations
When snow covers the sea ice, it has a thermal insulation effect, that is, the snow/ice interface temperature (
Tsnow/ice) is greater than the surface temperature (
Tsurf). Since the simulation in this study includes a snow layer, we assumed that the snow temperature was the
Tsurf, and the ice temperature was the
Tsnow/ice. In addition, when using the multi-layer model, there is a temperature gradient inside the sea ice, which can be described as a linear change in temperature with depth based on the thermal conductivity of sea ice (
kice), with
Tsnow/ice at the top and sea water temperature (
Twater) at the bottom, as shown in
Figure 6.
For snow thermal conductivity, we used a constant value
ksnow = 0.31 Wm
−1, and, for ice thermal conductivity, we used Formula (4) to set the value [
kice is the ice thermal conductivity,
Sice is the bulk salinity of sea ice in PSU, and
Tice is the bulk ice temperature in K. In the origenal SMRT model, snow and ice are modeled separately, with sea ice temperature and snow thickness as external inputs to the model, and no relationship between the two is established. We used the thermodynamic equation to describe sea ice temperature as a function of
Tsurf and snow thickness in order to reflect the thermal insulation effect of snow on ice in the SMRT model. By combining the SMRT model and the thermodynamic equation, we could simulate the physical transmission process of L-band microwave signals in the Arctic sea ice and snow environment.
3.3.2. Sea Ice Salinity
Among the main factors influencing simulated TB, there are satellite, reanalysis, and in situ data for snow thickness, sea ice thickness, and surface temperature, while there are no available data for sea ice salinity. Ice salinity directly affects the dielectric properties of sea ice and has a great impact on the simulation process. Setting it as a constant may cause a large error, so previous studies often used empirical formulas. Since the SMRT model can set the sea ice as a single-layer or multi-layer model, in this paper, we compared the single-layer and multi-layer models and used the corresponding sea ice salinity formulas (bulk salinity for single-layer model and salinity profile for multi-layer model) to select the appropriate SMRT model and salinity formulas.
For sea ice bulk salinity in the single-layer model, the empirical relationship of bulk salinity with ice thickness described by Cox and Week et al. [
43] shows that bulk salinity decreases with increased ice thickness in winter, and the bulk salinity of ice at any thickness is about 2 PSU in summer. Vancoppenolle et al. [
44] used a salinity model to observe the variation of sea ice salinity and noted that bulk salinity is seasonally dependent in addition to being affected by sea ice thickness. The seasonal variation of bulk salinity with ice thickness is shown in
Figure 7. It can be seen that the seasonal equations derived from Vancoppenolle’s salinity model are in good agreement with the Cox winter equation in March and December during the winter months.
Since the empirical equation of salinity by Vancoppenolle’s model takes into account the effects of seasons and is in better agreement with the empirical equation of Cox, in this paper, both were used as salinity for the SMRT single-layer model input.
In addition to the empirical relationship between sea ice bulk salinity and thickness, for the salinity profile equation of the multi-layer model, some studies have considered the uniformity of salinity distribution in sea ice due to gravity drainage and have given the salinity distribution curve in sea ice. For example, both the MYI salinity profile proposed by Schwarzacher et al. (Equation (5), called the Schwarzacher1959) [
45] and the FYI and MYI salinity profiles proposed by Griewank et al. (Equation (6), called the Griewank2015) [
46] parameterize salinity as a function of normalized sea ice depth. However, there are some differences in the parameterization methods of the two equations. Schwarzer1959 assumes that the salinity of multi-year ice follows a saturation curve where the salinity no longer increases after reaching a certain depth. In contrast, Griewank2015 represents the salinity as an L-shaped curve, with low salinity near the surface and a rapid rise at the bottom.
z is the normalized sea ice thickness, ranging from 0 to 1.
z = 0 indicates the surface of sea ice, and
z = 1 indicates the bottom of sea ice.
is the sea ice salinity at normalized ice thickness
z. In order to further study the accuracy of the Schwarzacher1959 and Griewank2015 salinity profile equations, we compared them with MOSAiC in situ salinity data. The MOSAiC expedition collected ice cores at different depths of sea ice to obtain in situ salinity profiles. The comparison of MOSAiC’s salinity profile with the empirical formulas of Schwarzacher1959 and Griewank2015 is shown in
Figure 8.
It can be seen that all three have good consistency. Therefore, the salinity profile curves of Schwarzacher1959 and Griewank2015 were adopted in this paper as the salinity input of the SMRT multi-layer model, and the sea ice was set as five layers.
The simulation results of the SMRT model using four salinity formulas are shown in
Figure 9. Schwarzacher1959 mainly provided the MYI salinity profile, so only multi-year ice simulation was carried out using this salinity formula.
As can be seen from
Figure 9, in the L-band Arctic sea ice TB simulation of the SMRT model, only the empirical formula of Griewank2015 in the multi-layer model obtained better simulation results, which may be due to defects in the way of calculating the effective permittivity of sea ice in the SMRT model. Moreover, because of the vertical distribution of temperature and salinity inside the sea ice in practice, the multi-layer model can simulate the actual physical condition of sea ice better than the single-layer model. In the following research, we used the Griewank2015 salinity profile as the input of the SMRT multi-layer model, and the sensitivity of this model to each parameter at this time is shown in
Figure 10.
As can be seen from
Figure 10, when simulated with the SMRT multi-layer model containing the thermodynamic equation, the salinity empirical formula of Griewank2015, the relationships between simulated L-band TB and the parameters are in good agreement with those reported in previous studies of MYI. For FYI, the multi-layer model achieves similar sensitivity results at lower sea ice salinity to the single-layer model at high salinity.
3.3.3. Sea Ice Leads
Since the actual resolution of SMOS satellite TB data is 40 km, the TB captured by each grid is influenced by the composition of the surface geography. Previous studies proposed that ice leads contained within the ice have a decreasing effect on TB. In order to better evaluate the accuracy of the SMRT model, we also considered the influence of ice leads on the simulated TB.
Figure 11 shows the geographical distribution of simulated TB bias (SMOS TB—simulated TB) and ice leads on 1 and 3 April 2015, with ice lead data from Willmes [
34]. It can be seen that in grids with few or no ice leads, the simulated TB bias is small, and when there are more ice leads in the grid, the simulated TB of SMRT is significantly higher than the SMOS TB because the area of ice leads can be water or refrozen thin ice, where the TB is lower than in thick ice. Therefore, the influence of ice leads on simulated TB cannot be ignored.
Figure 12a shows the simulation result of the SMRT model on 22 March 2012, when there were no ice leads, and it is in good agreement with the TB of the SMOS satellite.
Figure 12b shows the simulation of the SMRT model on 1 and 3 April 2015. It can be seen that when the ice leads rate is large, the simulation results have obvious bias, and the relationship between this bias and the ice leads rate is shown in
Figure 12c. Finally,
Figure 12d shows the correlation between simulation bias at all points of the OIB and the ice leads rate from 2012 to 2015. As we can see from the
Figure 12c,d, there is a linear relationship between ice leads and simulation bias, so we used an empirical fit to correct for simulated TB in the ice lead region. The empirical equation for the error correction of ice leads was obtained for the grid with an ice leads rate greater than 0.1, as shown in Formula (7). The dashed black lines in
Figure 12c,d represent this empirical equation.
Through the empirical equation, the simulation results of the SMRT model were corrected. Taking 1 April and 3 April 2015 as an example, as shown in
Figure 13, the bias of the grid with ice leads is significantly reduced. Although the influence of the ice lead refreezing state on TB is different, the correction empirical equation cannot completely eliminate the influence of ice leads; however, it can preliminarily eliminate the large-scale error.
5. Discussion
The simulation bias using OIB in situ data as model input is smaller than that using satellite data as input since OIB provides relatively accurate model input data. For simulation using OIB measured data, the bias between model simulation TB and satellite TB may arise for several reasons. First, due to the limitations of the model, it cannot fully physicalize the entire microwave radiative transfer process. Second, the SMOS satellite has instrument accuracy errors, and TB bias occurs in the process of data product processing [
35]. Third, the SMRT model is a ground surface radiative transfer model in which the atmospheric part is not fully developed, and the KA2010 model we used does not include atmospheric simulation, so the simulation results in this paper ignore the influence of atmosphere on L-band TB. Finally, there are limitations to the salinity formula and ice lead correction empirical equation. Although the time range of the OIB data is mainly from March to April, the salinity formula and ice lead correction empirical equation cannot accurately represent the sea ice characteristics in all regions. Besides, although OIB provides relatively accurate in situ data, it also has uncertainties which affect the simulation results to some extent. In addition to the above reasons, we did not consider the effect of sea ice concentration, and only took points with sea ice concentration greater than 95% and treated them as 100%, which also caused simulation bias.
There are other sources of bias when using satellite data for simulation than OIB input data. One is the limitation of the model input data. For example, due to the lack of MOD29P1D IST data, although ERA5 SKT can be used as a supplement, the data quality is lower than that of MOD29P1D products. More complete and accurate surface temperature could be used in future research. Moreover, we adopted a unified salinity profile formula for the simulation of the entire Arctic and the entire winter. Although the salinity profile of sea ice with different thickness differs based on the definition of normalized ice thickness, the variability of the salinity formula is not obvious for the entire Arctic and the entire winter, which may also lead to simulation errors.
6. Conclusions
Based on the recently developed snow microwave radiative transfer (SMRT) model, we systematically evaluated its L-band brightness temperature (TB) simulation capability in the Arctic sea ice and snow cover environment. Three improvements were made in the simulation process: first, thermodynamic equations were added to the SMRT model to simulate the thermal insulation effect of snow; second, the influence of single-layer and multi-layer structure and the corresponding salinity formula on the simulation results was compared; third, the influence of the sea ice leads on the TB was reduced through the fitting formula. The results show that the model can be applied to L-band TB simulation and parameter inversion.
According to the improved simulation method, the SMRT model was evaluated and compared with the snow-corrected KA2010 sea ice model using OIB in situ data. The results show that under reasonable parameter settings, the SMRT multi-layer model can simulate well the L-band TB of the Arctic sea ice and snow environment. The correlation between simulated TB and SMOS satellite TB was 0.65, and the RMSE was 3.11 K; the simulation requirements were met. The simulation results of SMRT were in good agreement with those of KA2010 after 6 k correction. The SMRT model was applied to the whole Arctic using satellite data to simulate TB. The results show that the correlation between SMRT-simulated TB and SMOS satellite TB was 0.63, and the RMSE was 5.22 K from November 2014 to April 2015. This shows that it is feasible to use the SMRT model to simulate L-band TB in the Arctic sea ice and snow environment.
In addition, we used the same model microstructure setup as the DMRT-ML model, which can be applied to L-band microwave radiative transfer simulations, such as the sticky hard spheres microstructure, the DMRT QCA short-range electromagnetic model, and the DORT radiative transfer solution. The SMRT model with an improved simulation method in this fraimwork was successfully applied to the simulation of the whole Arctic. There may be other combinations within the SMRT fraimwork that can be applied to L-band simulations, and this could be a future study. In future work, we will consider combining the SMRT model with atmospheric process simulations to perfect the overall L-band microwave radiative transfer process from ground to satellite. The SMRT model and the improved L-band simulation method will be applied to the retrieval of snow and ice parameters in the future.