Pronoiac's profile (website)


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Name: James Young
Joined: February 18, 2007
Also On: Flickr YouTube Vimeo MeFi Wiki Mastodon Mastodon Bluesky Bluesky (Custom URL)


MeFi: 24 posts , 2028 comments
MetaTalk: 12 posts , 1686 comments
Ask MeFi: 7 questions , 627 answers
Music: 1 post , 28 comments, 4 playlists
Music Talk: 1 post, 19 comments
Projects: 7 posts, 64 comments, 11 votes
Jobs: 0 posts
IRL: 2 posts, 119 comments
FanFare: 40 posts, 806 comments
FanFare Talk: 1 post, 20 comments

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Favorites: 18084
Favorited by others: 6765


Links to: 233 users
Linked by: 137 users
MeFi tags: music (4) bittorrent (2) downloads (2) earworms (2) freemusic (2) meta (2) mp3s (2) StarTrek (2) sxsw (2) BFSkinner (1)
Ask MeFi tags: mediawiki (2) estatesales (1) emoji (1) editing (1) death (1) database (1) cross-feed (1) beanplating (1) audioengineering (1) audio (1)


What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.

Mostly from a great thread on name meanings:
A pronoiac is the opposite of a paranoiac: it's someone who feels like the universe is conspiring, behind their back, to help them. I see evidence for this in AskMe, open source & Web 2.0 sites that don't suck.

Around the 2000 elections, I ran across my username in quick succession in a couple of places: one was likely Charlie Stross' Lobsters, & I think the other was a Yippie profile or something. I think I looked at it as an unlikely suggestion for Bush at the time.

Around the 2004 elections, I wanted a decent name for the Neal Stephenson Wiki, & that came to mind. Then, it was more of a suggestion for, uh, pretty much everybody.

About a month after that, I realized I'd chosen a name that started with "pron." I figured I'd stick with it for a bit, & come up with something better, though I haven't, & haven't even tried, really. I still love the concept & want to spread it.

I don't always do this, but I do try to work on it.

If anyone's wondering, it's pronounced pro-NOY-ack.

I have some ongoing projects:
  • The Mefi Music Torrent will return in mid-January 2013. Older ones are still available.
  • I have a song-a-day podcast drawing from Mefi Music. I'm marking songs I posted with favorites, so if you're wondering how come I favorited your song from years ago, this is why.
  • Mefi Podcast transcripts.
  • I run the unofficial Metafilter Wiki.
  • I run the unofficial Metafilter Mastodon instance.

  • Flickr

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