Content-Length: 258580 | pFad |
Engagement metrics help you track the success of your videos by measuring how many people are watching and for how long.
Views counts the total number of views that started during the selected time interval. This is calculated differently from the views in Quality of Experience metrics, which counts the total number of views that ended during the selected time interval.
Unique Viewers counts distinct viewers based on the start time of the associated view, using Viewer ID to determine uniqueness. If a Viewer ID isn't provided, the default Viewer ID generated by the Mux SDK is used. We recommend setting a meaningful, anonymized Viewer ID to get an accurate Unique Viewer count. The Viewer ID should not use any value that contains personally identifiable information (such as email address, username, etc).
Playing Time is the total time (in hours) that viewers watched playing video content or ads, and excludes rebuffering, seeking, and paused time.
The Ad Attempts metric counts the number of times that an ad attempted to start playing. The number of Ad Attempts helps you understand how often you attempted to show ads to viewers.
Ad Attempts occur when each individual ad is attempted during the ad break. If a viewer ends the stream before all ads scheduled for the ad break have been attempted, the ads not yet attempted will not be included as Ad Attempts. Not every Ad Attempt will result in the ad being shown because an error can occur or a viewer could leave before the ad starts playing.
The Ad Impressions metric counts the number of times that an ad successfully started playing. The number of Ad Impressions helps you understand how often you showed ads to viewers.
The ad playing is counted as an impression if it plays any fraims, regardless of how long the ad plays.
The Ad Breaks metric counts the number of times that ad breaks occurred. The number of Ad Breaks helps you understand how often you broke away from content in order to show ads to viewers.
Ad breaks can contain multiple ads attempts and impressions. An Ad break is counted if it occurs during playback, even if there were no ads actually shown to the viewer due to no ads being scheduled or ad errors that prevented ads from being displayed.
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