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UNCLASSIFIED ROUTINE R 201724Z OCT 16 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 233/16 SUBJ/ACTIVE DUTY PROMOTIONS TO THE PERMANENT GRADES OF CAPTAIN, COMMANDER, LIEUTENANT COMMANDER, LIEUTENANT, AND CHIEF WARRANT OFFICERS IN THE LINE AND STAFF CORPS// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/OCT// REF/A/DOC/OPNAV/11JUL11// REF/B/DOC/OPNAV/28FEB12// REF/C/DOC/SECNAV/15DEC05// REF/D/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/23JUL07// REF/E/DOC/CNP/3AUG15// NARR/REF A IS OPNAVINST 6110.1J, PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM. REF B IS OPNAVINST 1811.3A, VOLUNTARY RETIREMENT AND TRANSFER TO THE FLEET RESERVE OF MEMBERS OF THE NAVY SERVING ON ACTIVE DUTY. REF C IS SECNAVINST 1920.6C, ADMINISTRATIVE SEPARATION OF OFFICERS. REF D IS MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1070-180, OFFICER PHOTOGRAPHS. REF E IS NAVADMIN 178/15, PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM POLICY CHANGES.// RMKS/1. Congratulations to the following officers on their promotions to the ranks indicated in this message. This NAVADMIN is the authority for effecting permanent officer promotions on the dates indicated. Columns read name and designator. PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CAPTAIN CAPTAIN LINE AND STAFF SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE LINE 29 JUNE 2016 STAFF 29 JUNE 2016 DOR/EFF DATE 1 NOVEMBER 2016 Cash Eugene S 3100 Dalitsch Walter W 2100 Inskeep Christopher Howa 1110 Jerbi Matthew John 1110 Kohler Michael Shawn 2900 Lauby Todd J 2300 Libby Todd A 1320 Orlich Justin Paul 1110 Roberts Gregory Gene 1310 Valascho Daniel William 1110 Wells Brian P 2100 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO COMMANDER COMMANDER LINE AND STAFF SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE LINE 29 JUNE 2016 STAFF 15 SEPTEMBER 2016 DOR/EFF DATE 1 OCTOBER 2016 Dobbins Keith G 2900 Donaldson Chadwick J 2100 Hoffman Roy A 2100 Joas Christopher S 2100 Koontz Gregory Leonard 2200 Kulzy Walter W 3100 Musa Kimberly Ann 2300 Pilling Justin 2500 Porton Joshua Michael 2300 Stroud David Aaron 4100 Turner Samuel D 2100 Wadsworth Robert Aveson 5100 DOR/EFF DATE 1 NOVEMBER 2016 Baker Kyle James 1320 Bergesen David J 1830 Childers Thomas E Jr 1820 Elston Josh Andrew 3100 Fitzpatrick Joseph D 2100 Hegde Vijay Gopal 2100 Helgerson Aaron L 1110 Henry Jason Lemarr 2100 Khan Jalal Feroze 1310 Letizia Andrew Gordon 2100 Lowry Eric Scott 1310 Mcewen Justin 2500 Meier Joseph D 1440 Militello Anthony Joseph 1320 Moak Scott Anthony 1310 Neill Thomas Clayton Jr 1310 Odea Andrew Ryan 2900 Olivi Gary Michael 1810 Padhi Stephen T 5100 Pankop Ashley L 1110 Penn Christopher P 1310 Rock Paul Vincent 6330 Rumbley Shawn Tyrone 6330 Sachon Nicholas Michael 1320 Schmiege Larry John 2300 Statler Thomas Jerry 4100 Sweeney Matthew J 1120 Vincent Tracy Lynn 2900 Vitrella Steven Edward 1310 Walker Jeffery Allan 1320 Wallinger Jennifer Chris 2300 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO LIEUTENANT COMMANDER LIEUTENANT COMMANDER LINE AND STAFF SENATE CONFIRMATION DATE LINE 28 SEPTEMBER 2016 STAFF 15 SEPTEMBER 2016 DOR/EFF DATE 1 OCTOBER 2016 Anderson Christopher Dav 1310 Andrade Rafael Jr 1320 Arboleda Ernesto Ariel 1320 Bell Michael Bruce 1320 Bonine Christopher Brann 1810 Bowles Quincy L 1310 Callahan Gary L 6490 Carpenter Silas Owen 1510 Castleberry Anthony Mich 3100 Chen Jun Yi 1710 Crysler Garrett Russell 1310 Deal Timothy James 1520 Degraeve Joel Richard 4100 Demell Brian Raymond 1110 Duarte Alfonso 1200 England David Barclay II 2300 Escalante Derek W 1310 Faulkner Gregory Ray 2100 Felder Joseph Douglas II 1320 Finley Felipe Perie 2300 Gaetke Stephen N 1820 Gervais Brian Keith 1310 Gilbert Derek Chantry 1810 Gillaspie Andrew Edgar 1310 Guevara Ruben H 1320 Heath Jason Harlan 1310 Henshaw Donald Joseph 1110 Hocking Dustin Douglas 1800 James Christopher Edward 5100 Johnston Roy Thomas 1460 Justison Matthew Ryan 1310 Kaplan Jason Bernard 6410 Koch Michael Raymond 1310 Langhorne Joshua Luke G 3100 Lutz Bernard Walter 1310 Marden William L 1110 Marsh Georgia Louise 2100 Mayo Lauren Ashley Skinn 2500 Miggins Antonia Elizabet 1320 Newby Michael Maurice 6230 Olendorf Eric William 2200 Pagnucco Jonathan Peter 3100 Partridge Adam Grant 2500 Pavelka Jimmy Joseph 6820 Pearlswig Benjamin C 1110 Reust Benjamin Lynn 1310 Roberts Brian M 1310 Romero Anthony Michael 2100 Rubin Sara Joanne 1830 Saito Steven Wiard 2100 Sciarini Lee William 2300 Seitz Gregory James 1320 Setliff Jason Michael 6110 Smart Judith 2900 Smith Eugene Robert III 2100 Smith Latarya Denise 2900 Spreen Casandra Michelle 2100 Stevens Kimberly Ann 2900 Summers Robert Craig 2300 Taylor Kevin F 1110 Thompson Andrew Philip 1830 Turner Joshua Aaron 5100 Vuolo Gerald David 1310 Wallis Mark D 1310 Williams Melinda Sue 2900 Wolfkiel Russell Peter 1650 Yu Stacy Leefung 2200 DOR/EFF DATE 1 NOVEMBER 2016 Bailey Robert Brian 2900 Barkley Jennifer Lynn 1310 Barkley Peter David 1310 Bastemeyer Devin James 1310 Bastola Jatan 3100 Bennett Bradley A 2200 Caudle Justin R 1310 Chang Kai Chiao Joe 2200 Christophe Jeanpaul 1830 Chunaco Krystal Mary 2900 Cornwell Nicholas D 1310 Dippold Erik James 1310 Drew Benjamin Abraham 2100 Eliason Michael James 2100 Estrella Luis Angel 2300 Feather Jessica Lynn 1110 Fleese Kevin Bruce 1520 Freeman Andrew D 1460 Gaynor Andrew T 1310 Grasso Ian Anthony 2100 Grimaldo David 1820 Hadaway David Brian 6800 Harris Ravon Dumonte 1320 Herman Lawrence Arthur 1310 Hertz Jeffrey Conrad 2300 Hoops Preston Scott 6200 Jackler Megan Romigh 2500 Jagger Sarah Ann 2900 Kadz John Taylor 1310 Knapp Christopher Ray 1320 Kohlmann Matthew B 1310 Korduba Adrian B 2100 Legg James Lewis 1810 Lewis Michael J 2200 Mcclure Scott Edward 2900 Mendoza Leo L Jr 1310 Metcalf Scott Andrew 6160 Mohr William Harry 1310 Mortimer Jeremy Daniel 1310 Murtaugh Rebekah Carr 1310 Ordway Austin P 1310 Paquette James R 1310 Reichel Jonathan R 1310 Rice Veronika J 1440 Roach Joseph L 4100 Rogers Amy Elizabeth 2100 Ruggiero John Victor 5100 Schellhorn Charles W 1310 Schmidt Jesse James 2300 Siegele Kai Benjamin 1310 Simerman Charles Isaac 2100 Smutz Joseph Anthony 3100 Sneed Kwasi Roland 1830 Solfelt Daniel Allan 1310 Starr Steven Allen 2900 Stuckey John W 1810 Tarr David L 1310 Tuohy Sean Michael 1310 Twitty Chinuah Archivee 6410 Umholtz Michael J 1310 Ward Andrew Lee 2100 Willman Troy Michael 1310 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO LIEUTENANT DOR/EFF DATE 1 OCTOBER 2016 Amaya Antonio Nigel 1170 Anderson William Michael 1210 Anuat Gladys Vanessa 1110 Aten Kelby Tyler 1170 Aukee Kevin Patrick 1120 Baber Skye Kendall 1310 Badger Charles Stanford 1110 Balint Adam Scott 1320 Bendickson Nathaniel Dar 1310 Binninger Kathryn Page 2300 Bragado Martin Alexander 1120 Bray Parker Warren 1310 Breaux Myles Forbes 1170 Brewer Ethan Michael 1800 Bush Jacklyn Claraine 1520 Callaghan Travis Childre 1650 Chaung Nicholas Sahn 1120 Chauvin Jakob Paul 1810 Cieniewicz Pierre Paul 1110 Comins Aaron Patrick 1110 Connaway Patrick James 1170 Conway Ryan Lee 1120 Corey Samuel Tye 5100 Curran Patrick Thomas 1810 David Daniel Joseph 1120 Divis Jeffrey Andrew 2300 Edmond Estrellita Delros 2900 Eppler Nicholas Lee 1320 Erdos Eric Matthew 1310 Escobar Sarilyn Ogumoro 2900 Estey Philip G 1110 Finley Benjamin F II 3100 Forsyth Sean Thomas 1120 Foster Tyrrell Thayer 5100 Franssen Lukas Eugene 1110 Giancatarino Michael J 1110 Giorlando Justin Michael 5100 Gonzalez Victoria Hilda 5100 Gresla John Michael 1310 Guernsey Daniel James 1310 Hager Mathew Driskill 1120 Hamilton William James 1120 Havel Edward Beckwith 3100 Hearn Patrick Hennity 1110 Heller Robert Matthew 1320 Helwig Paul Christian 1320 Hester Jordan Taylor 1170 Howland Michael Bradford 5100 Hubbard Charleston Calvi 1110 Johnson Patrick Charles 1810 Jones Mark Taylor 4100 Jones Shante Angelica 1110 Kamensky John Vincent 1520 Karduck Craig John 1310 Kim Ji Yeon Park 2900 Kirkpatrick Christopher 1810 Knight Stovall Whitney 1310 Krupp Natalie Michele 2300 Kurt Darren Andrew 1120 Lacour Nicholas Alexande 5100 Larose Alexander Douglas 1320 Larsen Christian Douglas 1820 Lassahn James Edward 1120 Livesay Garrick Chance 1120 Lloyd Alexander Lau 1320 Lorenz Jason Conrad 1310 Lucas Brian Christopher 1120 Macmillan Daniel Robert 1310 Martin Nicholas Val 1310 Mckee Kevin Michael 1120 Mckinney Dustin Michael 1810 Mcneal Mattie Agnes 1110 Messplay Anthony Thomas 1120 Mezzetti Matteo Jeffrey 1310 Miguel Jennifer Ann 1320 Miller Christopher Curti 1320 Mindel Zachary Henry 1310 Monas Mitchell Blair 1310 Moncayo Phillip Gustavo 5100 Mowrey Stephanie Hamersk 1310 Moyer Mason Scott 1830 Nadeau Michelle Lara 1110 Nguyen Phong Dang 1320 Norris Rebecca Rowena 1120 Opara Jonathan Gram 1390 Pace John Alexander 1370 Papetti Nicholas John 1120 Perezravelo Saul Rafael 5100 Peterson Scott Rau 1320 Petry Joseph James 1310 Phan Tuan Anh 1120 Piche Justin Ronald 1120 Portner Eugene George 1170 Price Randy Lee 1810 Ramsdell Michael Mackenz 1120 Restel Kristopher Scott 1120 Richards Christopher Joh 1810 Roberts Kevin Clay 1110 Robins Ryan Dean 1120 Robinson Walker Collins 1310 Robison Cody Royce 1310 Rodebaugh Joshua David 1120 Roecker Zachary Matthew 1310 Rosales Roberto Sebastia 1120 Russell Scott Darsie 1310 Saindon Christopher Thom 1120 Sanchez Daniel John 1310 Schubring Matthew George 1310 Shelton John Presley III 1390 Shuba Erin Elizabeth 1110 Smith Mallory Woodyshek 5100 Snider Adam P 1110 Solomon Adam James 1160 Somma Amber Elizabeth 1310 Spafford Matthew Ryan 1310 Spencer Adam Gavin 1520 Springer Jacob Wayne 5100 Stangel Griffin Riley 1310 Starkey Alexander Brice 1170 Stockard Aaron Christoph 1120 Stokes Arron Michael 2300 Taylor Maria Merrick 2900 Thomas Zachary Abbott 1310 Thorn Stephen Lee 1180 Toebbe Jonathan Smay 1220 Tomsic Michael A 1110 Trosper James Nicholas 1120 Villaltasalamanca Krizto 5100 Walden Nathaniel David 1220 Walker Michael Gwene 1170 Ward Clifford H 1110 Warner Maria Elizabeth 3100 Webster Adam Thomas 1370 Wheeler Gregory Alan Jr 1310 Whitacre Nathan Forrest 1120 Whitaker John Merrick 1120 Willett Monte Lloyd 1120 Wilsey Mackenzie David 1120 Wise Cathleen Austin 1110 Wright Telia Renee 2300 Wroblewski Mark William 1320 Zanni Wayne Michael 1520 DOR/EFF DATE 1 NOVEMBER 2016 Altes Margaret Grace 2500 Arnold Grant Walton 2500 Bauer James Lucas 1110 Beaton Daniel Thomas 1320 Bellomy Christopher Lee 1110 Berreman Cody Thomas 1310 Branstetter Matthew Pres 2500 Brown Jackson Trevor 1320 Burgess Stuart John Cerb 1110 Burke Jason Max 5100 Capps Kristen Jane Eberl 2500 Carpenter Kayla Maxine 1160 Castaneda Ricardo Carlos 3100 Clark Mary Elizabeth 1110 Clarkdawe Kate Adair 2500 Cohen Brent Alexander 3100 Collier Michael Kevin 1190 Cornish Michael Alexande 1110 Corrigan John V III 2500 Cruz Luis Carlos 5100 Curran Richard J Jr 2300 Danehey Sean P 2500 Davis Justin Gates 2500 Davis Matthew Kent 1130 Degnerlopez Alyssa Dee 2500 Delatorre Mark Anthony 1310 Delisio Luke Cawrse 1320 Desch Edward John III 1310 Dossantos Enisio S Jr 5100 Dupreyojeda Miguel 1830 Eberlin Paul Thomas 1110 Fifis Danielle Mcclellan 2500 Frankfurt Asher Corbin 1310 Friedl Russell Joseph 1170 Fuller Jerrit Russell 1110 Grimm Andrew Durant 1110 Gutschlag Jack Alan 1310 Hargrove Mark Dana 1310 Harper Jeffrey Lee 1830 Hillard Gavin Rains 2500 Holder Donald Edward 1120 Holmes Adrian James 3100 Huff Russell Jamie Jr 1520 Hunt Cody Scott 1120 Ingram Kyle Russell 1120 Jablonski Joseph Gerard 1110 Jang Patric Chukuk 1120 Johnson Zachary Christop 1120 Kennedy Selena Jean 1830 King Chelsea Victoria 2500 Kozlowski Benjamin Ward 1110 Krohe Terry David 1310 Lapilio Craig Bernard Ke 1520 Laughlin John Edwin II 1310 Lee Vanessa Cassandra 2300 Levins Jonathan Aaron 1310 Lombardi Rosemarie Anna 2500 Lovelace Sarah May 1110 Ludan Patrique Jon 1320 Luna Nancy Jovita 2300 Macdonald Allen Edward 1310 Matlock Ryan Alyn 3100 Mcbride Michael Patrick 2500 Mcbride Thomas Kenneth 1120 Mcdonald Scott Ian 2500 Mcmanus Kevin J 2300 Mercado Macy Benito 1320 Morgan Clifton Earl III 2500 Morgan John Nicholas 1110 Morris Sam Stephen 1830 Murphy Philip Glynn 1310 Murray Christopher Beech 1120 Nauman Meagan Cara 1310 Niemier Susan Lee 2500 Oblinger Jennifer Ann 1210 Obrien Christopher Josep 1120 Patterson Quinn Thomas 1310 Peacock Scott Alexander 1220 Pease Theodore George 1110 Pedrick Trevor John 1310 Pentz Jeffrey James 1390 Raulston Vanessa Renae 2300 Rigney Patrick Ryan 2500 Ringel Hannah Leigh 3100 Ross Bryan David 1160 Rowe Tya Marie 2300 Royall Richard B 2500 Royster Samuel Rhys 1170 Shallcross Evan Paul 1110 Shaw Justin Craig 1800 Speed Tanisha Yvette 1520 Stapleton Graham Alexand 1310 Thompson Tamsyn Olisha 3100 Touw Kevin Donald 1110 Underwood Paul Daniel 1120 Wailes Meridith Anne 2500 Walker John Garrett 1320 Walsh Robert Angelo 2500 Wendland Kelly Graham 1120 Wilson Christopher Willi 1830 Woodburn Angelina Rose 1830 Wraymiller James Lawrenc 2500 LIMITED DUTY OFFICER PROMOTION TO LIEUTENANT DOR/EFF DATE 1 OCTOBER 2016 Azuela Michael Anthony 6122 Benson Brian Keith 6282 Borrelliboudreau Joel Le 6432 Brinkley Brian Colin 6332 Cast Steven Thomas 6162 Cerezo Fernando 6492 Christopher Jeffrey Alle 6412 Craig Joshua David 6122 Darden Joshua Ryan 6332 Delask Raymond 6202 Hailes Shauna Nechelle 6112 Hammond Jon Michael 6822 Johnson Bradley Alan 6182 Kratzer Michael David 6292 Lee Hungchi 6182 Mcallister Tasha Marie 6412 Mcclellan Garrett Dean 6322 Mclaughlin Jason Scott 6202 Olson Marlowe Ryan 6232 Peter Ryan Joel 6412 Petty Richard Alvin Jr 6162 Powell Scott Robert 6392 Ritchey Joshua Joseph 6202 Scott Troy Walter 6202 Sidhu Jagdeep Singh 6132 Silvia Scott Thomas 6262 Stafford Kirk Thomas 6202 Thompson James Robert 6132 Wiley David Scott 6132 DOR/EFF DATE 1 NOVEMBER 2016 Barba Miguel 6362 Battle Spencer N Jr. 6232 Bell Aaron David 6482 Boshoff Gary Lawrence 6182 Carter Jeremy Steven 6812 Decillis Kevin Scott 6132 Farley Michael Charles 6162 Ferrier Matthew Brendan 6262 Forbes Shawn Patrick 6482 Foster Nicole Kiyono 6182 Garcia Kimberlee Danette 6312 Gegg Nicholas John 6532 Hauser Robert Horton 6822 Hedges Joshua Elliott 6262 Heflin Jimmy Cody 6362 Hill Patrick J 6432 Jackson James Timothyall 6182 Lattimore Gary Lynn 6812 Lee Vincent Maurice 6822 Leighty Jared Thomas 6492 Lisle Andrew Neal 6262 Neiman Jeremy Phillip 6332 Osborne Brian Terrell 6122 Pace Stephen Michael 6132 Runkle Jason Ray 6812 Snyder Jeremy David 6332 Sommer Corey Douglas 6112 Sosa Gerardo 6482 Tweet Kevin Joseph 6292 Williams Donald E IV 6162 Yusuf Sheu O 6132 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER, W-5 DOR/EFF DATE 1 OCTOBER 2016 Fisher Jeffrey Alan 7811 DOR/EFF DATE 1 NOVEMBER 2016 Gerber Anthony William 7411 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER, W-4 DOR/EFF DATE 1 OCTOBER 2016 Andrews David Michael 7481 Bakula Thomas James Sr 7181 Chavez Ralph Edward 7411 Custer Robert Gregory 7811 Doyle Joseph Ernest 7361 Hitson Martin David 7311 Johnson Michael Duane 7121 Montano Francisco Javier 7151 Reu Wayne Arnold 7821 Silver Marty Alexander 7821 DOR/EFF DATE 1 NOVEMBER 2016 Emerson Chree Antoinett 7331 English Stephen Wade 7181 Escalet Bernardo 7491 Everage Coy Jr 7201 Hebert Zerben Philip 7151 Miles Alton Lenard 7121 Revak Ion Thomas 7181 Rucker Kenneth 7361 Salido Arnold Yamat 7131 Warner Francisco Roland 7331 PERMANENT PROMOTION TO CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER, W-3 DOR/EFF DATE 1 OCTOBER 2016 Amores Jules Ramirez 7331 Andresen Christopher Joe 7821 Benino Mark Anthony 7331 Bethel Lamont 7361 Bledsoe Ricky Lynn Jr 7151 Brown Joseph Jerome 7411 Bruner Charles Anthony 7331 Chorniak David Albert 7261 Cleaver Chad Michael 7151 Crockett Travis Grant 7831 Currin Peter Noval 7151 Dario Rogelio A Jr 7131 Dispolo Wilbert Mendoza 7131 Espinosa Eliodoro 7411 Esterdahl Jack Christoph 7331 Evans Justin Thomas 7111 Gardner Darrell L 7131 Gensure Jamen Michael 7121 Harkins Jeffrey Scott 7111 Hatfield Dorothy Deloris 7521 Hunter Micheal Rene 7161 Johnson Carlton Lee 7331 Jones Antonio Jermon 7821 Jones Nathaniel Jr 7131 Kelso Allen Wayne 7361 Kneipp Lucas Aleksandr 7361 Lapeyrouse Corey Camille 7331 Ledford Richard Andrew 7151 Leigh Matthew Allen 7831 Obst Lawrence William Jr 7171 Orner William Michael 7831 Owen Vincent John 7131 Platts Lovell Richard 7331 Pullen Cedric Dwayne 7131 Richey Bryan Duaine 7361 Rogers Kathryn Marie 7411 Sanchez Nelson 7151 Sciulli Bernard John 7131 Shanks Matthew Thomas 7111 Shaw Brian Matthew 7131 Shenefield Jerry Edwin 7491 Standley Jeffrey Lynn 7361 Strickland Kajuna Taiye 7531 Strow Heather 7831 Suero Eligio Manuel 7131 Thompson Michael Shaun 7171 Tipton Monica Patrice 7821 Ursua Paul Ferariza 7131 Wadsworth Joshua David 7181 Williams Edward Fletcher 7491 Wolff Benjamin Charles 7131 DOR/EFF DATE 1 NOVEMBER 2016 Barksdale Robert Nathan 7831 Burch Jason Anthony 7361 Butts David Lee 7361 Camarena Reyes Jr 7331 Camp Phillip Gary 7361 Couey Robert Taketo 7841 Courton Ryan Edward 7821 Cowlishaw Michael Eugene 7111 Deleon Dennis Sanmiguel 7131 Firmacion Christopher Gu 7131 Geary John Andrew 7331 Gelinas William A Jr 7361 Haddad Elias Jalil 7181 Hill Shenita Leque 7361 Howard Carl Dewayne 7331 Leon Josephine 7821 Ramirez Carlos Hadrian 7831 Ulicny Bryan Edward 7361 Walker Shannon Douglas 7331 2. If a selected officer does not decline his or her promotion in writing prior to his or her projected date of rank (noted above in paragraph 1), that officer is considered to have accepted the promotion on the date indicated. An officer who chooses to decline his or her promotion must submit the declination in writing to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806), within thirty (30) days of the release of this message. Limited duty officers declining appointment to lieutenant will be reverted to enlisted status within 90 days of projected promotion date. 3. The commanding officer (CO), the Secretary of the Navy or his designee, have the authority to delay projected appointments. Upon the exercise of a delay, the officer shall be notified in writing before the effective date of the appointment, and not be tendered the appointment. The delay authority will immediately forward the recommendation to delay with supporting documentation to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-83), copy to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806). 4. COs are reminded of their responsibility to ensure the officers they are promoting are mentally, physically, morally and professionally qualified. Per reference (a), officers are ineligible for promotion if they have failed the most recent Physical Fitness Assessment. COs shall verify the promoting officer's information in the Physical Readiness Information Management System to ensure compliance with reference (a) as modified by reference (e) and delay the officers promotion in accordance with paragraph 3 if required. 5. Prepare a Delivery of Temporary/Permanent Appointment (NAVPERS form 1421/7) (Rev 10-13). Use this NAVADMIN as reference (a). Use section 624 of title 10, U.S. Code as reference (b), for permanent lieutenants and above. Use section 578 of title 10, U.S.C. 578 as reference (b), for chief warrant officers. Use sections 624 and 5589 of title 10, U.S. Code as reference (b), for limited duty officer promotion to lieutenant. Limited duty officer appointment to lieutenant is a permanent appointment; acceptance of the appointment is acceptance of permanent appointment as a limited duty officer. Mail the completed form to COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-806). 6. Officers should review reference (b), for minimum time-in-grade requirements for purposes of voluntary retirement. Full time support officers and those officers temporarily on active duty anticipating release from active duty under reference (c), may accept promotion without incurring any additional active-duty obligation. 7. New photographs are required for all officers within three months after acceptance of promotion. See reference (d), for specific requirements. 8. Released by Vice Admiral R. P. Burke, N1.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED//


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