Division I schools and student-athletes regularly engage their surrounding communities. Recent data shows that 90% of female student-athletes and 87% of male student-athletes volunteer a few hours a year, while nearly 50% of all student-athletes in the division serve at least a few hours a month with a variety of organizations, both local and national.
Student-athletes credit community service as a rewarding opportunity that enhances their college experiences. In a survey of student-athletes, 62% of those from Division I reported that their college athletics experience had a positive effect on their commitment to community service.
Many community service initiatives are led by campus Student-Athlete Advisory Committees. Each year, Division I SAAC holds a video contest that highlights some of the best work done by campus and conference SAACs.
Division I also regularly conducts community engagement activities at NCAA championships and bowl games. These activities not only involve outreach from participating student-athletes to community locations but also bring community members to the championship events.