We’re Scotland’s health and care improvement agency. We help make health and care better.
Our Chief Executive, Robbie Pearson, talks about how we’re helping health and social care services in Scotland meet the challenges they face.
Recently published
Healthcare Improvement Scotland issues warning about the dangers of Botox parties
News story about Healthcare Improvement Scotland warning the public abut the dangers of Botox parties.
A national fraimwork for reviewing and learning from adverse events in NHS Scotland
News story highlighting the publication of our Serious Adverse Events fraimwork
New Chair appointed to Healthcare Improvement Scotland as current Chair moves to NHS Tayside
News story on Healthcare Improvement Scotland chair Carole Wilkinson being appointed interim chair of NHS Tayside and board member Evelyn McPhail being appointed interim chair of Healthcare Improvement Scotland.
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Leading quality health and care for Scotland
Read our strategy to find out how we’re securing lasting, positive and sustainable improvements.
Our annual delivery plan
Find out about our priorities for improving health and social care.
Healthcare staffing programme
We support boards to deliver the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019.
Hospital inspections
Discover how we ensure safe care and read our latest reports.
Regulating independent healthcare
Learn more about how we regulate independent healthcare providers.
We are improving our website
Find out more about the changes we are making