OHCS 955 and SASH

If you are reporting harassment or assault allegations related to a NOAA workplace or for any questions, please contact us at DAO-955.OHCS@noaa.gov

OHCS through our DAO-202-955 and SASH program works to establish a culture of respect through harassment and assault prevention and response; education and training; reporting procedures, and appropriate accountability that enhances the safety and well-being of all NOAA employees, affiliates, and visitors.

SASH Helpline: 

Phone: 866-288-6558

Website & Online Chat:

http://NOAASASHHelpline.org offsite link

Reporting EMail:


General Email:


EEO vs DAO-202-955: What's the Difference?

SA/SH Outcomes 2021

SA/SH Outcomes 2022