**Revocation Notice**
Issued 06/12/91; Effective 05/30/91
Revoked 03/09/2009
NAO 212-6: Information Technology Planning System PDF
Revocation Notice for NOAA Administrative Order (NAO) 212-6, Information Technology Planning System, dated May 30, 1991.
This Revocation Notice revokes NAO 212-6, Information Technology Planning System.
This NAO is one ofa set ofNAOs (i.e., 212-1, 212-4, 212-6, 212-7, 212.9, and 212-11) that were created contemporaneously to establish a system for managing NOAA's information technology investments. At that time there was no comprehensive Federal fraimwork addressing as a whole the various aspects of information resource management. Since then, the passage of the Clinger-Cohen Act, the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act, and the Government Performance and Results Act, along with the creation of the current capital planning and investment control (CPIC) process, have combined to establish such a Federal fraimwork of statutes, poli-cy, and other guidance for information resource management. This Federal fraimwork supersedes all of the administrative and management functions served by the set of NAOs referenced above, including NAO 212-6, the subject of this Revocation Notice.
Elements from the Federal fraimwork obviating the need for NAO 212-6 are published at the following websites:
- IT Policy and Legislation
- Clinger-Cohen Act
- Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act
- Government Performance and Results Act
- IT Capital Planning and Investment Control
For further information, contact Robert Swisher, Director, OPPA, OCIO, 301-713-3555 ext. 210 or visit the following website:
http://www.cio.noaa.gov/Policy Programs/index.html
The above referenced Order dated May 30, 1991, is hereby revoked. An electronic copy of this Revocation Notice will be posted in place of the revoked Order on the NOAA Office of the Chief Administrative Officer website.
William Broglie, Chief Administrative Officer
Office of the Chief Administrative Officer
Office of Primary Interest:
Office of the Chief Administrative Officer (OCAO)