Food & Recipes

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1.3M views · 35K reactions | Kızarmış Patetes Salatası✨Frittierte Kartoffelsalat✨ Patates Salatasını bir de böyle denemenizi isterim 😍nefis mi nefis 👌 4-5 Adet Patates 2 orta boy Havuç 3 orta boy Soğan 2-3 3 köz kırmızı Biber 5-6 kornişon turşu yarım küçük konserve haşlanmış Mısır Sosu için: 4 yemek kaşığı Yoğurt 2 yemek kaşığı Mayonez 1 tatlı kaşığı Hardal 1 yemek kaşığı limon suyu 1 çay kaşığı Tozşeker 1 diş sarımsak ezilmiş Yarım demet dereotu kıyılmış Tuz karabiber Patatesleri soyup küp küp doğrayın. 3 yemek kaşığı sıvıyağ ile harmanlayıp Airfry veya Fırında da kızarttın. Dilerseniz yağda da kızartabilirsiniz ben airfry kullandım . Soğanları ay şeklinde doğrayıp biraz sıvıyağ ile karamelize olana kadar kavurun. Havuçları rendeleyip az yağda soteleyin 2-3 dakika yeterli . Köz biber ve kornişonı doğrayın. Sos için tüm malzemeleri karıştırıp Kızarmış patates ve sebzelerle buluşturun. Afiyet olsun ✨ Not: yoğurt sosunu servisten önce dökün 👍 | Seda Ferah
1.3M views · 35K reactions | Kızarmış Patetes Salatası✨Frittierte Kartoffelsalat✨ Patates Salatasını bir de böyle denemenizi isterim 😍nefis mi nefis 👌 4-5 Adet Patates 2 orta boy Havuç 3 orta boy Soğan 2-3 3 köz kırmızı Biber 5-6 kornişon turşu yarım küçük konserve haşlanmış Mısır Sosu için: 4 yemek kaşığı Yoğurt 2 yemek kaşığı Mayonez 1 tatlı kaşığı Hardal 1 yemek kaşığı limon suyu 1 çay kaşığı Tozşeker 1 diş sarımsak ezilmiş Yarım demet dereotu kıyılmış Tuz karabiber Patatesleri soyup küp küp doğrayın. 3 yemek kaşığı sıvıyağ ile harmanlayıp Airfry veya Fırında da kızarttın. Dilerseniz yağda da kızartabilirsiniz ben airfry kullandım . Soğanları ay şeklinde doğrayıp biraz sıvıyağ ile karamelize olana kadar kavurun. Havuçları rendeleyip az yağda soteleyin 2-3 dakika yet
9.3M views · 70K reactions | 5-ingredient White Cheddar Cheez Its! 8 oz extra sharp white cheddar cheese, shredded 1 cup all purpose flour ½ tsp salt, plus more for topping ¼ cup unsalted butter, cubed 2 tablespoons whole milk (cold) Preheat oven to 325˚F and line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper. Add the cheese, flour and salt to a food processor and pulse several times. Add in the butter and pulse a few more times, until the dough is crumbly. Add in the milk, then pulse several more times. The dough won’t come together in a ball, but it should come together when you press it between two fingers. Transfer to a lightly floured surface. Roll into a large rectangle, rolling as thinly as possible. We go even thinner than ⅛-inch as they puff up quite a bit when baking. Using a knife, pizza cutter or fluted pastry wheel, slice into 1-inch squares. Use the flat end of a skewer to poke a hole all the way through each cracker. Transfer to sheet pans and sprinkle with more salt. Bake for 17-20 minutes, until deep golden brown on the bottom of each cracker. If they are too light, they won’t have much crisp. Let cool completely before enjoying! | Crowded Kitchen
9.3M views · 70K reactions | 5-ingredient White Cheddar Cheez Its! 8 oz extra sharp white cheddar cheese, shredded 1 cup all purpose flour ½ tsp salt, plus more for topping ¼ cup unsalted butter, cubed 2 tablespoons whole milk (cold) Preheat oven to 325˚F and line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper. Add the cheese, flour and salt to a food processor and pulse several times. Add in the butter and pulse a few more times, until the dough is crumbly. Add in the milk, then pulse several more times. The dough won’t come together in a ball, but it should come together when you press it between two fingers. Transfer to a lightly floured surface. Roll into a large rectangle, rolling as thinly as possible. We go even thinner than ⅛-inch as they puff up quite a bit when baking. Using a knife,
4.9M views · 512K reactions | Kıymalı Krep Sarma —Krep hamuru için— 1 su bardağı süt 1 su bardağı su 2 adet yumurta 2 -3 yemek kaşığı sıvı yağ 1,5 su bardağı un Tuz —Kıymalı iç harcı için— 400 gr dana kıyma 1 adet soğan 1 adet kapya biber 1 adet havuç 2 diş sarımsak 1 yemek kaşığı salça 100 gr kadar domates püresi Yarım su bardağı su(100 ml) Karabiber, kırmızı toz biber, tuz —Beşamel sosu için — 1 yemek kaşığı tereyağ 3-4 yemek kaşığı sıvı yağ 2 yemek kaşığı un 2 su bardağı süt Tuz Karabiber —Üzeri için — Kaşar peyniri Yapılışı Krep hamuru için tüm malzemeleri kaba koyup çırpalım. Pankek gibi kıvamı yoğun olmuyor. Krep tavasını ısıtıp 1 -2 damla sıvı yağ döküp peçete ile her yerine yayalım. Kepçeyle döküp muntazam bir şekilde yayalım. Arkalı Önlü pişirelim. Bende 8 adet krep çıktı. Çok fazla kalın yapmamaya çalışın. Kıymalı iç harcı için tavaya az sıvıyağ koyup ince doğradığımız soğanı ve sarımsağı ilave edelim hafif kavurup kıymayı ekleyelim .Rengi değişene kadar kavuralım. Ardından minik doğranmış biberleri ve havuçu ilave edelim sertliği gidene kadar pişirelim.Salça, domates sosu ve baharatlar ı eleyip karıştıralım. Suyunu ilave edip kapağını kapatıp 5 dk pişmeye bırakalım. Suyunu çeksin. Beşamel sosu için Tereyağ ve sıvı yağı ekleyip eritelim unu ekleyip kavuralım. Sütü ilave edip kıvam alana kadar sürekli karıştıralım. Tuzu ve karabiberi ekleyip ocağı kapatalım. Sosu en son yaparsanız katılaşmamış olur . 👍 Birleştirme Krebin içine ilk 1-2 yemek kaşığı kıymalı haçtan üzerine beşamel sostan onun üzerinede kaşar peyniri koyup rulo şeklinde saralım. Krepler bitene kadar hepsini aynı şekilde yapalım. En son ruloların üzerine Beşamel sürüp bolca kaşar peyniri dökelim. ((NOT:Bende 8 adet çıktı . Tepside yer olmadığı için onu ayrı bir kaba koydum. 2 yemek kaşığı kadar da iç harçtan kaldı .)) 180 derece fırında kaşar peyniri eriyip kızarana kadar pişirelim. Afiyet olsun💐 #kıymalıkrepsarma #kıymalıkrepbörek #etyemekleri #akşamyemeği #fırınyemekleri #sofradüzeni #pratiktarifler #yemektarifleri #foodphotography #fypシ | 1 Enfes Lezzet 💯
4.9M views · 512K reactions | Kıymalı Krep Sarma —Krep hamuru için— 1 su bardağı süt 1 su bardağı su 2 adet yumurta 2 -3 yemek kaşığı sıvı yağ 1,5 su bardağı un Tuz —Kıymalı iç harcı için— 400 gr dana kıyma 1 adet soğan 1 adet kapya biber 1 adet havuç 2 diş sarımsak 1 yemek kaşığı salça 100 gr kadar domates püresi Yarım su bardağı su(100 ml) Karabiber, kırmızı toz biber, tuz —Beşamel sosu için — 1 yemek kaşığı tereyağ 3-4 yemek kaşığı sıvı yağ 2 yemek kaşığı un 2 su bardağı süt Tuz Karabiber —Üzeri için — Kaşar peyniri Yapılışı Krep hamuru için tüm malzemeleri kaba koyup çırpalım. Pankek gibi kıvamı yoğun olmuyor. Krep tavasını ısıtıp 1 -2 damla sıvı yağ döküp peçete ile her yerine yayalım. Kepçeyle döküp muntazam bir şekilde yayalım. Arkalı Önlü pişirelim. Bende 8 adet kre
34M views · 365K reactions | Tarif yorumda ✍🏻 | Chefburcinarda
34M views · 365K reactions | Tarif yorumda ✍🏻 | Chefburcinarda
1.6M views · 16K reactions | GALLETAS DE CHOCOLATE CON 3 INGREDIENTES Para esos días en los que te apetece algo dulce, rápido de hacer y con pocos ingredientes. ¡Estas son tus galletas!: 📝INGREDIENTES 200 g (1 tableta) de chocolate negro NESTLÉ POSTRES 1 plátano maduro (100 g) peso neto 150 g de semillas de sésamo sin tostar 📝ELABORACIÓN 1️⃣Precalentar el horno a 180ºC. 2️⃣Chafar el plátano con ayuda de un tenedor. Agregar el sésamo y mezclar. 3️⃣Repartir la mezcla en 10 galletas. Poner encima de papel de horno y aplanara con el dorso de una cuchara hasta dejar una galleta muy fina. 4️⃣Hornear 15 minutos hasta que el borde esté ligeramente tostado. 5️⃣Dejar enfriar sobre una rejilla. 6️⃣Mientras, fundir el chocolate siguiendo las instrucciones del envoltorio. 7️⃣Sumergir ¾ partes de las galletas. Dejar sobre papel de horno y refrigerar una hora hasta que el chocolate se endurezca. #NestléCocina #NestléPostres #RecetasQueNosInspiran #MejorConNestléPostres @nestlepostres | Nestlé Cocina España
1.6M views · 16K reactions | GALLETAS DE CHOCOLATE CON 3 INGREDIENTES Para esos días en los que te apetece algo dulce, rápido de hacer y con pocos ingredientes. ¡Estas son tus galletas!: 📝INGREDIENTES 200 g (1 tableta) de chocolate negro NESTLÉ POSTRES 1 plátano maduro (100 g) peso neto 150 g de semillas de sésamo sin tostar 📝ELABORACIÓN 1️⃣Precalentar el horno a 180ºC. 2️⃣Chafar el plátano con ayuda de un tenedor. Agregar el sésamo y mezclar. 3️⃣Repartir la mezcla en 10 galletas. Poner encima de papel de horno y aplanara con el dorso de una cuchara hasta dejar una galleta muy fina. 4️⃣Hornear 15 minutos hasta que el borde esté ligeramente tostado. 5️⃣Dejar enfriar sobre una rejilla. 6️⃣Mientras, fundir el chocolate siguiendo las instrucciones del envoltorio. 7️⃣Sumergir ¾ par
334K views · 2.5K reactions | حلقات العدس المقرمشة Red Lentil Rings 😍🥰😋 English in Comments 🇱🇷 المكونات : ١ كوب عدس منقوع قبلها بليلة ١ بيضة ١ معلقة كبيرة زيت زيتون ١ معلقة صغيرة خل ١ معلقة صغيرة بيكنج باودر ٣ معلقة كبيرة دقيق شوفان او دقيق قمح كامل (نوع الدقيق حسب الرغبة) ملح و فلفل اسود توابل (كمون و بابريكا و ممكن شطة) للتزيين بذور السمسم و حبة البركة 📌 الطريقة نخلط المكونات كويس و ونشكلها حلقات على صينية الفرن علي ورق الزبدة و تدخل الفرن على درجة حرارة ١٨٠ لحد ما تاخد لون ذهبي @gulnar.gun | Ree Healthy Corner
334K views · 2.5K reactions | حلقات العدس المقرمشة Red Lentil Rings 😍🥰😋 English in Comments 🇱🇷 المكونات : ١ كوب عدس منقوع قبلها بليلة ١ بيضة ١ معلقة كبيرة زيت زيتون ١ معلقة صغيرة خل ١ معلقة صغيرة بيكنج باودر ٣ معلقة كبيرة دقيق شوفان او دقيق قمح كامل (نوع الدقيق حسب الرغبة) ملح و فلفل اسود توابل (كمون و بابريكا و ممكن شطة) للتزيين بذور السمسم و حبة البركة 📌 الطريقة نخلط المكونات كويس و ونشكلها حلقات على صينية الفرن علي ورق الزبدة و تدخل الفرن على درجة حرارة ١٨٠ لحد ما تاخد لون ذهبي @gulnar.gun | Ree Healthy Corner
1.6M views · 15K reactions | Chopped Cucumber, Pomegranate & Tangerine Salad | Chopped Cucumber, Pomegranate & Tangerine Salad | By Crowded Kitchen | Have you ever made a scoopable salad? Basically, you just chop everything up really small and you can eat it with chips or you can just enjoy it as a side dish. This is my favorite version with pomegranate, cucumber, tangerines, pickled red onion, feta, mint, and a tangy lemony sumac dressing. You can find the full recipe in the caption below.
1.6M views · 15K reactions | Chopped Cucumber, Pomegranate & Tangerine Salad | Chopped Cucumber, Pomegranate & Tangerine Salad | By Crowded Kitchen | Have you ever made a scoopable salad? Basically, you just chop everything up really small and you can eat it with chips or you can just enjoy it as a side dish. This is my favorite version with pomegranate, cucumber, tangerines, pickled red onion, feta, mint, and a tangy lemony sumac dressing. You can find the full recipe in the caption below.
45K views · 4.9K reactions | 💙💚🔥"GET NEW VEGAN COOKBOOK - Over 200+ Delicious Vegan Recipes Including 30-day Meal Plans" =>> LINK IN BIO 🔗 @vegan.healthy.plan LENTIL HUMMUS By @Gigi_goes_vegan Protein per serve : 26 + 15 (if paired with my high protein flatbread) A valid alternative to the classic chickpea hummus, which is equally high protein and it’s turned into a gut friendly meal thanks to the flax seeds powder☺️ INGREDIENTS 200gr (1 cup) split red lentils Juice of one lemon 100gr (½ cup) tahini 2 garlic cloves 1 tsp salt Toppings Olive oil Chopped coriander 2 tsp myvegan flax seeds powder METHOD Cook the lentils according to package instructions and dry from water. blend everything together (except the toppings). Once ready, serve on a plate and top with chopped coriander, drizzle of olive oil and the flax seed powder. Macros: 533 Kcal | 42C• 26F • 26P Comment "😍" if you want to try this! . . #veganrecipeideas #veganheaven #veganrecipeshare #vegansoninstagram #veganinstaclub #veganeating #vegantips #veganlifestlye #veganfeed #vegangram #veganeasy #veganraw #veganlover #veganweek #veganproblems #veganrecepies #veganyum #veganeatsplease #veganrules #simplevegan #veganteen #veganislife #veganhealthy #vegandinners #veganrecovery #veganworldshare #veganrecipies |
45K views · 4.9K reactions | 💙💚🔥"GET NEW VEGAN COOKBOOK - Over 200+ Delicious Vegan Recipes Including 30-day Meal Plans" =>> LINK IN BIO 🔗 @vegan.healthy.plan LENTIL HUMMUS By @Gigi_goes_vegan Protein per serve : 26 + 15 (if paired with my high protein flatbread) A valid alternative to the classic chickpea hummus, which is equally high protein and it’s turned into a gut friendly meal thanks to the flax seeds powder☺️ INGREDIENTS 200gr (1 cup) split red lentils Juice of one lemon 100gr (½ cup) tahini 2 garlic cloves 1 tsp salt Toppings Olive oil Chopped coriander 2 tsp myvegan flax seeds powder METHOD Cook the lentils according to package instructions and dry from water. blend everything together (except the toppings). Once ready, serve on a plate and top with chopped coriander, d
17K views · 2.5K reactions | 🤩💥"GET NEW VEGAN COOKBOOK - Over 200+ Delicious Vegan Recipes Including 30-day Meal Plans" =>> LINK IN BIO 🔗 @vegan.tipsvn No Knead Gluten Free Lentil bread rolls By @Dr.doodoolicious These easy vegan, coeliac friendly/gluten free lentil bread rolls are good for your gut and waistline (low calorie). And no grains, flour, sugar or yeast is used Nutritional value per roll (w/o toppings): 14.5/13.4 g dietary fiber, 14.8/12.8 g protein, 200 g legumes Prep: < 10 min Soaking time: > 2 h Oven time: 25 min Yields: 4 rolls Ingredients: •200 g (1 cup) dry red lentils, rinsed •20 g (¼ cup) whole psyllium husk (not powder) •60 ml (¼ cup) water •1½ tbsp olive oil •½ tsp baking soda •½ tsp salt •½ tbsp lemon juice or apple cider vinegar Toppings (optional but highly recommended): 3 tbsp mixed seeds e.g. pepitas (pumpkin seeds) + sunflower seeds + crushed linseeds Method: -Soak the red lentils in plenty of warm water for at least 2 h or overnight, then drain it -Preheat the oven to 350°F/180°C. Line a baking tray with parchment paper or a silicon mat -Add lentils together with all the ingredients (except the toppings) to a food processor but add the lemon juice/vinegar last (preferably on top of the soda) because the reaction between the acid and the baking soda is immediate (bubbles) and we do not want it to lose that momentum. Immediately start processing until a dough forms. Don’t let the dough rest, quickly shape the bread rolls by hand (wet your hands a bit), roll the top in the seed-mixture and place it on the baking tray. Bake for 25 min until golden brown and crispy. Remove from oven and transfer to a cooling rack to cool for at least 15 min before slicing it Comment "😍" if you want to try this! . . #veganfoodshare #veganfoodlover #veganideas #veganeats #vegancooking #veganrecipeshare #vegandaily #veganfoodie #veganmealideas #veganworld #veganforever #veganlife🌱 #veganinstaclub #veganfoodblog #veganshares #veganofig #veganislove #veganofinstagram #veganfoodshares #veganfoodlove #veganmealprep #vegansoftheworld #veganfoodideas #veganeating #veganiseasy #veganfoodies #veganmealplan | Vegan Tips
17K views · 2.5K reactions | 🤩💥"GET NEW VEGAN COOKBOOK - Over 200+ Delicious Vegan Recipes Including 30-day Meal Plans" =>> LINK IN BIO 🔗 @vegan.tipsvn No Knead Gluten Free Lentil bread rolls By @Dr.doodoolicious These easy vegan, coeliac friendly/gluten free lentil bread rolls are good for your gut and waistline (low calorie). And no grains, flour, sugar or yeast is used Nutritional value per roll (w/o toppings): 14.5/13.4 g dietary fiber, 14.8/12.8 g protein, 200 g legumes Prep: < 10 min Soaking time: > 2 h Oven time: 25 min Yields: 4 rolls Ingredients: •200 g (1 cup) dry red lentils, rinsed •20 g (¼ cup) whole psyllium husk (not powder) •60 ml (¼ cup) water •1½ tbsp olive oil •½ tsp baking soda •½ tsp salt •½ tbsp lemon juice or apple cider vinegar Toppings (optional but highly
1.3M views · 28K reactions | 3 ingredients chia crackersReasons to love this recipe:✅ 3 ingredients only✅ no flour✅ gluten free✅ gut friendlyIngredients for 75 crackers:▪️240g cashews▪️50g Parmesan cheese▪️30g chia seeds (with 70ml water)Instructions:🧀To a small bowl add chia seeds and water. Mix and set aside.🧀To the large bowl of @magimixuk food processor add cashews and Parmesan cheese. Blitz until it reaches a ground consistency (like in the video).🧀Transfer this mixture into a bowl and add the chia seeds (the chia seeds should now be gel-like which will make the perfect binding agent for these crackers)🧀Mix the ingredients to create a uniform dough.🧀Roll out the dough on a flat surface. With the help of a rolling pin and baking paper I flatten the dough in ~2-3mm thickness, making sure it’s evenly thick so it will bake evenly in the oven (if you don’t have a rolling pin you can used the bottom of a glass to press down the dough, it will take longer though).🧀Cut into small squares and bake at 180C for 15-20mins. When ready, let the crackers cool down completely to allow them to properly crisp up🤩. ❄️Store in a air tight container for up to 1 week.One of the best things I’ve learned over the years with my Magimix food processor is that you can create any recipe using wholesome ingredients, and it’s as easy as pressing a button. Cooking from scratch with raw ingredients is at the heart of what I do to nourish my body—for health, longevity, and, of course, flavour!In this recipe, you don’t even need to worry about grating the cheese—just toss in chunks, and the machine does all the work for you. It’s made my life so much easier, and I absolutely love it.I’m excited to share that I’ve officially teamed up with Magimix! Over the next few months, I’ll be showing you even more delicious ways to make the most of your food processor. Stay tuned! | Healthy_floflo
1.3M views · 28K reactions | 3 ingredients chia crackersReasons to love this recipe:✅ 3 ingredients only✅ no flour✅ gluten free✅ gut friendlyIngredients for 75 crackers:▪️240g cashews▪️50g Parmesan cheese▪️30g chia seeds (with 70ml water)Instructions:🧀To a small bowl add chia seeds and water. Mix and set aside.🧀To the large bowl of @magimixuk food processor add cashews and Parmesan cheese. Blitz until it reaches a ground consistency (like in the video).🧀Transfer this mixture into a bowl and add the chia seeds (the chia seeds should now be gel-like which will make the perfect binding agent for these crackers)🧀Mix the ingredients to create a uniform dough.🧀Roll out the dough on a flat surface. With the help of a rolling pin and baking paper I flatten the dough in ~2-3mm thickness, makin
This may contain: a piece of food on a plate with a spoon in it and the caption reads, the best cinnamon rolls you will ever make
Best Cinnamon role recipe 🧁✨
Ingredients For the dough: ¾ cup warm milk 2 ¼ teaspoons quick rise or active yeast 1/4-ounce package yeast ¼ cup granulated sugar ¼ cup butter melted 1 egg 2 ¾ cups all-purpose flour plus more if needed 1/2 teaspoon salt For the filling: 1 cup brown sugar light or dark 2 tablespoons ground cinnamon ½ cup butter softened or almost melted 1 cup heavy cream DO NOT MIX INTO FILLING For the cream cheese frosting: 4 oz cream cheese softened 4 tablespoons butter softened 1 cup powdered sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Baked Cottage Cheese Eggs
Baked Cottage Cheese Eggs: A Comforting Breakfast Tradition love this quick & easy recipe. Baked Cottage Cheese Eggs Ingredients: 1 cup low-fat cottage cheese 4 large eggs 1/4 cup chopped fresh chives 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper Cooking spray Instructions: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Lightly coat a baking dish with cooking spray. In a mixing bowl, combine the cottage cheese, eggs, chopped chives, salt, and black pepper. Mix well until all ingredients are evenly incorporatedPour the mixture into the prepared baking dish, spreading it out evenly. Bake in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes, or until the eggs are set and the edges are golden brown. Once done, remove from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes before serving. Update from a comment: I tried thi
High-Protein Cottage Cheese Recipes That Are *Actually* Good
Discover 15 cottage cheese recipes that are *actually* good, and good for you.
2M views · 25K reactions | GREEK MASON JAR SALADS! These fresh, make-ahead salads make life SO much easier. 24g protein, quick to prep, high in fiber, and perfect for kicking off the new year right! Comment “SALAD” for this recipe + our most viral mason jar salad recipes! | Well Plated
2M views · 25K reactions | GREEK MASON JAR SALADS! These fresh, make-ahead salads make life SO much easier. 24g protein, quick to prep, high in fiber, and perfect for kicking off the new year right! Comment “SALAD” for this recipe + our most viral mason jar salad recipes! | Well Plated
19K reactions · 3.8K shares | If you love all things pistachio, then this one’s for you👇
(via: @dietitianrose) 
Simple, using only 3 ingredients, these pistachio frozen yoghurt cups are the perfect snack (or dessert) this summer! They taste great as is (IMO), or with an additional touch of fun, if you’d prefer them sweeter! 🍫✨ 
Here’s what you’ll need (makes ~6-8 depending on the size of your muffin cases):

👉500g greek yoghurt
👉100g pistachios
👉1-2 tbsp honey/mail/alt (as desired)

Chocolate of choice, melted (to serve)
Additional chopped pistachios (to serve)

*please note: I soaked my pistachios before filming this recipe, however, I have tried & tested both soaked and un-soaked versions of this recipe and didn’t find much of a difference in terms of taste/texture, the main thing is that you use a quality/strong blender.

1. In a blender, or using a hand-held blender, blend together the pistachios, Greek yoghurt, and honey/maple/alt. Blend until smooth.
2. Transfer the mixture into silicone muffin cases and freeze until set (~3-4 hours).
3. Optional to serve dipped into melted chocolate +/- additional crushed pistachios. Enjoy ♥️ | Recipe Diaries
19K reactions · 3.8K shares | If you love all things pistachio, then this one’s for you👇 (via: @dietitianrose) Simple, using only 3 ingredients, these pistachio frozen yoghurt cups are the perfect snack (or dessert) this summer! They taste great as is (IMO), or with an additional touch of fun, if you’d prefer them sweeter! 🍫✨ Here’s what you’ll need (makes ~6-8 depending on the size of your muffin cases): INGREDIENTS: 👉500g greek yoghurt 👉100g pistachios 👉1-2 tbsp honey/mail/alt (as desired) Optional: Chocolate of choice, melted (to serve) Additional chopped pistachios (to serve) *please note: I soaked my pistachios before filming this recipe, however, I have tried & tested both soaked and un-soaked versions of this recipe and didn’t find much of a difference in terms of taste/te