Doors and Windows

Replacements for many 24" bifold doors to closets. How to refashion a 32" louvered door to an attractive 28" vented door. Convert laundry closet opening with sliding doors.
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Such a clear & simple sewing required! DIY Roman Shades
Best DIY Projects: Such a clear & simple sewing required! DIY Roman Shades
Bi-Fold Closet Door Makeover:
Tutorial on how to transform yucky old flat bi-fold closet doors into stylish Shaker panel ones!
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DIY sliding closet doors. These are very very similar to what I was planning for our bedroom remodel this winter. However I'm going to use stained glass panels rather than frosted glass. And I will be routering a rabbit into the back to attach the glass, rather than using glue and mirror clips.
Add A Plinth Block to Door Trim for a Finished Look
Add Plinth Blocks to Door Trim for a Finished Look -
A Better Looking Return Air Grille
DIY with decorative sheet metal. A better looking return air grill
10+ Easy and DIYable Closet Door Ideas
The louvers in a set of bi-fold doors have been replaced with panels of frosted plexiglass.
DIY Fretwork Panels For French Doors (Plus Tips On Using A Jigsaw)
this was just very interesting. how it was done
Cheap Barn Door Hardware (The Real Thing!)
how to install square rail door track - cheap barn door hardware - 12