Founders Of HogwartsGodric GryffindorHarry Potter PlacesHogwarts FoundersImprimibles Harry PotterHarry Potter FriendsGryffindor AestheticHarry Potter PosterHarry Potter IllustrationsFounders Of HogwartsGodric Gryffindor829
Goblins Harry PotterHarry Potter HorcruxesHorcruxes Harry PotterFour Founders Of HogwartsFounders Of HogwartsGodric GryffindorHogwarts FoundersHarry Potter WikiGryffindor AestheticSword of GryffindorThe Sword of Gryffindor was a thousand-year-old, goblin-made magical sword owned by the famed wizard Godric Gryffindor, one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.[1] The sword was later used in Albus Dumbledore's and Harry Potter's hunt for Horcruxes, as a tool of...692
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