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Tibet TattooPeace In HebrewMy God Is BiggerResolutions IdeasIsaiah 40 28Bible MapsHebrew TattooHebrew VocabularyExercise Therapy“Shalom” in Krav Maga.If you should ever have an occasion to visit Israel, be it for tourism or to take an Instructor level grading in Krav Maga, you will no doubt come across the Hebrew word “Shalom”. Shalo…12
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Meaning Of ShalomJewish Words With MeaningBiblical Hebrew WordsBeautiful Hebrew WordsWords That Mean PeaceHebrew Words And Meanings BiblicalHebrew Words And MeaningsWords That Have Deep MeaningHebrew AestheticMeaning Of ShalomWord Of Faith on Instagram: “The Hebrew word for peace is shalom. It means safe, happy, friendly, welfare, prosperity, favor, and wholeness. Shalom is the state of…”447
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Torah QuotesJewish BeliefsHebrew Language WordsTorah StudySabbath RestMessianic JudaismLearning HebrewHebrew LessonsHebrew RootsTorah Quotes1.8k
Hebrew Language LearningWords In Different LanguagesHebrew Language WordsHebrew VocabularyHebrew WritingPeace MeaningLearning HebrewHebrew LessonsBiblical HebrewA Mysterious Broken Vav, A Spear And A Bone?... · Mini Manna MomentsThe genealogy of the High Priests was focused on in previous posts... High Priest in Hebrew: כהן גדול - kohen gadol; With definite article: ha'kohenLove is stronger than death it’s the glue that holds everything together with a broken vav and a shank bone of a sacrificial lamb for a covenant of peace.1.9k