
363 Pins
How To Live With Intent (Even If You're Super Busy & Stressed Out)
How To Live With Intent (Even If You're Super Busy & Stressed Out) -
Use The 'Balanced Self' Wheel To Represent Your Work-Life Balance | Infographic
Get into the habit of asking yourself, “What does my day need to look like for me to feel balanced?” Be mindful that this will look different each day. Get visual and use the below steps to balance your day by creating a 3-section pie chart. I like to call this The ‘Balanced Self’ Wheel #dailyroutine | daily routine tips | healthy balanced lifestyle | healthy lifestyle routine | balanced daily routine | work life balance tips | daily routine ideas for women
“I Paid Extra For These Seats And Would Like To Sit In Them”: Man Gets Into Argument With Entitled Old Couple Over Plane Seats
Para ustedes mis Cenicientas(de cariño)
Sanacion con Angeles y Codigos Sagrados | 💰El concepto “riqueza” se refiere principalmente a disponer de dinero en abundancia, oportunidades de negocio, bienes materiales…, entendiend... | Facebook
Sanacion con Angeles y Codigos Sagrados | 💰El concepto “riqueza” se refiere principalmente a disponer de dinero en abundancia, oportunidades de negocio, bienes materiales…, entendiend...
7 Simple Habits to not get lost in your everyday routine
We can get so caught up in our everyday routines that we forget what we are living for. Take time to refresh your soul and try out these habits. Hope it helps and remember the purpose of your everyday.