TEMPLATE WITHOUT INSTRUCTIONS ABOUT WEAVING! String art template "Veil Dance" Size is 55x55 cm. The digital download includes 3 PDF files: - The first PDF file for the first printout option. With this file, you can ask for the service of large-format printing to the printing house. Print the file at 100% scale. - The second file for the second printout option. The template is divided into 6 parts arranged on A4 sheets. You need to print all the pages combined into one pdf file. For printing - Adobe Acrobat - Print - Custom scale 100% - The third file includes recommendations for printing and nailing. The recommendations include only tips on how to hammer nails based on my personal experience. I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT HOW TO WEAVE THREADS! I give you a chance to create on your own and you will have the opportunity to create something of your own. In order to access your digital files, go to the "Your account" section (upper right corner of the screen) - "Purchases and Reviews" and then you need to find your order. To the right of the order, click Download Files. This goes to the Downloads page for all the files for that order. If you have questions, suggestions or you want a custom template, you can always find me here My website -https://demirstringart.com - https://www.etsy.com/shop/DemirStringArtStore - https://www.instagram.com/demirstringart/ - https://t.me/DemirStringArt - demirstringart@gmail.com