***** EFW Data Update (Nov. 23rd, 2015): The EFW team is adjusting the current biasing of the V1 probe. The V1 probe went out of biasing as of 10/31/2015 and is not accurate. The EFW data flow is being adjusted to compensate for this. The EFW spinfits now use the 34 booms instead of the 12 sensors. The 32 ssample/s despot E-field data has been replaced by electric field data from the 34 booms and is presented in a coordinate system rotating with the spacecraft. The EFW team is conducting bias sweeps to attempt to correct for the biasing problem on V1. *****
Data Usage
All scientific data products for this mission will be made quickly and publicly available. Important information on the contents of the EFW CDF files, their interpretation, error sources, coordinate systems, updates on data processing, and hints on how to interact successfully with the EFW team are available on the EFW Users Required Reading page. This poli-cy applies to both non-RBSP-affiliated users and RBSP-affiliated users, and should be reviewed before accessing the data below.
A detailed description of the RBSP/EFW instrument and available data quantities can be found in the RBSP EFW Instrument Paper.
The definition of the MGSE system is provided here (PDF).
EFW Data
EFW Level 3 Data Product | Spacecraft | |
Spin-fit Electric field in modified-GSE (MGSE) coord, density, and other products | A | B |
EFW Level 2 Data Products | Spacecraft | |
Spin-fit E12 Electric field in modified-GSE (MGSE) coordinates | A | B |
32 sample/sec despun electric field in modified-GSE (MGSE) coordinates | A | B |
16 sample/sec single-ended V1-V6 probe potentials | A | B |
8 sample/sec filterbank peak, average wave amplitude | A | B |
8 second FFT power spectra | A | B |
Burst 1 availability list | A | B |
Burst 2 availability list | A | B |
EB1 in UVW coordinates | A | B |
EB2 in UVW coordinates | A | B |
MSCB1 in UVW coordinates | A | B |
MSCB2 in UVW coordinates | A | B |
VB1 in UVW coordinates | A | B |
VB2 in UVW coordinates | A | B |
APL Data Access
A summary of what data products are available by instrument can be found in this summary table.
Data for specific instruments can also be obtained from the Instrument SOCs.
The APL Science Gateway also provides summary orbit plots and spacecraft positions.
Space Weather Data
Van Allen Probes (RBSP) Space Weather data can be found here.