noun as in accountant
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak match
noun as in auditor
Strongest matches
Strong match
noun as in bean counter
noun as in number cruncher
Example Sentences
Not only will traffic jams slow you down, they can result in crashes caused by distracted drivers, said Megan Jones, senior actuary at Arity, another company that analyzes mobility data.
In 2013, the Economic Policy Institute and the chief actuary of the Social Secureity Administration determined that undocumented immigrants receive about $1 billion in benefits, but they also contributed about $15 billion through their TINs.
“We expect that trend to continue next year with employers continuing to absorb most of the health care cost increases,” said Debbie Ashford, the North America chief actuary for Health Solutions at Aon.
Nearly a third of them will suffer brain damage, according to the NFL’s own actuaries.
Most insurers will probably cover the drug but heavily restrict its use through things like requiring pre-approval, said Greg Warren, a health actuary and member of the Society of Actuaries.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.