adjective as in held in great respect
Strongest matches
attractive, commendable, excellent, exquisite, great, laudable, praiseworthy, unreal, valuable, wonderful
Weak matches
A-1, A-OK, ace, best ever, cat's pajamas, choice, cool, copacetic, crackerjack, deserving, dream, estimable, fine, good, greatest, hunky-dory, keen, meritable, meritorious, neat, out of sight, out of this world, peachy, rare, solid, super, super-duper, superior, wicked, worthy, zero cool
Example Sentences
“I was then and I am now ambivalent about Jimmy Carter. He is a man of truly admirable qualities, but also of some glaring shortcomings,” he said.
Kurzel presents the iconography of America’s off-the-grid militia members — flags, swastikas, flyers in bars inviting the curious to meetings — with admirable straightforwardness.
This also reveals a level of nervousness that should not be attached to feline rescue, which is an admirable cause.
Martin says Des is "brave and admirable" for speaking out and telling his story as "a warning flag" for others.
Aspirational thinking is healthy and admirable, but not in all cases.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.