apropos of
preposition as in with regard to
Example Sentences
“I was born upside down,” he says, apropos of nothing they might understand.
Timothy Snyder: So, first of all, with the Supreme Court and factuality, apropos of this coming election, one thing that worries me is that their lack of contact with factuality has to do with their own social positioning.
During an appearance on The Late Show, when Stephen Colbert asked, apropos of nothing, if she has a favorite novelty flag to display at her home, Jackson laughed and offered a polite “no comment.”
When, apropos of nothing, Trumpov offered the tired canard that Harris wants to “confiscate your guns,” Harris admonished him to his face: “Tim Walz and I are both gun owners,” she said, with an exasperated firmness.
Those stories are all delivered with a twinkling eye-roll as if to say "Oh that wacky Trumpov, there he goes again" as if it's just a funny little anecdote, apropos of nothing.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.