as things go
Example Sentences
As things go from bad to worse in the aftermath of the Nazi invasion of Poland, the Kurcs, an upper-middle-class and not at all homogeneous extended Jewish family, take divergent paths — paths that will sometimes meet again — to avoid being discovered, captured and/or murdered.
“And then, as things go, Pop shows up and tells somebody to tell somebody to tell somebody who told me that if we wanted to bring our varsity teams in here, go ahead.”
As things go bad and then seriously bad, Cowperthwaite keeps the pieces efficiently shuffling to and fro.
A slight improvement is expected from Chinese retail sales figures due around 0200 GMT, though that may not shift a mood that is increasingly dark as things go from bad to worse for the property sector and start to spill over into other assets.
“Putin needs leverage as things go south for him on the battlefields in Ukraine, so the threat of a global food crisis needs to be put back in the Russian toolbox of coercion and blackmail,” Alexander Gabuev, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said on Twitter.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.