as to
adjective as in compared
Strong matches
Weak matches
adjective as in regarding
adjective as in respecting
adverb as in by the way
preposition as in apropos
Example Sentences
Your mileage may vary as to whether Egg Whataboutism is a feckless approach.
That has enabled the administration to wield it to justify presidential actions that arguably violate the law as well as to defeat attempts to oversee or hold the president accountable for those actions.
A world where a looming energy-supply catastrophe justifies extraordinary measures to promote fossil fuels, according to one order, but is evidently not so catastrophic as to preclude the barring of offshore wind sources, according to another memorandum.
You think back to last year and there were a lot of questions as to whether he could actually step up.
He argued that the Nazis' aim had been "to seize our country's rich natural resources and territories, as well as to exterminate the majority of its citizens".
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.