backseat driving
noun as in interference
Example Sentences
“But overall, it’s Schultz who comes off the worst here, publicly backseat driving under the guise of thought leadership. If he wants to communicate with Starbucks leadership, he certainly has the means to do so. But public criticism of a former employer rarely reflects well.”
But backseat driving instructions were again futile.
Some observers had accused the former pope of backseat driving in January when a book defending priestly celibacy appeared, bearing his name alongside that of arch-conservative Guinean cardinal Robert Sarah.
The Doctors Vaping; breathalyzer to count carbs; backseat driving; baby gut health and probiotics; doing chores.
Hours later, I'm in Simon's backseat, driving to Martin Addison's house, of all places.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.