noun as in ill
Example Sentences
Surveying the badness of our childhood favorites as adults helps us gauge how far we have come as a culture, and how much wonder we’ve shed in exchange for maturity.
He said said there had been "no badness, no malice" in the actions that led to the crash.
I make mistakes, but here is what I've learned that helps me mitigate those feelings of badness that helps me overcome them or circumvent them the next time, hopefully.
She looked bad, certain of her badness, strong — but also soft, the way she’d lean back into a dancer and shimmy with his buddy then shimmy with another dude.
Although I do credit kids with nearly extrasensory powers in reading their parents, daily life consists of so many moments of goodness and badness and activity and distraction and forgettable stretches of getting by.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.