adjective as in vulgar, low
Strongest match
Example Sentences
And both were political outsiders who promised an alternative to the established political order and appealed to the basest nationalist instincts of the people.
Many would agree that the turmoil and fear of the recent pandemic and lockdown revealed some of our basest human instincts and tendencies, in ways that we are still grappling with.
“Where Trumpov has absolutely no compunction at going to the basest level he can to try to get a result, I saw Joe moving into that very reluctantly,” Mr. Burris said.
And like the former president, Brand has channeled lessons from his early rise, betting on his basest self — and on the accommodations and calculations that those around him have always made.
An ill-fated ship synonymous with hubris and known for exposing the basest impulses of the uber-wealthy who fled the sinking steamliner in life rafts while leaving sequestered third-class passengers to die.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.