be taken in
adjective as in susceptible
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Peaceful worlds are constantly threatened by lawless criminals, hence the need for a Starfleet charter to include an article allowing for "extraordinary measures to be taken in times of extreme threat."
“It has to be taken in the context of the person, though it's probably fine for most healthy people.”
He asked for a photo to be taken in front of the school mascot.
“As such, no further action will be taken in either the criminal investigation, or the internal misconduct matter.”
An exception could be if a law ends up being written in a way that allows for the tax deduction to be taken as a so-called above-the-line adjustment, which essentially allows the deduction to be taken in addition to the standard deduction.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.