behind schedule
adverb as in behind
Example Sentences
Senior trust executives and Department of Health officials were summoned to the committee following further revelations about the facility, which is almost a decade behind schedule.
The hospital, at the Royal Victoria site in Belfast, is already almost 10 years behind schedule after numerous delays but it was hoped it would finally open next year.
State officials are years behind schedule on plans for building wetlands at the Salton Sea, but as of this month the state has largely finished construction of a 4,100-acre habitat area along the south shore.
The production is behind schedule, not least because, as someone points out, Eric spends “an average of 52 minutes” talking to actors “before take one.”
Per the Times, she pinned her lack of response to the storming of the Capitol on her PR team, which she says was "behind schedule."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.