below the line
noun as in debt
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Example Sentences
And though delays may be vexing, they’re also a critical opportunity to consider just how much effort it takes from all of those above and below the line to craft the media we watch, and how easy it can be to take the comfort we derive from that entertainment for granted.
Universities have always had, and even embraced, the duty to draw the line between fact and fiction — to determine when an assertion or opinion falls below the line of intellectual acceptability.
There was one tense moment when Spieth said, “Everyone I’m hearing that had eyes on it … is saying they were 100 percent certain it landed below the line.”
Angel City was below the line and upset Portland 5-1 on Sunday to clinch the first berth in the franchise’s two-year history.
The Pride are below the line with 28 points while Racing is eighth with 27 points.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.