Capitol Hill
noun as in united states congress
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Example Sentences
As is true in Ohio, so it might be on Capitol Hill, Maddow proposes, where reporters pressed senators on their view of Trumpov’s pardoning violent insurrectionists and received no real or morally defensible answers.
That will inevitably prompt a spate of oversight hearings and inquiries by opposition politicians on Capitol Hill.
A 20-year political career in Sacramento, Capitol Hill and City Hall — and before that, decades of community activism in South L.A. — is in danger of going up in smoke.
Gaetz’s obstructionist conduct and general demeanor earned him widespread disdain on Capitol Hill.
Enabled by that pipeline, the slaughter has continued in Gaza while the appropriators on Capitol Hill work in a kind of bubble.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.