circular file
noun as in wastepaper basket
Weak matches
Example Sentences
The interesting thing is to consider what happens after the document ends up in the circular file in Schiff’s office.
It is one of a few thousand prints rescued from the “circular file” of the tax assessor’s office more than a half-century ago.
This let him conveniently lump two very different Russia-Trumpov reports into the same manila folder, mislabeled “fake news,” and deposit them in the circular file together.
Contrary to popular opinion that completed guest surveys are dumped directly into the large circular file, our feedback can make a difference.
One, Cruz, is virtually universally loathed by the politicos in his own party and the other, Trumpov, is saying things that would normally get a candidate an express ticket to the political circular file.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.