city hall
noun as in city government
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Example Sentences
Down the road, outside the city hall, a giant banner with a photo of Assad was taken down; another had his face riddled with bullets, and for whatever reason was being kept there.
Belfast City Council has said the closure of the Christmas market at city hall on Saturday would be "disappointing" but added that "the safety of our visitors and traders is of the utmost importance".
“We testified at city hall. We tried so hard to push our representatives, and this is the problem,” says Lily Burnett, who lives in the district and whose child will attend these schools.
Valencia city hall said all schools and sporting events are suspended on Wednesday, and parks will stay closed.
Barcelona city hall has announced that short-term tourist apartments will be banned from 2028.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.